Imágenes de páginas

Section 45 amended.

Section 57 repealed. Section 58 amended

Section 61 amended.

Section 62 amended.

Section 63 amended.

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may deem necessary for the faithful performance of his duties, and especially for duly accounting for and paying "over all moneys which may come into his hands, and it shall "be the duty of such officers in each and every year to enquire "into the sufficiency of the security given by such Secretary“Treasurer, and to report thereon to the Department not later "than the thirtieth day of January in each year."

14. Section forty-five of the said Act is hereby amended as follows

(a.) By inserting in the thirteenth line thereof, after the word "first," the word "baptism.'

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(b.) By inserting in the said thirteenth line, after the word "marriage" the words "or funeral service."

15. Section fifty-seven of the said Act is hereby repealed.

16. Section fifty-eight of the said Act is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following words :-"In case "such searches may be required to be made and extracts to be furnished before the returns have been transmitted to the "Department, as required in section forty-three herein, "any municipal clerk shall, as to the returns in his possession, allow such searches to be made and shall furnish certified extracts on payment to him of the fee or fees as provided in "this section, but any clerk who may not have transmitted "his returns as required by the said forty-third section herein shall not allow such searches to be made or give such "certified extracts after the date when such returns should "have been transmitted."

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17. Section sixty-one of the said Act is hereby amended as follows:

(a.) By inserting in subsection (c), in the eighth line of the said section, after the word, "plover" the words:-("except the golden plover, charadrius fulvus.”)

(b.) By inserting in the thirty-sixth line of the said section after the word "section" the words "no matter where procured."

18. Section 62 of the above Act is hereby amended by adding in the fifteenth line thereof, after the word "may," "under power conferred by search warrant."

19. Section sixty-three of the said Act is hereby amended by striking out of the second line thereof the word "within" and by substituting therefor the word "on," and also by striking out of the said line the word "enclosed."

20. Section seventy of the said Act is hereby amended by Section 70 adding at the end thereof the words :-"In any case in which amended. "a veterinarian declares infectious or contagious disease to "exist he may order and enforce the removal of any animal "or animals so affected to any place which he may deem "necessary."


21. Section seventy-one of the said Act is hereby amended Section 71 by adding at the end thereof the words :-" In case the min"ister does not make any determination and declaration, as "provided in this section, the declaration of a veterinarian, as "provided in the preceding section hereto, shall remain in "force until the expiry of the period mentioned in such "declaration."

22. Section seventy-four of the said Act is herǝby amended Section 74 by inserting in the fourth line thereof, after the word amended. "causing," the words "or allowing."

23. Section eighty-eight of the said Act is hereby amended Section 88 by inserting in the twentieth line thereof, after the word amended, "animal," the words :-" In case the said magistrate shall con"sider it necessary he may adjourn the hearing of evidence "and defer the rendering of his decision for any period not "longer than three months, and in such cases the said animal "shall remain in quarantine as directed by the said veterina"rian until the decision of the said magistrate is rendered."


24. Section ninety-eight of the said Act is hereby amended Section 98 by adding at the end thereof the words:-"Any person selling "or otherwise disposing of, except by burning, any cleanings "or other refuse containing seeds of noxious weeds, from any elevator or mill, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than "twenty-five dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars."

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25. Section ninety-nine of the said Act is hereby amended Section 99 as follows:

(a.) By inserting in the first line of the said section, after the word "every," the words "municipal clerk."

(b.) By inserting in the second line of the said section, after

the word "discharge," the words "any of."



26. Section one hundred of the said Act is hereby amended Section 100 by adding at the end thereof the words:"Any such inspector may, during the daytime, enter any store, shop, warehouse, or other premises occupied by any person who vends grain, grass or other seed for seeding purposes, and may inspect such seeds to ascertain if they contain any seeds of noxious weeds, and may take away a sample of such grain, grass or other seeds if he considers it necessary for the purpose of establishing the fact that seeds of noxious weeds are contained among such grain, grass or other seeds."

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27. Section one hundred and five of the said Act is hereby amended as follows:

(a.) By inserting in the fourth line of the said section, after the word "the," the words "medical and sanitary inspection and the."

(b.) By inserting in the eighth line of the said section, after the word "the," the words "medical and sanitary inspection and the."

28. Section one hundred and seventeen of the said Act is hereby amended by striking out of the seventh line thereof the words "of the county," and by inserting in lieu thereof the words "having jurisdiction in the place."

29. Section one hundred and twenty-two of the said Act is hereby amended by striking out of the fourth and fifth lines thereof the words "of the county," and by inserting in lieu thereof the words "having jurisdiction in the place.'

30. Section one hundred and twenty-four of the said Act is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following words:"In case any such council neglects to contract with some competent medical practitioner or practitioners, as provided in this section, and such neglect continues for one month after the attention of such council has been called in writing by the Minister or Deputy Minister to such neglect, the Minister may contract with any legally qualified medical practitioner or practitioners to perform all the duties which may be performed or are incumbent upon the medical practitioner under this Act if appointed or contracted with by such council under this section, and such council shall be liable to the medical practitioner or practitioners for the fees of vaccination or for duties performed to the extent provided for by this Act, as if the contract had been made by or with such council. The acts of the medical practitioner or practitioners appointed by the Minister shall be as valid and operative in every respect as if the contract with him had been made by the council of the municipality."

31. Section one hundred and thirty-four of the said Act is hereby amended by inserting in the third line thereof, after the word "all," the words "or any persons entering the Province and of all."

32. Section one hundred and thirty-nine of the said Act is hereby amended as follows:

(a.) By striking out of the second line of the said section the word "superintendent," and by inserting in lieu thereof the words "Minister or of the Deputy Minister."

(b.) By inserting in the fourth line of the said section, between the words "of" and "the" therein, the words "any of."

33. Section one hundred and forty-eight of the said Act is Section 148 hereby amended by inserting in the third line thereof, after amended. the word "form," the words, " or for any defect which does not substantially affect the justice of the case."

Council con

34. The present members of the Board of Agriculture and Board of Agriof the Council thereof shall remain in office until the hour of culture and noon on the third Wednesday in July, A.D. 1887, unless tinued in sooner removed therefrom by the Lieutenant-Governor-inCouncil.


remain in

meeting, 1st

35. The electoral division agricultural societies at present E. D. Agriculorganized shall remain in existence until the first day of tural Societies December, A.D. 1886, on which date the members of each such existence until society shall meet for the purpose of receiving the report of Dcc., 1886. the officers of the society for the year ending on the thirtieth day of November, A.D. 1886, as provided in "The Agriculture, Statistics and Health Act, 1883," section thirty, as amended. The Secretary-Treasurer of each such society shall forthwith. after the said meeting hand over to such persons as may be designated in writing by the President and the SecretaryTreasurer of the Board of Agriculture, all books, documents, moneys and other personal property of the society.

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36. The provisions of section thirty of "The Agriculture, Provisions of Statistics and Health Act, 1883," as amended, in reference to Sec. 3 of Act the annual meetings of electoral division agricultural societies pended. being held on the third Monday in December in each year shall be suspended for the current year A.D. 1886.

the new elec

37. In order to assimilate the districts over which the Districts to be various electoral division agricultural societies shall have assimilated to jurisdiction to the electoral divisions into which the Province toral divisions. may be re-divided by any act or acts of the present session of the Legislature, a meeting shall be held in each such electoral division in the Province on Wednesday the fifteenth day of October, A.D. 1886, provided that not less than one month's notice of the said meeting is given by the Secretary-Treasurer of the Board of Agriculture, to organize an agricultural society in each of the said electoral divisions, and each meeting shall be held at such hour and place as may be mentioned in the said notice and the proceedings thereat shall be governed by such regulations as may be made by the Council of the Board of Agriculture; provided, however, that as it is not desirable that there be more than one society in the territory now under the jurisdiction of the Portage, High Bluff, and Poplar Point and Burnside Electoral Division Agricultural Society, this section shall not apply to the electoral divisions which may be established within that territory during the present session of the Legislature and the Council of the Board of Agriculture shall decide at what point a meeting shall be held

Transfer of property.


power to carry

of this Act.

in that territory on the day mentioned in that section, and shall also decide the name by which the said Portage High Bluff and Poplar Point and Burnside Electoral Division Agricultural Society shall be known after the first day of December, A.D. 1886.

38. The Council of the Board of Agriculture shall not later than the fifteenth day of October, A.D. 1886, determine the manner in which the real and personal property of each electoral division agricultural society shall be transferred to some other society or societies which may be established under the provisions of section thirty-five herein. In the case of a society being possessed of real estate due regard shall be had in making the transfer to the manner in which such real estate was acquired, and also as to the manner in which the various portions of the electoral division contributed to the acquisition of the real estate. Upon the award of the Council of the Board of Agriculture alloting such property the real and personal property of the society ceasing to exist shall vest in and become the property of the society or societies to which it shall have been so alloted. A certified copy of the minute of the meeting of the Council of the Board of Agriculturse a which such award is made or a duly certified extract therefrom under the hand of the Secretary-Treasurer of the Board of Agriculture and under the seal of the said Board shall be and be held to be sufficient proof of the transfer thereby effected and may be registered in the registration division in which any such real estate is situated without any affidavit or other proof as to the passing thereof or as to such signature or seal.

39. The Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council may make such Governor-in- further provisions as may be required to effectually carry out Council given the establishment of new electoral division agricultural socieout provisions ties, to arrange for the transfer of property, real and personal, to such societies from the societies at present in existence, and as to any other matter relating to the working or interpretation of sections thirty-two to thirty-six herein, both inclusive, and such further provisions shall have the same force and effect as if they had been enacted herein.

47 Vic. c. 10 amended.

Section 12.

Section 13.

Section 25.

40. The Agriculture, Statistics and Health Amendments Act, 1884, 47 Victoria, chapter 10, is hereby amended, as follows: :

(a) By inserting in the eighth line of section twelve thereof, sub-section (b), after the word "hundred," the words, “and fifty dollars."

(b) By repealing section thirteen thereof.

(c) By striking out of the sixth line of sub-section (b) of section twenty-five thereof the words, "the following," and by inserting in lieu thereof the word "all," and by striking

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