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An Act to fix the time at which the Statutes of this
Province shall come into force.

[Assented to 19th April, 1886.]

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:

ment of Acts.

1. Every statute of this Province, whenever its commence- Commencement is not otherwise provided for, shall, if it be not reserved, come into and be in force on and from the sixtieth day after the day on which it was assented to; and if it has been reserved and afterwards assented to, then on and from the tenth day after the publication in the Manitoba Gazette of the proclamation announcing such assent.

2. This Act shall apply to the statutes of the present Applies to Acts


3. This Act shall come into force on the day on which it Act in force. shall receive the assent of the Lieutenant-Governor.


An Act to amend "The Master and Servants Act."


[Assented to 19th April, 1886.]

ER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent
of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as


police magi

1. There shall be no appeal from any judgment rendered or No appeal from any order made under the provisions of "The Master and judgment of Servants Act," in any case where witnesses have been heard strate. and judgment rendered or order made by any police magistrate

Act in force.

having jurisdiction in the territorial division in which a
judgment or order may have been rendered or made.
except when gust exends $25-c0— C.25-50 V.

2. This Act shall come into force and take effect from and after the day upon which it shall receive the assent of His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor.

Companies hereafter

formed may

insure against


An Act to amend the Manitoba Mutual Fire Insurance
Companies Act and the Act amending the same.


[Assented to 19th April, 1886.]

ER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as


1. Any mutual fire insurance company hereafter constituted by authority of a warrant granted by the Lieutenanthail and frost. Governor-in-Council under the provisions of "The Manitoba Mutual Fire Insurance Companies Act," or of said Act and any Act amending the same, may upon application to the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council be granted power to issue policies of insurance securing its members from loss or damage to growing crops occasioned by hailstorms or by frost, subject to the limitations, restrictions and provisions in the said Act relating to policies of insurance against fire in so far as the same may be applicable.

Same power

may be grant

2. Powers as provided by the foregoing section may be ed to compan- granted to any Mutual Fire Insurance Company at present constituted and in operation under the authority of any such warrant upon application therefor to the Lieutenant-Governorin-Council.

ies formed heretofore.


cil may make

3. The Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council may from time to or alter tariff time establish, alter and regulate the tariff of the fees to be prescribe form paid on application for warrants and supplementary warrants and manner of under the provisions hereof and of the Acts hereby amended,

of fees and

issuing warrants.


and he may designate the department or departments through which the issue thereof shall take place, and may prescribe the forms of proceeding and record in respect thereof and all matters requisite for the carrying out the objects of the provision herein contained, and such fees may be made to vary in amount under such rule or rules as may be deemed expedient; and no steps shall be taken in any department towards the issue of any warrants or supplementary warrants under

the said Acts until the amount of all fees therefor shall have been duly paid. 38 V., c. 28, s. 58; C.S.M., c. 9, s. 280.

4. This Act and the Acts hereby amended may be cited Short title. together as "The Manitoba Mutual Insurance Companies Acts."

5. This Act shall come into force on the day of its sanction. Act in force.

CAP. IV. /

An Act to amend the Law respecting Jurors and



[Assented to 19th April, 1886.]

ER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent
of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as




1. Section 139 of the Administration of Justice Act, 1885, 48 Vic., c. 17, is amended by adding thereto the following sub-section:

"(18.) Persons who profess the faith and are members of

the religious society known as Mennonites."

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sec. 139,

civil causes.

2. No civil cause shall be entered to be tried by a jury, or Jury fee in tried by a jury in this Province at the party requiring the cause so to be tried by a jury shall have deposited with the

at the time of filing

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sheriff of the judicial district in which such cause comes on taling

trial the of dollars to be applied towards

the demandin

for a Jury

payment of jurors, and shall have filed with the prothonotary C. 2, 530.

or deputy-clerk of the Crown and Pleas (as the case may be)

a receipt from said sheriff for said twenty-five dollars.

3. Nothing in this Act however shall compel a party to pay Cases excepted for a jury in any action of libel, slander, criminal conversation, seduction, breach of promise of marriage, malicious arrest

and malicious prosecution.


4. This Act shall not affect causes entered for trial previous Effect of Act to the date when it comes into force.

5. This Act shall come into force on the day it is assented to. Act in force,


Addition to
Sec. 112 of cap.


An Act respecting Probate and Administration.

[Assented to 19th April, 1886.]

ER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as

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1. Section 112 of chapter twenty-eight of the Statutes of 28 of 44 Vict. Manitoba, passed in the forty-fourth year of Her Majesty's reign, is hereby amended by adding thereto the following words:

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"and all deeds, documents and securities and writings relating to any securities, contracts or obligations affecting the estate of any deceased person which may be in the hands, custody or possession, or under the control of any person, and to compel any such person to attend and testify and to produce books and documents in the same manner and subject to the same rules of examination, and subject to the same consequences for neglecting to attend or refusing to disclose the matters in respect of which he may be examined, as in the case of a judgment debtor. 48 V., c. 17, s. 52."

2. In every case where any person applies to be appointed administrator with the will annexed, and a bond is by law required to be given, he shall in his application state, and in his affidavit of the value of the property devolving, shall depose to the value, or probable value, of all the real estate over which, or over any estate in which the executor or executors named in the will or codicil were by the said will or codicil clothed with any power of disposition, or of all the real estate, which in case of no executor or other person being appointed, was by the will or codicil directed to be disposed or otherwise dealt with, without any person being appointed to effect such disposition; and in every such case the bond to be given by such person upon his obtaining a grant of administration with the said will annexed, shall, as respects the amount of the penalty of the bond, and the justification of the sureties, include the amount of the value or probable value so stated or deposed to; and the condition of the bond in addition to the other provisions thereof, shall provide that the administrator shall well and truly pay over and account for to the person or persons entitled to the same all moneys and assets to be received by him for or in consequence of the exercise by him of any power over real estate created by the will or codicil, and which may be exercised by him.

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