If by separate or subsequent Order: CANADA. Province of Manitoba To Wit: istrate of the.... on the... We, E.F., and G.H., two of Her Majesty's day of.... at the...... ...of.. . . . convicted X. Y. of having unlawfully kept liquor for sale without a license, do hereby declare the said liquor and vessels in which the same is kept, to wit :-(describe the same as above) to be forfeited to Her Majesty, and we (or I) do hereby order and direct that J. P.W.. License Inspector of the...... ....of the said forthwith destroy the said liquor and vessels." do An Act to amend "The Land Registration Act of HE [Assented to 28th May, 1886.] ER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows: 1. The notice of the sale of lands under power of sale in Notices of sale mortgages and all affidavits, declarations or other documents may be regisrelating thereto, may be registered in the registry office of the Registration Division in which the lands are situate, in the same manner as any instrument affecting the lands and such registration shall have the same effect, and the duties of the registrar in respect of the same shall be as in the case of any such instrument, and the fee to be paid such registrar for registering the same shall be fifty cents. on registration 2. The affidavit, or the statutory declaration of service, shall Affidavit, &c., be sufficient for the purpose of registering the notice pro- of notice. vided it is made by the person who served the same, and it shall prove the time, place and manner of such service, and also that the copy delivered to the registrar is a true copy of the notice served. The affidavits and declarations in the last preceding section mentioned, when purporting to have Certified copy to be prima facie proof. Registration of discharge, ment by judge's order. been sworn, declared or affirmed before the proper officer, may be registered without further proof thereof. (1.) A copy of any such registered notice affidavit, declaration or other document, certified under the hand and seal of the registrar shall in all cases be received as prima facie proof of the facts therein stated without proof of the regisrar's signature or seal. 3. A certificate of cancellation or of the discharge or partial &c., of judge- discharge of any registered certificate of judgment signed by the proper officer and under the seal of the court in which such judgment was rendered may, upon a judge's order in the cause to that effect, be registered in the registry office of the registration division where the lands affected by such registered certificate are situate in the same manner and upon the payment of the same fee as above provided in the case of a notice of sale. Judge's order to certificate (1.) A copy of the judge's order in the cause certified under to be annexed the hand of the proper officer of the court, with the seal of of discharge, the court affixed, shall be annexed to and registered with every such certificate, but no affidavit shall be required. &c. 4. Any registered certificate of judgment may be discharged or partially discharged by any person entitled to discharge such judgment, by certificate executed and registered in the same manner as certificates of discharge of mortgages and such certificate when registered shall have the same effect as a registred certificate of a discharge of mortgage. 5. Section one of "The Land Registration Act of Manitoba❞ as amended by Section 4 of Chapter 6 of the Statutes of 46 and 47 Vic., is further amended by adding after the words "decree of any court of record in this province" the words "or certificate of discharge or cancellation thereof." 6. Section 26 of said Act is amended by striking out the words "of record" where they occur therein. 7. Section 15 of said Act is amended by adding after the word "thereof" in the second line the words "or an exempli fication thereof or certified copy thereof. 2.2.c.29.57 0. V. 8. Section 54 of the said Act is amended by adding after the word "concerned" in the tenth line thereof the words "including mortgagees.' 9. Section 18 of Chapter 6 of the Statutes of Manitoba, passed in the forty-sixth and forty-seventh years of Her Majesty's reign is hereby repealed. amended. 10. Section 52 of Chapter 60 of the Consolidated Statutes C. S. M.. cap. of Manitoba is hereby amended by striking out the words 60, sec. 52, 'magnetic" in the thirteenth line thereof and inserting the word "true" in lieu thereof. ✓ CAP. XXIII. An Act respecting Affidavits, Affirmations and H [Assented to 28th May, 1886.] ER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent repealed. 1. Chapter 7 of the Acts of the Legislature of Manitoba, 47 Vic. cap. 7 passed in the forty-seventh year of Her Majesty's reign, is hereby repealed. vits, &c., for under statutes Province. 2. Any answer, affidavit, affirmation or declaration to be Who may reused in any action, suit, or other proceeding at law or in ceive affidaequity, or otherwise, or required or provided for, by or under use in courts or any existing or future statute of this Province, or affidavit in this intended to be used to procure the issuing of any writ being the commencement of any suit, or to be used on the application for mandamus, certiorari or habeas corpus, may be sworn, affirmed or declared, if within this Province, before any commissioner for taking affidavits, judge of any court, clerk of any county court, registrar or deputy-registrar or notary public; and if without this Province, before any commis- Do. outside sioner for taking affidavits for use in the Province, any notary the province. public who shall affix his official seal, any judge of any court, who shall affix the seal of the court, any mayor or other officer of a municipal corporation, who shall affix the seal of the corporation. 3. The provisions of section two of this Act shall be retroactive in all respects. Retroactive effect. CAP. XXIV. An Act to amend Cap. 5, of 44 Vic., intituled "An Act to make provision for the handing over to the Municipalities in the Province, the roads and road allowances in the said Municipalities respectively." Repealed s. 445. 2.57-530. 44 Vic. cap. 5, sec. 3, H' [Assented to 28th May, 1886.] ER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows: 1. Section Three of the Act passed in the Second Session of the Fourth Legislature of Manitoba, in the forty-fourth year of Her Majesty's reign, chaptered five, is hereby amended by striking out in the third line thereof the words "(dated February 8th, 1878)" and also by adding thereto the following sub-sections. (a) Provided that this section shall also apply to any great highway which may now or hereafter be surveyed under the authority or by direction of the Minister of Public Works, for the Province of Manitoba. (b) Provided that nothing in this Act or the Act hereby amended shall be construed in such manner as to interfere with the operation of Chapter 12 of the consolidated statutes of Manitoba, or any amendment thereto. (See foot note.) Preamble. An Act to provide for the Granting of Aid to the W [Assented to 28th May, 1886.] WHEREAS it is desirable in the interest of the Province generally that encouragement should be given to the early construction and completion of the Hudson Bay Railway and it is expedient to grant aid to the Winnipeg & Hudson Bay Railway and Steamship Navigation Company, which has undertaken the construction and completion of the said road, and that said aid should be in the form of a guarantee of interest. at the rate of four per cent. per annum upon the bonds of the said Company to the extent of $4,500,000,00 for a period of twenty five years from the date of the completion, equipment and commencement of the operation of a continuous all rail route by the said Railway Company from some point on the Canadian Pacific Railway within this Province to a port on the Hudson Bay. Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows: Co., for on 1. Authority is hereby granted to the Lieutenant-Governor- Guarantee of in-Council to pass an Order in Council guaranteeing the in-bonds of W. & terest on the bonds of the said company to an amount not H. B. R. & S. exceeding four million five hundred thousand dollars $4,500,000. at the rate of four per cent per annum as aforesaid, for a period of twenty-five years, from the date of the completion, equipment and operation of an all rail route by the said Railway Company from some point on the Canadian Pacific Railway, within this Province, to a port on the Hudson Bay, and that such Order in Council shall have the same force and effect as if its provisions had been made by an Act of the Legislature of Manitoba, and that all moneys which may become payable under and by virtue of such Order-in-Council for any interest guaranteed as aforesaid shall be a charge upon, and payable out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of this Province: Provided however, that such aid shall be so granted subject to the condition that the said guarantee should be limited to the balance of the annual interest, after deducting therefrom the net amount of the earnings of the road for year for which such interest is due, and that the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council shall have the right to appoint one director on the Board of Directors of the said Company, who shall have all the power and authority of a director of the business and affairs of the said Company. Provided further that the standard of the said railway as regards the gradients, embankments and weight of steel rails, shall be at least equal to the standard of the Canadian Pacific Railway. (See cap, 26, the secs. 4 and 5.) repealed. 2. Chapter fifty-five of the Statutes of this Province passed 48 Vic., cap. 55, in the forty-eighth year of Her Majesty's reign is hereby repealed. (NOTE.-The word "Navigation" in the Company's name has been struck out by section 4 of the next following Act.) |