212. MORLEY, Earl of cl. 3, 936, 937, 938; cl. 6, 939, 940; cl. 7, Municipal Corporations (Wards) Bill-cont. Amendt. to leave out ("now,") and insert Municipal Officers Superannuation Bill Morley, Mr. Graves) Metalliferous Mines Regulation, 2R. 1590 Municipal Corporations (Wards), 2R. 1346 MORRISON, Mr. W., Plymouth MUNDELLA, Mr. A. J., Sheffield Army Estimates - Control Establishments, Birmingham Sewerage, 1134, 1135 Education-Children passed in Extra Subjects, Elementary Schools-Time Tables, 1360 Intoxicating Liquor (Licensing), Comm. cl. 24, Mines (Coal) Regulation, Comm. cl. 4, 30; Committee (on re-comm.)-R.P. July 8 [Bill 154] MUNSTER, Mr. W. F., Mallow Considered July 4 [Bill 145] Municipal Corporations (Borough Funds) 1. Royal Assent July 25 [35 & 36 Vict. c. 39] Bill (Mr. Leeman, Mr. Mundella, Mr. Goldney, Mr. Candlish, Mr. Dodds) c. Committee (on re-comm.); Report July 23, Considered July 26 [Bill 138] NAVY Dockyard Artisans (Pay), Question, Mr. J. D. " Experimental Gunnery-H.M.S. "Hotspur H.M.S. "Euphrates," Question, Lord Henry The Channel Squadron, Question, Mr. Bourke; 1518 212. Navy and Army Expenditure (1870-71) | NORWOOD, Mr. C. M., Kingston-upon- Resolutions considered in Committee July 22, 1588 Hull Mines (Coal) Regulation, Comm. cl. 25, 320 O'BRIEN, Sir P., King's Co. Ireland-Galway Election Petition, Res. 1852 1671 Supply-Militia Pay and Allowances, 118 Occasional Sermons Bill (Mr. Cowper-Temple, Mr. Thomas Hughes) c. Moved, "That the Bill be now read 2°" June 26, France - Deportation of Political Prisoners, 1624 13, 1703, 1705; cl. 14, 1904; cl. 24, 1976 Intoxicating Liquor (Licensing), Comm. el. O'CONOR, Mr. D. M., Sligo Co. Monastic and Conventual Institutions Commis- sion, 2R. 258, 259 Occasional Sermons, 2R. 256 Order of Business on Notices of Motion, 698 Rules and Orders, 301, 302, 303; Amendt. Parliamentary and Municipal Elections, Lords New Peers-Sat First-See title Parlia- ment New Writs Issued - See title Parliament NORTH, Lieut-Colonel J. S., Oxfordshire Water Supply (Metropolis), 1242 NORTHCOTE, Right Hon. Sir S. H., Devonshire, N. Indian Budget, 947 Army Estimates-Works, Buildings, &c. 1569 Mayo, Countess of-Queen's Message considered, ORANMORE AND BROWNE, Lord 1577 Persia, Relations with, Res. 1109 NORTHUMBERLAND, Duke of Inclosure Law Amendment, Comm. cl. 3, 1506, Parliamentary and Municipal Elections, Com- Education (Scotland), 2R. 697; Comm.cl. 50, Fenianism, 420 Ireland, State of Recent County Elections, Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act (1870) Parliament-Counts Out Amendt. on Committee of Supply July 19, Το Parliament-Private Legislation Adjourned Debate on Question [13th June] 212. Parliament-Public Business-Business of Moved, "That upon Tuesday next, and every HOUSE OF LORDS July 8-The Right Honourable Sir John Young, Sat First July 12-The Lord Plunket, after the death of July 22-The Viscount Clancarty, after the July 23-The Earl Waldegrave, after the death July 25-The Lord Gifford, after the death of PARLIAMENT- COMMONS-cont. June 28-For the Southern Division of the New Members Sworn June 28-Francis Bassett, esquire, Bedford July July County City 2-John Farley Leith, esquire, Aberdeen Parliamentary and Municipal Elections 1. Report June 21, 15 his Father Representative Peer for Ireland (Writ and Return) June 21-Earl of Wicklow, v. Lord Inchiquin, deceased HOUSE OF COMMONS June 21-For Aberdeen City, v. Lieutenant Protest thereon "Dissentient: "1. Because contests must be greatly increased 2. Because the small number of nominators "3. Because after the balloting the collection "4. Because no provision is made by fine or ment c. Observations, Mr. Gladstone June 27, 290 [cont. [cont. {INDEX} 212. Parliamentary and Municipal Elections Bill | PATTEN, Right Hon. Colonel J. W.-cont. cont. c. Lords Amendts. further considered July 1, 472 7. Commons Amendts. considered July 8, 753 Commons consequential Amendts. made by Several Amendts insisted on; several not in- c. Order of the Day for the Consideration of the After long debate, Committee appointed, " Mines (Coal) Regulation, Comm. cl. 4, 33; cl.7, - Business of the House, 1042, 1043, 1138; Res. 1418, 1951, 1954 Parliament-Private Legislation, Res. 626 Public Health, Comm. cl. 41, 1494 Thames Embankment (Land), Comm. 1586 Pawnbrokers Bill (Mr. Whitwell, Mr. Charles Mills, Mr. Morley, c. Report of Select Committee July 8 [No. 288] * PEASE, Mr. J. W., Durham, S. Civil Service-Temporary Writers, Pay of, 429 Military Forces Localisation (Expenses), 2R. 1213 1. Commons' consequential Amendts. and Com- c. Message from The Lords,-That they do not Lords Amendts. to be considered forthwith; 7. Royal Assent July 18 [35 & 36 Vict. c. 33] Patent Laws Commission Question, Mr. Bowring; Answer, Mr. Glad- PATTEN, Right Hon. Colonel J. W., Cattle Plague-Importation from Russia, 1756 Intoxicating Liquor (Licensing), Comm. cl. 14, Ireland-Galway Election, 289, 634, 1632 Mines (Coal) Regulation, Comm. 27; cl. 4, Supply-Customs Department, 746 Vaccination Acts Amendment, 2R. 926 PEEL, Right Hon. Sir R., Tamworth Ireland-Galway Election-Mr. Justice Keogh, Metropolis-Battersea Park, 1519 PEEL, Mr. A. W. (Secretary to the Board Trinity House-Beazeley, Mr., Dismissal of, PELL, Mr. A., Leicestershire, S. Birmingham Sewerage, 1128, 1129 Church Seats, Comm. 1294; cl. 3, Amendt. Parliamentary and Municipal Elections, Lords Public Health, Comm. Motion for Adjournment, |