Elected. 1914. Prof. C. D. BROAD, M.A., D.Lit., The University, Bristol. 1889. Prof. J. BROUGH, LL.D., Hampden Club, N.W.1. 1908. WILLIAM BROWN, D.Sc., M.D., 5, Norham Gardens, Oxford. 1917. Miss ELSIE M. BRYANT, B.A., Mayfield Hostel, Arbroath Road, Dundee. 1919. J. BUTLER BURKE, M.A., Royal Societies Club, St. James's Street, S.W. 1. 1921. L. D. BURLING, 47, Parliament Street, S.W. 1. 1913. C. DELISLE BURNS, M.A., 3, Keats Grove, Hampstead, N.W. 3. 1921. E. H. BUTT, M.A., Lower School of John Lyon, Harrow. 1906. Rev. Preh. A. CALDECOTT, M.A., D.D., D.Lit., Great Oakley Rectory, Harwich. 1920. Prof. MARY WHITON CALKINS, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass., U.S.A. 1918. Prof. E. T. CAMPAGNAC, M.A., Greengate, Dingle Lane, Liverpool. 1881. Prof. H. WILDON CARR, D.Litt., Vice-President and Hon. Sec., 107, Church Street, Chelsea, S.W. 3. 1921. WILLIAM CATMUR, 23, Terrace Road, South Hackney, E. 9. 1918. GERALD CATOR, 9, Holborn House, Baldwin's Gardens, E.C. 1. 1918. Prof. G. C. CHATTERJI, B.A., Central Training College, Lahore, India. 1908. E. C. CHILDS, M.A., 68, North View, Westbury Park, Bristol. 1918. Miss M. E. CLARKE, M.A., Lynwood, Weymouth. 1920. Miss H. CLERGUE, Albemarle Club, 37, Dover Street, W. 1. 1912. Prof. ALBERT A. COCK, B.A., University College, Southampton. 1907. F. J. O. CODDINGTON, M.A., LL.M., 42, Bank Street, Sheffield. 1895. STANTON COIT, Ph.D., 30, Hyde Park Gate, S.W. 7. 1913. G. D. H. COLE, M.A., 13, Bramerton Street, Chelsea, S.W. 3. 1921. R. G. COLLINGWOOD, M.A., Pembroke College, Oxford. 1920. F. C. CONSTABLE, M.A., Grenville, Lansdown, Bath. 1920. F. C. COULTER, M.A., Royal Societies Club, St. James's Street, S. W. 1. 1922. F. G. CROOKSHANK, M.D., 41, Wimpole Street, W. 1. 1921. Mrs. P. M. CROSTHWAITE, Highfield, King's Langley. 1917. Right Rev. C. F. D'ARCY, D.D., Archbishop of Armagh, Primate of Ireland, The Palace, Armagh. 1920. Prof. S. N. DASGUPTA, M.A., Ph.D., Chittagong College, India. 1912. Prof. WILLIAM L. DAVIDSON, M.A., LL.D., 8, Queen's Gardens, Aberdeen. 1916. Rev. A. E. DAVIES, M.A., 48, Blenheim Gardens, Cricklewood, N.W. 2. 1921. Countess DE LA FELD, 1, Carlos Place, Grosvenor Square, W. 1. 1896. E. T. DIXON, M.A., Billy Dun, Half-Way Tree, Jamaica. 1912. Miss L. DOUGALL, Cutts End, Cumnor, Oxford. 1918. Rev. JOHN DRAKE, M.A., B.D., 19, Furnival Street, E.C. 4. 1918. JAMES DREVER, M.A., B.Sc., D.Phil., Roselea, Gullane, East Lothian. 1899. J. A. J. DREWITT, M.A., Wadham College, Oxford. 1911. Mrs. N. A. DUDDINGTON, M.A., 13, Carlton Terrace, Child's Hill, Elected. 1910. Miss BEATRICE EDGELL, M.A., Ph.D., 15, Lyon Road, Harrow. 1917. Rev. A. E. ELDER, 1, Oakfield Villas, Cobham, Surrey. 1921. GILBERT ELLIOT, M.A., 87, Victoria Street, S.W.1. 1919. Prof. J. H. FARLEY, Lawrence College, Appleton, Wisconsin, U.S.A. 1914. ERIC FARMER, M.A., Royal Societies Club, St. James's Street, S.W. 1. 1920. Prof. A. S. FERGUSON, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. 1912. G. C. FIELD, M.A., D.Sc., The University, Liverpool. 1914. Miss MARY FLETCHER, 13, Ladbroke Terrace, W. 11. 1920. Miss I. FLINN, Ormond College, Melbourne. 1919. Mrs. FORMAN, 18, Drayton Gardens, S.W. 10. 1922. Miss E. MARGERY Fox, County School for Girls, Beckenham. 1918. Miss MADGE FULLER, 69, Lansdowne Road, W. 11. 1914. Miss MARJORIE GABAIN, The Manor House, Bushey, Herts. 1919. E. GARCKE, Ditton House, near Maidenhead. 1916. Miss H. GAVIN, 27, Belsize Park, N.W. 3. 1919. Rev. W. F. GEIKIE-COBB, D.D., 40, Cathcart Road, S.W. 10. 1897. Prof. W. R. BOYCE GIBSON, M.A., Lichfield, Wallace Avenue, Torrak, Melbourne. 1918. Mrs. MARY H. GIBSON-SMITH, Ph.D., 13, Fox Hill, Selly Oak, Birmingham. 1911. Prof. C. M. GILLESPIE, M.A., The University, Leeds. 1913. MORRIS GINSBERG, M.A., Teacher's Guild Club, 9, Brunswick Square, W.C. 1. 1900. G. F. GOLDSBROUGH, M.D., 125, Herne Hill, S.E. 24. 1912. Prof. FRANK GRANGER, D.Litt., 37, Lucknow Drive, Nottingham. 1920. THOMAS GREENWOOD, L. ès L., University College, W.C. 1. 1921. D. M. GREIG, M.D., 1, Queen Anne's Gate, S.W. 1. 1921. J. Y. T. GREIG, M.A., Armstrong College, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 1918. ALBERT GRESSWELL, M.A., M.D., Louth, Lincolnshire. 1921. Prof. DANIEL GRIFFITHS, Granville House, Pontypool, Mon. 1922. Rev. Canon F. GURNHILL, B.D., East Stockwith Vicarage, Gainsborough. 1920. M. A. HAFEEZ, M.A., 9/2, Kyd Street, Calcutta. 1912. J. C. HAGUE, M.A., London Day Training College, Southampton Row, W.C. 1. 1883. Right Hon. Viscount HALDANE OF CLOAN, O.M., K.T., LL.D., F.R.S., F.B.A., Vice-President, 28, Queen Anne's Gate, S.W. 1. 1917. J. S. HALDANE, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., Cherwell, Oxford. 1915. Miss S. ELIZABETH HALL, 6, Prince Arthur Road, N.W. 3. 1921. H. F. HALLETT, M.A., The University, Leeds. 1920. Miss M. HAMMOND, The University, Birmingham. 1920. THOMAS W. HAND, The Librarian, Public Library, Leeds. Elected. 1921. C. R. S. HARRIS, M.A., All Souls' College, Oxford. 1919. Mrs. E. THURLOW HARRISON, 3, Devonshire Terrace, Hyde Park, W. 2. 1918. Miss VICTORIA HAZLITT, M.A., Bedford College, N.W. 1. 1918. A. E. HEATH, M.A., 22, Abercromby Square, Liverpool. 1915. Principal H. J. W. HETHERINGTON, M.A., University College, Exeter. 1890. Prof. G. DAWES HICKS, M.A., Ph.D., Litt.D., Vice-President, 9, Cranmer Road, Cambridge. 1919. Rev. EDWARD W. HIRST, Lynton Villa, The Firs, Bowdon, Cheshire. 1912. Prof. R. F. A. HOERNLÉ, M.A., B.Sc., Armstrong College, Newcastleon-Tyne. 1918. MICHEL G. HOLBAN, British Empire Club, St. James's Square, S.W. 1. 1916. S. E. HOOPER, M.A., The Rectory, East Horsley, Surrey. 1921. Miss A. A. HORNE, 119, Ebury Street, S. W. 1. 1916. Very Rev. Dean W. R. INGE, D.D., Vice-President, The Deanery, St. Paul's, E.C. 4. 1913. ALEXANDER C. IONIDES, jun., 34, Porchester Terrace, W. 2. 1919. N. ISAACS, 53, Hunter Street, Brunswick Square, W.C. 1. 1911. Principal L. P. JACKS, M.A., LL.D., D.D., Shotover Edge, Headington, Oxford. 1918. Rev. J. G. JAMES, M.A., D.Lit., Brynhyfryd, Andover Road, Southsea. 1921. Prof. G. B. JEFFERY, M.A., D.Sc., 365, Pinner Road, Harrow. 1904. Principal F. B. JEVONS, M.A., D.Litt., Bishop Hatfield's Hall, Durham. 1915. C. E. M. JOAD, M.A., 4, The Gables, Hampstead, N.W.3. 1912. J. N. KEYNES, D.Sc., 6, Harvey Road, Cambridge. 1916. Prof. J. LAIRD, M.A., 4, Cranmore Gardens, Belfast, Ireland. 1919. S. C. LAZARUS, B.A., The University, Melbourne. 1915. Miss MARJORIE LEBUS, B.A., 11, Netherhall Gardens, N.W. 3. 1918. Captain A. E. I. LEGGE, Kingsmead, Winkfield, Windsor. 1921. P. LEON, B.A., University College, W.C. 1. 1921. Rev. R. H. LIGHTFOOT, M.A., New College, Oxford. 1908. Prof. A. D. LINDSAY, M.A., The University, Glasgow. 1897. Rev. JAMES LINDSAY, M.A., B.Sc., D.D., Annick Lodge, by Irvine, Ayrshire. 1912. Prof. THOMAS LOVEDAY, M.A., University College, Southampton. 1920. Rev. A. A. LUCE, D.D., Trinity College, Dublin. 1921. Miss JULIA LYON, B.Sc., 18, Mecklenburgh Square, W.C. 1. Elected. 1911, Prof. WM. MACDOUGALL, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., Harvard University, 1916. C. A. MACE, B.A., Ivy Lodge, Dereham Road, Norwich. 1912. Prof. R. M. MOIVER, M.A., The University, Toronto. 1918. Miss E. M. MACKAY, Skucritten House, Oban, Scotland. S.W. 10. 1910. Sir W. LESLIE MACKENZIE, M.A., M.D., 14, Belgrave Place, Edinburgh. 1918. Prof. A. MAIR, M.A., 26, Parkfield Road, Princes Park, Liverpool. 1919. Miss JESSIE A. MALLETT, 29, Launceston Place, W. 8. 1922. HENRI E. C. MARIN, 3, Rue Cimarosa, Paris (16). 1916. Rev. W. R. MATTHEWS, M.A., D.D., King's College, Strand, W.C. 2. 1918. WM. MONTGOMERY MCGOVERN, Ph.D., School of Oriental Studies, 1899. J. LEWIS MCINTYRE, D.Sc., Abbotsville, Cults, N.B. 1914. G. R. S. MEAD, B.A., 27, Clareville Grove, S.W. 7. 1912. Rev. S. H. MELLONE, M.A., D.Sc., 44, Ridgeway, Golders Green, 1920. E. MILLER, M.A., 33, Oxford Mansions, Oxford Circus, W. 1. 1915. Mrs. G. E. MOORE, 17, Magdalene Street, Cambridge. 1910. Prof. C. LLOYD MORGAN, LL.D., F.R.S., 5, Victoria Square, Clifton, Bristol. 1913. J. MURRAY, M.A., Christ Church, Oxford. 1912. C. S. MYERS, M.D., Sc.D., F.R.S., 30, Montagu Square, W. 1. 1904. Prof. T. PERCY NUNN, M.A., D.Sc., Treasurer, London Day Training 1908. Miss HILDA D. OAKELEY, M.A., 97, Warwick Road, Earl's Court, 1918. Mrs. HERBERT J. PAGE, 97, Cadogan Gardens, S.W. 3. 1919. HERBERT J. PATON, M.A., Queen's College, Oxford. 1903. Miss E. A. PEARSON, Moxhams, Bradford-on-Avon. 1921. Rev. RICHARD PHILLIPS, M.A., D.Ph., D.D., St. John's Seminary, 1916. W. A. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, M.A., Worcester College, Oxford. Elected. 1918. GEORGE PITT-RIVERS, Hinton St. Mary, Dorset. 1917. Hon. ELEANOR M. PLUMER, M.A., Mary Ward Settlement, Tavistock Place, W.C.1. 1921. Rev. W. POWELL, M.A., B.D., 34, The Avenue, Hitchin, Herts. 1922. HANS PRESSBURGER, Ph.D., University College, W.C. 1. 1913. Prof. A. S. PRINGLE-PATTISON, LL.D., D.C.L., F.B.A., 16, Church Hill, Edinburgh. 1916. Miss M. PUNNETT, B.A., London Day Training College, Southampton Row, W.C. 1. 1922. OLA RAKNES, 107, Gower Street, W.C. 1. 1914. ADAM RANKINÉ, Newstead, Monkham's Avenue, Woodford Green, Essex. 1889. Very Rev. Dean HASTINGS RASHDALL, M.A., D.C.L., F.B.A., VicePresident, The Deanery, Carlisle. 1922. M. B. RAY, M.D., 11, Seymour Street, W. 1. 1918. Rev. H. MAURICE RELTON, D.D., The Vicarage, Isleworth. 1920. Mrs. URSULA ROBERTS, 19, Woburn Square, W.C. 1. 1895. Prof. ARTHUR ROBINSON, M.A., D.C.L., Observatory House, Durham. 1920. Miss VERA A. ROSENBLUM, M.A., The University, Melbourne. 1919. Mrs. MARGARET ROSS, 2, Belgrave Crescent, Edinburgh. 1908. Prof. G. R. T. Ross, D.Phil., Rangoon College, Burma. 1921. LEON ROTH, M.A., Exeter College, Oxford. 1919. Miss E. M. ROWELL, M.A., Royal Holloway College, Englefield Green, Surrey. 1912. SATIS CHANDRA ROY, B.A., P.O. Ramna, Dacca, Bengal. 1896. Hon. BERTRAND RUSSELL, M.A., F.R.S., Vice-President, 31, Sydney Street, S.W. 3. 1921. E. S. RUSSELL, M.A., D.Sc., Fisheries Laboratory, Lowestoft. 1921. LEONARD J. RUSSELL, M.A., Brousterland, East Kilbride. 1905. F. C. S. SCHILLER, M.A., D.Sc., Vice-President, Corpus Christi College, Oxford. 1920. Prof. CONRAD ALFRED SCHIRMER, 1146, Reaney Street, St. Paul, Minn., U.S.A. 1912. Prof. J. W. SCOTT, M.A., D.Phil., University College, Cardiff. 1921. Miss ELIZABETH SCOTT, The University, Birmingham. 1918. W. E. G. SEKYI, M.A., Anibok Chambers, Cape Coast, Gold Coast, West Africa. 1892. 1917. ALEXANDER F. SHAND, M.A., 1, Edwardes Place, Kensington, W.8. 1917. Mrs. G. BERNARD SHAW, 10, Adelphi Terrace, W.C. 2. 1901. A. T. Shearman, M.A., D.Lit., University College, Gower Street, W.C. 1. 1911. H. S. SHELTON, B.Sc., 151, Richmond Road, Twickenham. 1910. Miss F. ROSAMOND SHIELDS, M.A., 289, Cambridge Road, E. 2. |