Imágenes de páginas

out of the second and third lines of the said sub-section the words, "commonly known as prairie chickens, or pheasants, and partridges."

(d) By adding at the end of section thirty-five thereof the Section 35. words, "In case any overseer of highways, pathmaster or other officer appointed by a municipal council, refuses to act in such capacity, the said council shall forthwith appoint some person to act in his stead, and in default of such appointment being made by such council, the Minister may make the appointment and may determine the amount which the person he may appoint shall be paid for his services, which amount shall be paid out of the funds of the municipality, as though the appointment had been made by the council thereof."

41. "The Public Health Amendments Act, 1884," 47 Victoria, 47 Vic., c. 13 chapter thirteen, is hereby amended as follows:


(a) By striking out of the fourth line of the sixth section Section 6. thereof the words "Judicial District" and by substituting in lieu thereof the word "Municipality."

(b.) By striking out of the third line of section eight thereof Section 8. the words "Judicial District Board" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "municipal council," and by striking out of the fourth line of the third section the words "Judicial District Board" and inserting in lieu thereof the words. municipal council.”

(c.) By striking out of the fifth and sixth lines of section Section 9. nine thereof the words "Judicial District Board" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "municipal council," and by striking out of the eighth line of the said section the words "Judicial District Board" and inserting in lieu thereof the words “municipal council."

42. The Agriculture Amendments Act, 1885, 48 Victoria, 48 Vic., c. 10 chapter ten, is hereby amended, as follows:-

(a) By repealing section twelve thereof.


(b) By inserting in the sixth line of sub-section "E," of Sec. 17, ss. E. section seventeen thereof, after the word "use," the words, "as food."

(c) By inserting in the sixth line of section twenty-seven section 27. thereof, after the word "disease," the words, "or any animal respecting which there is cause for suspicion that such animal

is infected with infectious or contagious disease."

(d) By striking out of the second line of sub-section (c) of Sec. 33, ss. (e section thirty-three thereof, the word "to."

(e) By inserting in the twenty-fourth line of section thirty- Section 35. five thereof, after the word "added," the word "at," and by

striking out of the said line the word "sum," and by inserting

in lieu thereof the word "rate."


Section 42.

Section 51.

Section 53.

(f) By striking out of the fourth line of section forty-two thereof the words "judicial district" and by inserting in lieu thereof the word "municipality."

(g) By striking out of the eleventh line of section fifty-one thereof the words "judicial district board" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "municipal council;" by striking out the word "secretary" in the fourteenth line of the said section; by striking out the words "judicial district board" in the fifteenth line of the said section and inserting in lieu thereof the words "municipal council;" by striking out the words "judicial district board" in the sixteenth line of the said section and inserting in lieu thereof the words "municipal council," and by striking out of the twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth lines of the said section the words: "Any payments so made by a judicial district board shall be charged against the municipality in respect of which they were so made, and shall be refunded by such municipality to such board."

(h) By striking out of the first, second and third lines of sub-section (c) of section fifty-three thereof, the words, "by striking out of sub-section (d) all the words after the word 'thereof' in the second line of the said sub-section."


An Act to Divide the Province of Manitoba into
Electoral Divisions.

Repealed by 3.42. c. 3.570!

Short title.


divided for


Shoal Lake.


[Assented to 28th May, 1886.]

ER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as "The Electoral Divisions Act, 1886."

2. The Province of Manitoba shall hereafter be divided into thirty-five electoral divisions, which shall respectively comprise and consist of the parts and portions of the Province hereinafter described, mentioned and defined.

3. The electoral division of Russell shall comprise the county of Russell.

4. The electoral division of Shoal Lake shall comprise the county of Shoal Lake.

5. The electoral division of Dennis shall comprise the Dennis. county of Dennis.

6. The electoral division of Souris shall comprise the county Souris. of Souris River.


7. The electoral division of Turtle Mountain shall comprise Turtle the county of Turtle Mountain.

8. The electoral division of East Brandon shall comprise East Brandon. the city of Brandon and the municipalities of Elton and ornwallis.

9. The electoral division of West Brandon shall comprise West I'randon the municipalities of Daly, Whitehead, Glenwood and Oak



10. The electoral division of East Minnedosa shall comprise East the east half of the counties of Minnedosa and Riding Mountain.

11. The electoral division of West Minnedosa shall com- West Minnedosa. prise the west half of the counties of Minnedosa and Riding Mountain.

12. The electoral division of Beautiful Plains shall comprise Beautiful the county of Beautiful Plains.


13. The electoral division of Westbourne shall comprise the Westbourne. county of Westbourne.

14. The electoral division of Norfolk shall comprise the Norfolk. north half of the county of Norfolk.

15. The electoral division of Lorne shall comprise the muni- Lorne. cipalities of South Norfolk and Lorne.

16. The electoral division of Cypress shall comprise the Cypress. municipalities of South Cypress and Argyle.

17. The electoral division of Mountain shall comprise the Mountain. south half of the county of Rock Lake.

18. The electoral division of South Dufferin shall comprise South Iufferin the south half of the county of Dufferin.

19. The electoral division of North Dufferin shall comprise North Duff rin the north half of the county of Dufferin.


Portage la

St. Francois



St. Andrews.

St. Clements.


Kildonan and
St. Paul.





St. Boniface.

20. The electoral division of Lakeside shall comprise that portion of the county of Portage la Prairie north of the Assiniboine River, except the town of Portage la Prairie.

21. The electoral division of Portage la Prairie shall comprise the town of Portage la Prairie and that portion of the county of Portage la Prairie south of the Assiniboine River.

22 The electoral division of St. Francois Xavier shall comprise the southern portion of the county of Marquette., being the municipalities of St. Francois Xavier and Belcourt.

23. The electoral division of Woodlands shall comprise the municipality of Woodlands and the county of Fairford.

24. The electoral division of Rockwood shall comprise the municipality of Rockwood and the county of Gimli.

25. The electoral division of St. Andrew's shall comprise the municipality of St. Andrew's and the town of Selkirk.

26. The electoral division of St. Clements shall comprise the municipality of St. Clements, the town of East Selkirk and the county of Plessis.

27. The electoral division of Springfield shall comprise the municipalities of Springfield and Varennes.

28. The electoral division of Kildonan and St. Paul shall comprise the municipalities of Kildonan and St. Paul and townships eleven (fractional) and twelve, ranges one, two and three, east of the principal meridian.

29. The electoral division of North Winnipeg shall comprise that portion of the city of Winnipeg north of Bannatyne


30. The electoral division of South Winnipeg shall comprise that portion of the city of Winnipeg south of Bannatyne street.

31. The electoral division of Assiniboia shall comprise the municipality of Assiniboia except townships eleven (fractional) and twelve in ranges one, two and three, east of the first principal meridian.

32. The electoral division of St. Boniface shall comprise the municipality of St. Boniface and the town of St. Boniface.

33. The electoral division of Cartier shall comprise the Cartier. county of D'Iberville.

34. The electoral division of Morris shall comprise the Morris, county of Morris, and that portion of the county of Manchester west of the Red River.

35. The electoral division of Emerson shall comprise that Emerson. portion of the county of Manchester east of Red River.

36. The electoral division of Carillon shall comprise the Carilion. county of Carillon.

37. The electoral division of La Verandrye shall comprise La Verandrye. the county of La Verandrye


38. The municipalities and counties referred to herein are Municipal as described in The Manitoba Municipal Act, 1886, being an referred to. Act to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to Municipal Corporations.

39. All Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with the pro- Acts repealed. visions of this Act are hereby repealed.

40. This Act shall come into force on the day it receives Act in force. assent.


Repealed $.

An Act to further Amend the Marriage License Law,

[Assented to 28th May, 1886.]


ER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as "The Manitoba Marriage Short title. License Act, 1886."

2. The Consolidated Statutes of Manitoba, chapter eight, c. S. M., c. 8, section seventy-five, is hereby amended by inserting in the 8. 75, amended. third line of the said section after the word "Governor" the words: "or his deputy duly licensed in that behalf."

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