Imágenes de páginas
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LAWRENCE, Mr. Alderman W., London

Intoxicating Liquor (Licensing), 2R. 1001;
Comm. cl. 12, Amendt. 1693, 1695; cl. 13,
1703, 1705; cl. 15, 1911; cl. 19, 1914;
cl. 24, 1988

Mines (Coal) Regulation, Comm. cl. 4, 40;
cl. 16, 311; 3R. 1277
Parliament-Private Legislation, Res. 630
Royal Parks and Gardens-Regulations, 1751
Supply-Houses of Parliament, 438

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[blocks in formation]

Mines (Coal) Regulation, Comm. cl. 4, 35;
cl. 13, 183; cl. 14, ib.; cl. 16, 306; cl. 19,
316; cl. 24, Amendt. ib., 318; cl. 25, Amendt.
319, 327; cl. 29, Amendt. 328; cl. 42, 498;
cl. 45, 504; cl. 47, 507; cl. 48,515; add. cl.
709, 714; Consid. add. cl. 875, 882; cl. 6,
888; cl. 45, 1009

Navy Estimates-Admiralty Office, 1186, 1187
Parliamentary and Municipal Elections, Lords
Amendts. 1064

[blocks in formation]

Intoxicating Liquor (Licensing), Comm. cl. 5, c. Read 10 (Mr. Walpole) July 19 [Bill 259]

1677; cl. 7, 1679, 1682; cl. 12, 1686, 1693,

1696, 1697, 1699, 1700; cl. 14, 1890, 1898;
cl. 24, 1972, 1988

Public Health, Comm. 1081

Vaccination Acts Amendment, 2R. 931

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Read 3a July 12

Read 2°,

and referred to a Select Comm.

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Local Government Board (Ireland) Bill | LONGFORD, Earl of-cont.

(Marquess of Hartington, Mr. Attorney

General for Ireland)

[blocks in formation]

Intoxicating Liquor (Licensing), 2R. 996;
Comm. cl. 5, Amendt. 1676, 1678; cl. 6,
Amendt. ib.; cl. 7, 1681; cl. 9, 1683; cl. 12,
1693; cl. 13, 1702; cl. 14, 1891; Amendt.
1900, 1904, 1905; cl. 17, Amendt. 1912;
cl. 19, Amendt. 1914; cl. 24, 1957, 1959,
1972, 1986; Amendt. 1989

India-Kirwee Prize Money, Motion for an
Address, 1408

Wild Birds Protection, 2R. 1884

LOPES, Sir Massey, Devonshire, S.

Local Taxation - Annual Prosecution Ex-
penses, 427

Public Health, Comm. 1244; cl. 41, Amendt.

LOWE, Right Hon. R., see CHANCELLOR

LOWTHER, Mr. J., York City

Army-Yeomanry Adjutants, 949, 950, 1363
Birmingham Sewerage, 1136
Education (Scotland), Consid. cl. 68, 176;
cl. 69, 178

Intoxicating Liquor (Licensing), Comm. cl. 14,
1896; cl. 22, 1919; cl. 24, 1979

Mines (Coal) Regulation, Consid. add. cl. 881;
cl. 45, 1009

Municipal Corporations (Wards), 3R. 749
Parliament-Public Business, Res. 1429, 1952
Parliamentary and Municipal Elections, Lords
Amendts. 1063

Proportional Representation, 2R. 920

LUBBOCK, Sir J., Maidstone

Albert and European Life Assurance Com-
panies, Res. 404
Elementary Education - Revised New Code
(1871), Res. 1454, 1465
Mines (Coal) Regulation, Comm. cl. 48, 643
Parliament-Public Business, Res. 1428

Lusk, Mr. Alderman A., Finsbury
Army Estimates-Works, Buildings, &c. 1569
Mines (Coal) Regulation, Comm. cl. 25, 327 ;

Consid. add. cl. 881
Supply-Houses of Parliament, 448

New Offices in Downing Street, 452


Education (Scotland), Comm. cl. 66, 1031;
Report, cl. 66, 1235

Endowed Schools Commissioners Hughes'
Charity, Beaumaris, Motion for an Address,

Parliamentary and Municipal Elections, Lords MCARTHUR, Mr. W., Lambeth

Amendts. 377

Sale of Liquors on Sunday, 2R. 617
Supply-Houses of Parliament, 446

New Offices in Downing Street, 450
Thames Embankment (Land), Comm. 1585
Tramways (Metropolis), 102

LONDON, Bishop of

Fiji Islands, Motion for an Address, 192, 214;
Amendt. 218, 219

India-Bank of Bengal, 288
Railways (Ireland), 2R. 1341

MCCLURE, Mr. T., Belfast

Ireland-Case of W. J. Gray, 1625

Trusts of Benefices and Churches, Report, 416; MACFIE, Mr. R. A., Leith, &c.

3R. 625


Army - Purchase and the Scientific Corps,
Queen's Answer to Address, Motion for
Adjournment, 267, 269

Brickfields, Motion for a Return, 1745

Army Estimates-Works, Buildings, &c. 1563

Copyright, International, 1128

Education (Scotland), Comm. 25

Occasional Sermons, 2R. 257

Supply-Houses of Parliament, 437

Post Office and Inland Revenue Buildings,


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Constabulary Force, 701, 955


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Ireland-Galway Election Petition, Res. 1852; Mayo, Countess of

Motion for Adjournment, 1854, 1855

Parliament-Public Business, 1143

Railways (Ireland), 2R. 1336, 1340

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Message from the Queen delivered by the Duke
of Argyll July 19, 1404

Ordered, That the said Message be taken into
Consideration on Monday next
Message considered July 22, 1499

Moved, "That an humble Address be presented
to Her Majesty, to return Her Majesty the
thanks of this House for Her Majesty's most
gracious Message informing this House, That
Her Majesty taking into consideration the
distinguished services performed by the late
Richard Southwell, Earl of Mayo, Her Ma-
jesty's Viceroy and Governor-General of
India, and the loss of his life in Her service
and in the discharge of public duty, and
being desirous in recognition of such services
and in view of the circumstances of his death
to confer some signal mark of Her favour
upon his widow, Blanche Julia, Countess of
Mayo, recommends it to the House of Lords
to concur in enabling Her Majesty to make
provision for securing to the Countess of
Mayo a pension of one thousand pounds per
annum for the term of her natural life;' and
to assure Her Majesty that this House will
cheerfully concur in such measures as may
be necessary for securing to Blanche Julia,
Countess of Mayo, a pension of one thousand
pounds per annum for the term of her na-
tural life" (The Duke of Argyll); after short
debate, Address agreed to, Nemine Dissen-


Message from Her Majesty brought up, and
read by Mr. Speaker July 19, 1416
Moved, "That the Message be taken into Con-
sideration on Monday next" (Mr. Gladstone);
Motion agreed to

Message from Her Majesty considered in Com-
mittee July 22, 1570


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Metrical System-The International Com-

Question, Mr. J. B. Smith; Answer, Viscount
Enfield July 18, 1366


Battersea Park, Question, Mr. Cowper-Temple;
Answer, Mr. Ayrton July 22, 1519
Courts of Justice, The New - The Strand
Front, Question, Mr. Cavendish Bentinck;
Answer, Mr. Ayrton July 5, 699

Hyde Park - Guards Drill, Question, Mr.
Robertson; Answer, Mr. Ayrton July 4, 636
Metropolitan Gas Companies, Question, Mr.
Stephen Cave; Answer, Mr. Chichester For-
tescue July 8, 794
Metropolitan Police-Alleged Violence at Acton,
Answer, Mr. Bruce

estion, Mr. Eykyn;

July 8, 791
Parliament Street, Question, Mr. Baillie Coch-
rane; Answer, Mr. Ayrton July 19, 1413
Public Offices, The New-King Street, West-
minster, Question, Mr. W. H. Smith; Answer,
Mr. Ayrton July 25, 1752

Science and Art Museum, East London, Ques-
tion, Mr. Holms; Answer, Mr. W. E.
Forster July 11, 947

Smoke Prevention Act-The Lambeth Potteries,
Question, Mr. Heygate; Answer, Mr. Bruce
July 24, 1706

Water Supply-Bermondsey, Questions, Mr.
Kay-Shuttleworth; Answers, Mr. Chichester
Fortescue, Mr. Stansfeld June 27, 284;
June 28, 346; Question, Observations, Mr.
Kay-Shuttleworth; Reply, Mr. Chichester
Fortescue July 11, 955; Question, Colonel
North; Answer, Mr. Chichester Fortescue
July 16, 1242

Metropolitan Board of Works

Buildings on the Thames Embankment, Ques-
tions, Mr. Crawford; Answers, Colonel
Hogg July 8, 792; Questions, Dr. Brewer,
Mr. Collins; Answers, Mr. Ayrton July 12,


Metropolitan Police Superannuation Bill
(Mr. Winterbotham, Mr. Secretary Bruce)
[Bill 207]

c. Ordered; read 1°* June 21

Arthur Peel)

Bill ordered ;

[Bill 216]

[Bill 258]

Committee *-R.P. July 1
Bill withdrawn* July 15

Merchant Shipping Code Bill of 1871

Read 20 June 27

Question, The Earl of Belmore; Answer, Earl Metropolitan Tramways Provisional
Cowper July 15, 1121

Metalliferous Mines Regulation (re-comm.)


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Orders Suspension Bill

(Mr. Arthur Peel, Mr. Chichester Fortescue)

Read 20 July 8

Committee; Report July 10

c. Ordered; read 1°* July 1

[Bill 151]

[Bill 236]

1. Read 1** (Earl of Morley) July 18 (No. 229)

Bill read 2a, after short debate July 23, 1590

Committee July 26

(No. 256)

Considered July 12

Read 30 July 15

1. Read 1** (Earl Cowper) July 16

Read 2 July 22

Committee; Report July 23

Read 3 July 25

[Bill 219]

(No. 220)

Royal Assent August 6 [35 & 36 Vict. c. 43]

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Order for Consideration, as amended, read
July 9, 874; further Consideration deferred
Further Consideration resumed July 11, 1003
Moved, "That the Bill be now read 30"
July 16, 1275

Amendt. to leave out from "be" and add
"re-committed, in respect of Clauses 11 and
30" (Mr. Francis Sharp Powell) v.; after
short debate, Question, "That the words,
&c." put, and negatived; words added;

Rome - Vatican, Diplomatic Relations with,


Vaccination Acts Amendment, 2R. Amendt.


Wild Birds Protection, Consid. Schedule,
Amendt. 1298

MONSELL, Right Hon. W. (Postmaster
General), Limerick Co.

Post Office-Questions, &c.

Exeter, Postmastership of, 1243, 1244
Glasgow Telegraph Office, 344
Telegrams, 1127, 1748
United States-Postage Rates, 1517
West Indies, Postage to, 632

Supply-Post Office Packet Service, 155, 156

MONTAGU, Right Hon. Lord R., Hunting-


Public Health, Comm. 1252


Education (Scotland), 2R. 696

MONTGOMERY, Sir G. G., Peeblesshire
Tweed Fisheries, Res. 1286

main Question, as amended, put, and agreed MORGAN, Mr. G. Osborne, Denbighshire

to; Bill re-committed, in respect of Clauses 11

and 30; Committee; Report; Considered

On Question, "That the Bill be read 3o; " after
further short debate, Motion agreed to; Bill
read 3o

[Bill 240]

1. Read 1** (Earl of Morley) July 16 (No.224)
Read 2 July 23, 1590
Committee July 26, 1869

MINTO, Earl of

Education (Scotland), Report, cl. 66, 1237

Burials, Comm. Amendt. 220, 221

County Court Circuit, Mid Wales, 637, 957
Intoxicating Liquor (Licensing), Comm. cl. 7,
Amendt. 1679, 1681

Judicial Organization, Report of Committee,

Res. 1935

Mines (Coal) Regulation, Comm. cl. 4, 36;
cl. 14, 187

Parliamentary and Municipal Elections, Lords
Amendts. 478, 1048

Sale of Liquors on Sunday, 2R. 609
Supply-Eyre's, Ex-Governor, Costs, 335
3 X

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