D.C. REORGANIZATION PROPOSALS HEARINGS BEFORE SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 1 OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETIETH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON H.R. 10521 PROVIDING FOR REORGANIZATION OF THE GOVERNMENT H.R. 11555 and H.R. 11635 PROVIDING FOR ELECTION OF COMMISSIONER, SCHOOL H.R. 11872 RELATING TO POWERS OF THE D.C. COMMISSIONERS, 80-903 JUNE 27, JULY 13, 18, 25 AND 31 AND AUGUST 2, 1967 CONTENTS H.R. 10521 (Nelsen) a bill providing for the reorganization of the govern- ment of the District of Columbia (being the same as the President's Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1967, H. Doc. 132). H.R. 11555 (Brown) and H.R. 11635 (Quie), a bill to provide for the election of one member of the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia, a School Board, and a nonvoting Delegate to the House of Representa- tives; to provide for the location of certain agencies under the jurisdiction of the Board of Commissioners; and for other purposes. H.R. 11872 (McMillan and Nelsen), a bill relating to the organization of the government of the District of Columbia, providing for the election of members of the Board of Education, and for other purposes – – STATEMENTS Brown, Hon. Clarence J., Jr., Representative in Congress from the State Camalier, Hon. Renah F., former Commissioner, District of Columbia--- 125 47, 59 Federation of Citizens Associations of the District of Columbia, John 146 Metropolitan Washington Board of Trade, Leonard B. Doggett, Jr., Nelsen, Hon. Ancher, Representative in Congress from the State of Schwengel, Hon. Fred, Representative in Congress from the State of Iowa.. Shipley, Carl, chairman, central committee of the Republican Party- MATERIAL SUBMITTED FOR THE RECORD American University Park Citizens' Association, Alfred S. Trask, president, 25 111 231 229 League of Women Voters of the District of Columbia, Miss Elizabeth S. Johnson, president, letter dated July 28, 1967, to Chairman McMillan__ Morris, Mrs. Edward B., letter dated July 16, 1967, to Chairman Aber- III |