While the battle rages loud and long, And the stormy tempests blow. The spirit of your fathers Britannia needs no bulwark, - She quells the floods below, - The meteor flag of England Shall yet terrific burn, K 132 A TUFT OF GREEN MOSS IN THE AFRICAN DESERT. ON MUNGO PARK'S FINDING A TUFT OF GREEN MOSS IN THE AFRICAN DESERT. - Edinburgh Christian Herald. THE Sun had reached its midday height, And poured down floods of burning light On Afric's burning land; No cloudy veil obscured the sky, And the hot breeze that struggled by Was filled with glowing sand. No mighty rock upreared its head To glad the dazzled eyes, were seen, But one wide, sandy main. Dauntless and daring was the mind And, ah! shall we less daring show, Than ever heroes dream; Who seek to lead the savage mind The precious fountain-head to find Whence flows salvation's stream? Let peril, nakedness, and sword, Hot, barren lands, and despot's word, Our burning zeal oppose; A TUFT OF GREEN MOSS IN THE AFRICAN DESERT. 133 Yet, martyr-like, we'll lift the voice, And blossom as the rose. Sad, faint, and weary, on the sand Our traveller sat him down; his hand Covered his burning head; Above, beneath, behind, around, No resting for the eye he found; All nature seemed as dead. One tiny tuft of moss alone, Mantling with freshest green a stone, Fixed his delighted gaze; And, while he raised the tendril wild, His lips o'erflowed with praise. O, shall not He who keeps thee green, He who commands the dew to feed Thy gentle flower can surely lead Me from a scorching grave. The heaven-sent plant new hope inspired, New courage all his bosom fired, And bore him safe along, Till, with the evening's cooling shade, He slept within the verdant glade, Lulled by the negro's song. Thus we, in this world's wilderness, Where sin and sorrow, guilt, - distress, Seem undisturbed to reign, 134 LANDING OF THE PILGRIM FATHERS. May faint because we feel alone, And join our homeward strain. Yet often, in the bleakest wild Of this dark world, some heaven-born child, Expectant of the skies, Amid the low and vicious crowd, Or in the dwellings of the proud, Meets our admiring eyes. From gazing on the tender flower, We lift our eye to Him whose power Hath all its beauty given; Who in this atmosphere of death Hath given it life, and form, and breath, And brilliant hues of heaven. Our drooping faith, revived by sight, Anew her pinions plumes for flight, New hope distends the breast; With joy we mount on eagle wing, With bolder tone our anthem sing, And seek the pilgrim's rest. LANDING OF THE PILGRIM FATHERS. - THE breaking waves dashed high And the heavy night hung dark When a band of exiles moored their bark On the wild New England shore. Not as the conqueror comes, They, the true-hearted, came; Not as the flying come, In silence and in fear, They shook the depths of the desert's gloom With their hymns of lofty cheer. Amidst the storm they sang, And the stars heard and the sea! And the sounding aisles of the dim wood rang To the anthems of the free! The ocean-eagle soared From his nest by the white wave's foam, And the rocking pines of the forest roared, This was their welcome home! There were men with hoary hair Away from their childhood's land? There was woman's fearless eye, Lit by her deep love's truth; There was manhood's brow serenely high, |