Imágenes de páginas


MORLEY, Earl of
Acrobats, 2R. 620
Brickfields, Motion for a Return, 1745
Inclosure Law Amendment, 2R. 486; Comm.

cl. 3, 936, 937, 938; cl. 6, 939, 940; cl. 7,
941; Report, cl. 3, 1217, 1218; add. cl. 1221;
cl. 18, 1223; Re-comm. 1505; cl. 3, 1506,
1507; cl. 5, 1508; cl. 38, Amendt. ib, 1509;
Report, 1866, 1867

Municipal Corporations (Wards) Bill-cont.

Amendt. to leave out ("now,") and insert
("this day three months") (Marquess of
Salisbury); after short debate, on Question,
That (" now,") &c.; Cont. 56, Not-Cont. 77;
M. 21; resolved in the negative; and Bill
to be read 2a this day three months

Municipal Officers Superannuation Bill
(Mr. Rathbone, Mr. Birley, Mr. Dixon, Mr.

Morley, Mr. Graves)

Metalliferous Mines Regulation, 2R. 1590
Mines (Coal) Regulation, Comm. cl. 4, 1873;
cl. 5, 1876; cl. 6, Amendt. ib.; cl. 7, 1879,
1880; cl. 12, ib.; cl. 15, 1881; cl. 52, c. Committee (on re-comm.) R.P. July 2
1882; cl. 53, ib., 1883; cl. 57, Amendt. ib.

Municipal Corporations (Wards), 2R. 1346
Palace of Westminster-Victoria Tower, 1241
Registration of Births and Deaths, 2R. 858

MORRISON, Mr. W., Plymouth
Commons Protection, 2R. 591, 592
Proportional Representation, 2R. 890, 922

MUNDELLA, Mr. A. J., Sheffield

Army Estimates - Control Establishments,
Wages, &c. 1541

Birmingham Sewerage, 1134, 1135
Criminal Law Amendment Act (1871) Amend-
ment, 2R. 752

Education-Children passed in Extra Subjects,

Elementary Schools-Time Tables, 1360
Elementary Education - Revised New Code
(1871), Res. 1467

Intoxicating Liquor (Licensing), Comm. cl. 24,

Mines (Coal) Regulation, Comm. cl. 4, 30;
cl. 14, 184, 188; Consid. cl. 6, 888; cl. 11,
1005; cl. 45, 1009; 3R. 1277, 1278

Committee (on re-comm.)-R.P. July 8
Bill withdrawn * July 15

[Bill 154]

MUNSTER, Mr. W. F., Mallow
Ireland-Galway Election Petition, Res. 1837

[blocks in formation]

Considered July 4
Read 30 July 5

[Bill 145]

Municipal Corporations (Borough Funds) 1. Royal Assent July 25 [35 & 36 Vict. c. 39]


(Mr. Leeman, Mr. Mundella,

Mr. Goldney, Mr. Candlish, Mr. Dodds)

c. Committee (on re-comm.); Report July 23,

Considered July 26

[Bill 138]

[blocks in formation]


Dockyard Artisans (Pay), Question, Mr. J. D.
Lewis; Answer, Mr. Goschen July 25, 1747
- Workmen in Chatham Dockyard, Question,
Mr. Otway; Answer, Mr. Goschen July 18,


Experimental Gunnery-H.M.S. "Hotspur
and "Glatton," Question, Lord Elphinstone;
Answer, The Earl of Camperdown June 27,
281; Question, Lord Henry Lennox; An-
swer, Mr. Goschen July 1, 427; Question,
Mr. Laird; Answer, Mr. Goschen July 11,
948; Question, Captain Beaumont ; Answer,
Mr. Goschen July 22, 1516

H.M.S. "Euphrates," Question, Lord Henry
Scott; Answer, Mr. Goschen July 15, 1137
H.M.S. "Zealous," Question, Sir John Hay:
Answer, Mr. Goschen July 15, 1146
Staff Commanders and Navigating Lieutenants,
Question, Observations, The Earl of Lauder-
dale; Reply, The Earl of Camperdown;
short debate thereon June 25, 161

The Channel Squadron, Question, Mr. Bourke;
Answer, Mr. Goschen July 18, 1361-
Opening of Portland Breakwater, Question,
Mr. Edwards; Answer, Mr. Goschen July 22,



Navy and Army Expenditure (1870-71) | NORWOOD, Mr. C. M., Kingston-upon-

Resolutions considered in Committee July 22,


[blocks in formation]


Mines (Coal) Regulation, Comm. cl. 25, 320

O'BRIEN, Sir P., King's Co.

Ireland-Galway Election Petition, Res. 1852
Military Forces Localisation (Expenses), 2R.


Supply-Militia Pay and Allowances, 118
Volunteer Corps, 151, 153

Occasional Sermons Bill

(Mr. Cowper-Temple, Mr. Thomas Hughes)

c. Moved, "That the Bill be now read 2°" June 26,

[blocks in formation]

France - Deportation of Political Prisoners,


13, 1703, 1705; cl. 14, 1904; cl. 24, 1976
Ireland-Galway Election Petition, Res. 1852
Mines (Coal) Regulation, Comm. cl. 7, 42, 43,
45; cl. 16, 308; cl. 48, 517, 650; cl. 63, 665;
cl. 68, 666

Intoxicating Liquor (Licensing), Comm. el.

O'CONOR, Mr. D. M., Sligo Co.

Monastic and Conventual Institutions Commis-

sion, 2R. 258, 259

Occasional Sermons, 2R. 256
Parliament-Questions, &c.
Morning Sittings, 20

Order of Business on Notices of Motion, 698
Public Business, 1141, 1144; Res. 1417,

Rules and Orders, 301, 302, 303; Amendt.
704, 707

Parliamentary and Municipal Elections, Lords
Amendts. 360, 479, 1051
Proportional Representation, 2R. 925
Public Health, Comm. 1270; cl. 20, 1401

New Peers-Sat First-See title Parlia-


New Writs Issued - See title Parliament
New Members Sworn-See title Parliament

NORTH, Lieut-Colonel J. S., Oxfordshire
Supply- Eyre's, Ex-Governor, Costs, 818
Volunteer Corps, 148

Water Supply (Metropolis), 1242

NORTHCOTE, Right Hon. Sir S. H.,

Devonshire, N.

Indian Budget, 947

Army Estimates-Works, Buildings, &c. 1569
Railways (Ireland), 2R. Motion for Adjourn-
ment, 1342

[blocks in formation]

Mayo, Countess of-Queen's Message considered, ORANMORE AND BROWNE, Lord


Persia, Relations with, Res. 1109


Inclosure Law Amendment, Comm. cl. 3, 1506,
1507; add. cl. Motion for Report, 1509,
1510; Report, Amendt. 1864

Parliamentary and Municipal Elections, Com-
mons Amendts. 763

Education (Scotland), 2R. 697; 50,
1026; cl. 66, Amendt. 1031

Fenianism, 420

Ireland, State of Recent County Elections,
95, 96, 97

Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act (1870)
Amendment (No. 2), 3R. Amendt. 422
Prisons (Ireland), Comm. cl. 8, Amendt. 98
Treaty of Washington, 2R. 945

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Parliament-Counts Out

Amendt. on Committee of Supply July 19, Το
leave out from "That," and add "every
Member taking notice that 40 Members are
not present shall do so from his place" (Mr.
Bowring) v. July 19, 1472; Question pro-
posed, "That the words, &c.;" after short
debate, Amendt. withdrawn

Parliament-Private Legislation

Adjourned Debate on Question [13th June]
resumed July 4, 626; after debate, Debate
further adjourned till Thursday 18th July


Parliament-Public Business-Business of
the House

Moved, "That upon Tuesday next, and every
succeeding Tuesday, during the remainder of
the Session, Orders of the Day have pre-
cedence of Notices of Motions, Government
Orders of the Day having priority" (Mr.
Gladstone) July 19, 1417; after short debate,
Motion agreed to

New Peer

July 8-The Right Honourable Sir John Young,
baronet, created Baron Lisgar

Sat First

July 12-The Lord Plunket, after the death of
his Uncle

July 22-The Viscount Clancarty, after the
death of his Father

July 23-The Earl Waldegrave, after the death
of his Grandfather

July 25-The Lord Gifford, after the death of


June 28-For the Southern Division of the
West Riding of the County of
York, v. Viscount Milton, Chiltern

New Members Sworn

June 28-Francis Bassett, esquire, Bedford





2-John Farley Leith, esquire, Aberdeen
11-Walter Thomas William Spencer
Stanhope, esquire, The West Riding
of the County of York (Southern

Parliamentary and Municipal Elections
Bill (Lord President)

1. Report June 21, 15
(No. 157)
Moved, "That the Bill be now read 3a"
June 25, 157; after short debate, on Ques-
tion, that the Bill be now read 3a? resolved
in the affirmative: Bill read 34 (No.168)
Moved, after Clause 2 to insert the following
clause :-

[ocr errors][merged small]

his Father

Representative Peer for Ireland

(Writ and Return)

June 21-Earl of Wicklow, v. Lord Inchiquin,


New Writs Issued

June 21-For Aberdeen City, v. Lieutenant
Colonel William Henry Sykes, de-

Protest thereon


"1. Because contests must be greatly increased
in number, as no such preliminary meetings
can be held before an election as will be any
guides to candidates of their chances of
success, from the secrecy which will prevent
many from declaring their opinions

2. Because the small number of nominators
might greatly increase the number of candi-
dates in a constituency of 2,000 voters (where
only one candidate can be elected), so that
where two candidates might poll 1,000 votes
each, out of 20 candidates polling near 100
each 19 might be defeated and the election
carried by a candidate polling a little more
than a tenth part of the voters

"3. Because after the balloting the collection
of ballot boxes and counting of the papers
would make a declaration of the poll a subject
of suspense and delay for many days in large
constituencies, which would greatly tend to
excitement and ill-feeling, and defeat one
great object of the Reform Bill of 1832,
which was to shorten as much as possible
the duration of elections, besides being con-
trary to the declared intention of the Ballot

"4. Because no provision is made by fine or
otherwise for preventing committee rooms
being held in public houses, or for closing them
during any part of the day of election, both
which precautions have been the subjects of
many, Petitions to both Houses of Parlia-


c. Observations, Mr. Gladstone June 27, 290
Lords Amendts. considered June 28, 347
Amendts. agreed to, and disagreed to
Further consideration of Lords Amendts. ad-





[blocks in formation]

Parliamentary and Municipal Elections Bill | PATTEN, Right Hon. Colonel J. W.-cont.


c. Lords Amendts. further considered July 1, 472
Amendts. agreed to, and disagreed to
Committee appointed, "to draw up Reasons to
be assigned to the Lords for disagreeing to
the Amendts. to which this House hath dis-
agreed;" List of the Committee, 485

7. Commons Amendts. considered July 8, 753
Commons Amendts. to Lords Amendts. and

Commons consequential Amendts. made by
the Lords, considered

Several Amendts insisted on; several not in-
sisted on; and Commons Amendts. agreed to;
and a Committee appointed to prepare
reasons to be offered to the Commons for the
Lords insisting on the said Amendts.; the
Committee to meet forthwith; report from
the Committee of the reasons; read, and
agreed to; and a message sent to the Com-
mons to return the said Bill, with Amendts.
and reasons

c. Order of the Day for the Consideration of the
Lords' Reasons read July 12, 1043
Lords Amendt. and Reasons for disagreeing to
one of the consequential Amendts. made by
this House to the Bill, and for insisting on
certain Amendts. to which this House hath
disagreed, considered

[ocr errors][merged small]

After long debate, Committee appointed, "
draw up Reasons to be assigned to The Lords
for disagreeing to the Amendt. to which this
House hath disagreed; and for insisting on
its disagreement to certain other Amendts.
on which The Lords insist;
Committee, 1067
List of the
Reasons for disagreement to The Lords Amendt.
and for insisting on disagreement to certain
other Amendts. on which The Lords insist,
reported, and agreed to; to be communi-
cated to The Lords

Mines (Coal) Regulation, Comm. cl. 4, 33; cl.7,
44; cl. 45, 502


Business of the House, 1042,

1043, 1138; Res. 1418, 1951, 1954
Select Committees-Expenses of Witnesses,

Parliament-Private Legislation, Res. 626
Parliamentary and Municipal Elections, Lords
Amendts. 375

Public Health, Comm. cl. 41, 1494
Railways (Ireland), 2R. 1329
Supply-Militia Pay and Allowances, 116
Volunteer Corps, 141

Thames Embankment (Land), Comm. 1586

Pawnbrokers Bill

(Mr. Whitwell, Mr. Charles Mills, Mr. Morley,
Mr. Plimsoll)

c. Report of Select Committee July 8 [No. 288]
Bill reported July 8
Committee (on re-comm.)—R.P. July 12
[Bills 173-233]
Committee (on re-comm.)—R.P. July 15
Committee (on re-comm.); Report July 16
Considered July 27


PEASE, Mr. J. W., Durham, S.

Civil Service-Temporary Writers, Pay of, 429
Metalliferous Mines Regulation, Comm. cl. 5,
Amendt. 717; cl. 9, 721; cl. 23, Amendt.

Military Forces Localisation (Expenses), 2R.


1. Commons' consequential Amendts. and Com-
mons' Reasons for disagreeing to some of the
Amendts. made by the Lords, considered
July 15, 1122; after short debate, Amendts.
not insisted on

c. Message from The Lords,-That they do not
insist on their Amendts. to the Parlia-
mentary and Municipal Elections Bill to
which this House disagrees; and agree to the
Amendts. made by this House to the Bill
with Amendts., to which they desire the
concurrence of this House

Lords Amendts. to be considered forthwith;
considered, and agreed to

7. Royal Assent July 18 [35 & 36 Vict. c. 33]
c. Questions, Mr. Collins; Answers, Mr. Bruce
July 19, 1416; July 25, 1751

Patent Laws Commission

Question, Mr. Bowring; Answer, Mr. Glad-
stone June 27, 283

PATTEN, Right Hon. Colonel J. W.,
Lancashire, N.

Cattle Plague-Importation from Russia, 1756
Church Seats, Comm. 1294

Intoxicating Liquor (Licensing), Comm. cl. 14,
1903; cl. 24, 1967

Ireland-Galway Election, 289, 634, 1632

Mines (Coal) Regulation, Comm. 27; cl. 4,
Amendt. 35; cl. 7, 42, 43, 45; cl. 11,
Amendt. 46; cl. 12, Amendt. 182; cl. 16, 305,
308, 311, 314; cl. 24, 317; cl. 25, 321;
cl. 30, 331; cl. 39, Amendt. 332; cl. 47,
507; cl. 48, 523, 643, 646, 661; add. cl.
710, 714; cl. 11, 1005; cl. 24, 1008; cl. 45,

Supply-Customs Department, 746

Vaccination Acts Amendment, 2R. 926

PEEL, Right Hon. Sir R., Tamworth
Birmingham Sewerage, 1134, 1135
France-Deportation of Political Prisoners,
1622, 1623, 1624

Ireland-Galway Election-Mr. Justice Keogh,

Metropolis-Battersea Park, 1519

PEEL, Mr. A. W. (Secretary to the Board
of Trade), Warwick Bo.
Supply-Harbours, &c. 471
Tramways (Metropolis), 102

Trinity House-Beazeley, Mr., Dismissal of,

PELL, Mr. A., Leicestershire, S.

Birmingham Sewerage, 1128, 1129

Church Seats, Comm. 1294; cl. 3, Amendt.

Parliamentary and Municipal Elections, Lords
Amendts. 1066

Public Health, Comm. Motion for Adjournment,
1082, 1251; cl. 10, 1391, 1392; cl. 18, 1398

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