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Esquires, two of Her Majesty's

justices of the peace for the said Province, who have been requested by.

Esq., judge of the county court of the said district, to act in his stead in this matter), do hereby certify that... .have on this


district of.


.day of..


A. D. 188. personally .... an inmate of the gaol for the said do hereby further certify that the

is insane, and that the said

is a proper person to be confined in an asylum for the insane.

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on the..

A. D. 188

in the county of..


personally examined

gaol of the


day of

do hereby certify that I,

.in the county of ..separately from any other medical practitioner, an inmate of the common .judicial district, and I further certify that the is insane, and is a proper person

to be confined in an asylum for the insane; and that I have formed this opinion upon the following grounds, namely:

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on the.. of

was allowed by

last past, being within six months of this date, A. B., an insane person confined in the Manitoba asylum for the insane at

me, C. D., the medical superintendent of the said asylum, to return on trial to the care of his friends;

And whereas it appears to me, from information received by me, that the said

A.B. has again become dangerous;

These are therefore to command you or any of you, the said constables or peace officers, in Her Majesty's name, to retake the said A.B., safely convey him to this asylum and deliver him into my charge.

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.day of...

Whereas on the... last past, being within six months from this date, A. B., an insane person confined in the Manitoba asylum for the insane at of which I (name)

am medical superintendent (or as the case may be) did escape from the said asylum;

These are therefore to command you, or any of you, the said constables or peace officers, in Her Majesty's name, to retake the said A. B. and safely convey him to this asylum, and deliver him into my charge.

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To all or any of the constables or other peace officers in the. District of Manitoba, and to the Superintendent of the Manitoba asylum for the insane.

Whereas, information was laid before...

..of Her Majesty's

Justices of the Peace in and for the said province of Manitoba, on the oath of.... .....that...

was insane ..of Her Majesty's

and whereas enquiry has been made by. Justices of the Peace in and for the said Province of Manitoba, respecting the sanity of the said.. ...and whereas....have found and .to be insane.

adjudged the said..

These are therefore, to command you, the said constables or other peace officers, or any of you to take the said.. and......safely

convey to the Manitoba asylum for the insane, and there deliver him to the Superintendent thereof together with this precept; and I do hereby command you, the superintendent of the said asylum, to receive the said your custody in the said asylum, and there safely keep.

into dis

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(1). The names in full and age of the person and his property;

(2). Occupation, religion, country and residence ;

(3). Whether married or single, and if single, whether such person has ever been married and persons dependent upon him for support;

(4). How many children, if any;

(5.) Address of parents or nearest relatives, and in case of such relatives, how connected;

(6). How long the person has been insane;

(7). Duration of the present attack, and whether the first;

(8). How the insanity first showed itself and the supposed causes;

(9). Whether any delusions, and if so what they are;

(10). Whether the person is suicidal or dangerous to others;

(11). Whether any offence has ever been committed by the person and whether the person has been convicted of the same, with all particulars;

(12). Whether the person is subject to epilepsy or paralysis;

(13). Whether any of the other members of the person's family have suffered in a similar way, and whether the person has ever been in an asylum, and if so when and where;

(14). What have been the habits of the person as to temperance, industry and general conduct, and in what manner he has changed, whether such change has been recent, gradual or sudden;

(15). Whether the person has been subject to any bodily ailments, and if so, their nature;

(16). Degree of education of person and any other information that will in the opinion of the justice or justices aid the medical superintendent in the treatment of the case;

(17). Whether the person is idiotic, imbecile or incurable;

(18.) Whether the friends of the person or any of them, if such there be, is or are liable to contribute to the maintenance of the person while in an asylum, and which, if any, of such friends, and how much they or any of them can contribute.

(19). Municipality liable for maintenance.


C.S.M. c. 9, 8. 287, amended.

C.S.M. c. 9, sec. 291, amended.

C.S.M. c. 9, sec. 294, amended.

C.S.M. c. 9, sec. 296, amended.

An Act to amend Chapter 9, of the Consolidated
Statutes of Manitoba.-Division 8.


[Assented to 19th April, 1886.]

ER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent. of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as


1. Section 287 of said chapter 9 is hereby repealed, and the following section substituted therefor;

CCLXXXVII. The said society shall be governed by twelve members thereof of the degree of Barrister, who shall be called Benchers, one of whom shall be President, one, Secretary, and one, Treasurer, and of whom one shall be a Barrister practising and resident within the Western Judicial District of this Province, one a Barrister practising and resident within the Central Judicial District of this Province, and the remaining ten of whom shall be Barristers practising and resident within the Eastern Judicial District of this Province."

2. Section 291 of said Act is hereby amended by striking out the words "continue to" in the first line thereof, and by striking out the word "nine" wherever the same occurs therein and substituting therefor the word "twelve," and by striking out the word "may" where the same occurs after the word "election " in the third line thereof.

3. Section 294 of said Act is hereby repealed, and the following section substituted therefor;

"CCXCIV. The ten Barristers resident and practising in the said Eastern Judicial District who have the highest number of votes given for persons so resident and practising in the said District; and the Barrister resident and practising in the said Central Judicial District who has the highest number of votes given for persons so resident and practising therein, and the Barrister resident and practising in the Western Judicial District who has the highest number of votes given for persons resident and practising in said last named District shall be Benchers of the said Law Society for the term of three years next ensuing the election."

4. Section 296 of said Act is hereby amended by adding after the word "persons" in the second line thereof the words "resident and practising in any one of said Judicial Districts."

5. Section 305 of said Act is hereby repealed, and the follow-C.S.M. c. 9, ing section substituted therefor;

"CCCV. In the event of any elector placing on his voting paper more than ten names of Barristers resident and practicing in the said Eastern Judicial District, the first ten only shall be taken notwithstanding that any of such ten persons so named may be ineligible for election for any cause whatever; and in the event of any elector placing on his voting paper more than one name of Barristers resident and practicing in the Central Judicial District, the first one only shall be taken, notwithstanding that such first one may be ineligible for election for any cause whatever; and in the event of any elector placing on his voting paper more than one name of Barristers resident and practising in the Western Judicial District, the first one only shall be taken, notwithstanding that such first one may be ineligible for election for any cause whatever."

sec. 305,


6. The following Schedule is hereby substituted for that New voting mentioned in section 292 of said Act and set out on page paper. 243 of the said Consolidated Statutes.

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1. That the signature hereto affixed is my proper handwriting.

2. That I vote for the ten following persons, practising and resident in the

Eastern Judicial District of Manitoba, as Benchers of the Law Society;

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3. That I also vote for the following person practising and resident in the Central Judicial District of said Province as a Bencher of the Law Society.

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4. That I also vote for the following person, practising and resident in the Western Judicial District of said Province, as a Bencher of the Law Society.

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7. This Act shall come into force and operation at once on Act in force. being assented to by the Lieutenant-Governor.

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