I hereby certify that seven (as the case may be) voters received their ballots, and six (as the case may be) deposited them in the box after marking the same, at the election held this. ..day of A. D. 18.... Q. R., Deputy Returning Officer. FORM LL. (See Clause 98.) Commission of a Deputy Returning Officer. ELECTORAL DIVISION OF........... To Q. R. (insert his legal addition and residence). of the there to take the votes KNOW YOU, that in my capacity as returning officer for the electoral division of I have appointed, and do hereby appoint, you to be deputy returning officer for the polling division number.. said electoral division of.... of the electors according to law, at the polling station to be by you opened and kept for that purpose; and you are hereby authorized and required to open and hold the poll of such election for the said polling division on the ....day of.... at nine o'clock in the fore noon, at (here describe particularly the place in which the poll is to be held), and there to keep the said poll open during the hours prescribed by law, and to take, at the said polling place, in the manner by law provided, the votes of the electors voting at the said polling place, and after counting the votes given and performing the other duties required of you by law, to return to me forthwith the voters' list, and other documents required by law, together with this commission. FORM M. (See Clause 100.) Oath of a Deputy Returning Officer. ELECTORAL DIVISION OF. R..... appointed deputy I, the undersigned Q...... returning officer for the polling division No.........of the electoral division of solemnly swear (or, being one of the persons permittea by law to affirm in civil cases, solemnly affirm) that I will act faithfully in my said capacity of deputy returning officer, without partiality, fear, favor or affection. SO HELP ME GOD. Certificate of a Deputy Returning Officer having taken the Oath of Office. ELECTORAL DIVISION OF. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that, on the.. month of.. A.D. 18 Q... deputy returning officer for the polling division No. day of the R.. .of the electoral divi sion of.. took and subscribed the oath (or affirmation) of office required in such case of a deputy returning officer, by Clause 100 of "The Election Act of Manitoba, 1886.' In testimony whereof, I have delivered to him this certificate under my hand. of the Electoral Division of.. Polling KNOW YOU, that in my capacity as Deputy Returning Officer for the Polling Division No. have appointed, and do hereby appoint you to be poll clerk for the said polling division. FORM N. (See Clauses 105 and 108.) Oath of Poll Clerk. ELECTORAL DIVISION OF.. I, the undersigned S.. the polling division No... ... of the Electoral Division of.. do solemnly swear (or if he be one of the persons permitted by law to affirm in civil cases, do solemnly affirm) that I will act faithfully in my capacity of poll clerk, and also in that of deputy returning officer, if required to act as such, according to aw, without partiality, fear, favor or affection. So HELP ME GOD. Certificate of the Poll Clerk having taken the Oath of Offux. 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that on the. month of... division No. .A.D. 18.... S...... T.. day of the poll clerk for the polling took and subscribed before me the oath (or affirmation) of office required of a poll clerk in such cases by clauses 105 and 108 of "The Election Act of Manitoba, 1886." hand. In testimony whereof, I have delivered to him this ccrtificate under my |