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In my Father's house are many mansions.-JESUS.

No. 1.] JULY, 1820.


[Vol. I.

IN presenting my friends and the public this new periodical work, I deem it proper to state something of its object and design. The destitute situation of many societies in this and the adjoining States, re. quire for their assistance, the most unremitting and best directed labors of those, whose lives, in the gospel ministry, are devoted to their service. Nothing, we believe, has a greater tendency to promote the geveral interest of mankind than friendly intercourse; and in no way can such intercourse he more advantageously supported, than by periodical publications. The different denominations of christians anong us, have clearly seen this, and generally availed themselves of its benefits. "The Herald of Life and Immortality" by brother Smith, and "The Universalist Magazine" by brother Ballou, are vehicles of much good information; but they cannot be made so easy of access to the brethren in this part of the country, as a publication among them. The usefulness of No. 1. Vol. 1.


those publications in the vicinity of Massachusetts, can afford no just argument against the existence of another in Vermont.

The editor hopes none will have reason to complain that this work is not conducted with the moderation and candor that is suited to the dignity of the subjects it contains. He, however, wishes to have it understood, that he calculates this work on too general principles, to exclude every writer, who does not, in all points, agree with him. But each writer must consider himself accountable to the public for the ideas which he advances. Communications from all denominations of christians will receive a place, when the editor can have the privilege of assigning the real name of the author. But adverse sentiments to those of the editor will not be admitted to such a degree as to occupy a large portion of the Christian Repository. Its columns, according to what is promised in the title page, will be devoted, principally, to doctrine, morality, and religious intelligence, mostly original from the pen of the editor and others. Obitual notices, interesting anecdotes, and aphorisms will occasionally find a place. selection will be the best that he can make from the *authors that are and shall fall into his hands. Those pieces in the Christian Repository that have no signature, or where no credit is given, will be understood to be from the editor. His object, in the work, is to be governed by the language of inspiration. He calculates to avoid strife, and to disagree with none, but those who, as he thinks, disagree with the truth, and with themselves.


With these views, the editor has now only to add, that he solicits the patronage of his brethren, that this work, through the divine blessing of God, may be a mean of opening the eyes of the morally blind; giving strength to the feeble; fortitude to the doubtful and fearful; consolation to the sorrowful; that it may powerfully awaken from the slumber of sin, the

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