CONTENTS. PART II. Report of the Commissioners of the Hospital for the PAGE 5 Report of the Trustees of the Institute for the Blind, Report of the Warden of the State Prison, Report of the Visitor to the State Prison, 69 105 Report of the Trustees of the Wabash and Erie Canal, Report of the Trustees of the Indiana University, 274 Vincennes Road, 291 For Freights and Traveling Expenses. To Dr. Dunlap to pay freight on slate and lead, To Joseph Willis, expenses to Madison, To John Nutt, expenses to Bedford, To R. J. Patterson to pay Mr. Reynolds' expenses to Cincinnati, &c.. 167 50 12 00 18 55 21 30 There has been placed in my hands at sundry times, by order of the Board, for payment of workmen, for the purchase of furniture, for contingent expenses, and for the purchase of copper for dome, 4,133 33 Amount drawn during the year, $22,823 67 The funds placed in Dr. Evans's hands were expended as follows, viz: Paid to hands employed on building, 870 46 Paid Dr. Dunlap for freights, 22 40 Paid Wharton for freights, forwarding, commission, &c., 694 00 Paid W. J. Mansur freight and commission on glass, 23 70 Paid Peter Winchel for hauling, 1 50 Paid Peter Francis for stone sills, 31 11 The funds placed in my hands have been expended as fallows : Since the date of the last report, the walls of the buildings then unfinished have been completed, the entire establishment has been put under a roof of slate, and all the floors have been laid in the south wing and in four stories of the centre building. The kitchen, and rooms in the basement for the use of assistants, the two principal stories of the main building, and two wards for the reception of patients, have been nearly completed. The engine house, alluded to in a former report, containing a laundry, ironing and drying rooms, bakery, &c., has been erected and enclosed, and floors have been laid in three of its stories. The plan of this building was changed from three to four stories high above the basement, at an additional expense of about eight hundred dollars. The portico, also mentioned in a former report, has not been completed, because not so much needed as other things. The platform and steps of stone have been laid, and are in readiness to receive the superstructure. Wells and cisterns have been supplied, affording an abundant supply of pure water. Tanks capable of holding more than one hundred barrels have been placed in the attic story, from which water may be drawn to every part of the building. Water-closets, baths, &c., have been put up by G. W. Brooks, Esq., of Cincinnati. The frame work of the cupola has been erected and partially enclosed. Two hundred and twenty-five feet of sewer leading from the water-closets, and bathing-rooms, and terminating temporarily in a deep vault, have been constructed of brick, laid in hydraulic cement. The entire buildings have been surrounded by a pavement for the purpose of more effectually protecting the walls. A portion of the carpenter work has been done by Thomas P. Cherry and Westley Irwin; but principally by other inechanics employed by the day, and under the immediate supervision of J. Willis, Esq., the architect, who has at all times proved himself faithful in the discharge of his duties. |