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BORN and nurtured in the bosom of Presbyterianism, graduated at her most honoured seat of learning in America, himself a Presbyterian clergyman of no mean reputation; the writer of the following pages came in due time, by the blessing of GOD, to see the errors of that system, and to look earnestly for the Church most clearly identified by doctrine and usage with that built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, JESUS CHRIST himself being the chief corner-stone.

Called to forsake error, he reasoned not with flesh and blood. How he reasoned, submitting himself to the light shining down from above on his faithfully continued efforts; how he searched the records which our LORD JESUS CHRIST, fulfilling His promise to be with His Church in all ages, hath caused to be preserved for its most certain guidance, let these pages testify.

But, was it nothing, to break asunder all the ties of youth and manhood, even though called as were Patriarchs, Prophets and Apostles, by no un certain voice, and for the kingdom of God's sake? In a worldly sense it was the loss of all things; but he of whom we now speak was enabled to take up the cross; and to the earnest Christian man seeking for truth through many countries, over whom the billows of the world have rolle he has left encouragement, in the certain traces of one who has but lately gone before. He has left

"Footprints that perhaps another,
Sailing o'er Life's solemn main-
A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
Seeing, may take heart again."

Being established in the faith and order of the Church, he was ready at a moment's warning, to go just where the way seemed appointed for him. After a short term of service in New York, as assistant of the venerable Dr. Milnor, he removed to the island of St. Croix, where he laboured, un til his failing health compelling him to seek again a northern climate, he became, for a short time, Rector of St. Luke's Church, Rossville, Staten Island. From this position he was called to take the lead in the great enterprise of establishing the Church on our Pacific borders. He founded Trinity Church in San Francisco, and there he faithfully fulfilled the remaining days of his ministry, counting not his life dear unto himself. The success of his ministry was great, though attained through much tribulation. Tasks, dangers and difficulties that appalled other men were assumed and encountered by him with a firm reliance on Divine aid, and a perseverance that nothing could resist; self-denial was his daily habit; a power of self-sacrifice had been given to him when he first submitted his own to the Divine will. To other and bitter trials, disease, which had early fastened upon him, added its lingering pains and mortal sorrows; but, through all, his soul remained firm, and his heart and his hands faithfully maintained their devotion to Christ and His Church. He knew whom he had believed, and was persuaded that He was able to keep that which he had committed unto Him against that day.

He is now at rest. His grave is where the setting sun bids his latest adieu to this land; over it have been said the holy words,-Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord; even so saith the Spirit; for they rest from their labours.


Window behind the Presbyterian pulpit-Oxford men altering the Bible-The
four beasts-Presbyterian Elder lamenting over the Oxfordism and Popery in
the Westminster Confession-The fidgets-Waiting for an explanation-De-
parture from old standards-Recollections and remembrances of Baptism-

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