ŠTATEMENT Of all articles cleared at Fort Wayne, upon the Wabash and Erie Canal, from the commencement to the close of naviga tion in the year 1848. Bushels of barley, Bushels of mineral coal, Barrels of salt,... 380 Barrels of oil,. Barrels of pork, 14 634 88 Pounds of sugar and molasses, Pounds of tobacco, Pounds of glassware and white lead,.. Pounds of iron, nails, castings, &c.,... Pounds of agricultural implements, 157,235 79 266 603 Pounds of marble and mill stones, 937,961 469 Pounds of wood ware, Pounds of butter, 272 Miles boats ran,. Barrels of flour, Bushels of wheat, 1,959 2,086 3,472 2,870 1,335 19,949 24,154 22,815 20,816 22,621 1,715 74,516 80,115 70,446 69,181 61,283 37,861 36,874 16,948 202,773 76,773 77,830 52,997 564,856 264 1,571 5,945 7,232 2,733 Bushels of corn, 6,360 11,010 8,629 28,132 6,104,644 3,052 2,477 7,157 34,746 28,803 10,336 109,488 4,698 6,569,280 3,285 7,840 5,112 1,779 6,166 1,508 3,566 1,680 32,349 1,811,544 Pounds of bacon, 89,044 31,340 48,309 2,375 1,193 Pounds of cranberries and fruit, 19,854 36,869 86,806 865 8,172 2,771 Pounds of cheese, 2,876 1,526 2,588 22,271 8,674 4,999 27,262 14,840 85,036 85,036 43 85,218,416 42,610 104 4,985 4,985 2 401,417 401,417 200 189,210 189,210 95 247,304 247,304 124 8,549 79,603 79,603 40 85,638 85.638 43 Pounds of hides, 799 1,694 1,086 1,110-1 192..... Pounds of pearl and pot ash,.. 45,606 53.778 41,429 67,809 27,893 44,295 38,849 60,240 21,518 Pounds of staves, heading, &c., 13,460 28,000 3,00 38,000 17,500 31,000 1,250 57,000 Pounds of leather,.... 5,023 9,798 15,531 15,537 35,537 59,741 74,588 21.549 Pounds of saleratus,. 2.989 6,105 10,122 9,872 8,472 11,976 7,452 14,066 Pounds of stoneware,... 27,500 6,806 14,162 2,185 3,978 8,241 19,133 3,633 Pounds of beeswax and roots, 314 1,824 1,902 6,235 12,751 7,203 6,951 8,525 Number of lath 10,00 Kegs of beer,.. Pounds of miscellaneous, 10,048 127,640 251,985 63,257 191,205 307,925 144,422 108,393 83,101 1,287,976 1,237,976 644 ۴ STATEMENT : Of all articles cleared at La Gro, on the Wabash and Erie Canal, from the commencement to the close of navigation, in the year 1848. : : १ March. April. May. June. July. August. Septem- October. Novém- Total. ber. ber. 114 44 50 94 28,200 14 12,500 16,149 16,149 8 Pounds of butter,.... Pounds of cheese,. Pounds of hides, ... Pounds of pot and pearl ash, Feet of lumber,... Thousands of shingles, Pounds of stoneware, 2,045 50,740 3,649 17,260 655 20,941 3,067 2,858 3,310 1,654 10,165 9,086 STATEMENT Of all articles cleared at Logansport, on the Wabash and Erie Canal, from the commencement to the close of navigation in the year 1848. Miles boats run,. Bushels of rye,.. Bushels of barley, Bushels of beans, Barrels of whiskey, Barrels of fish, Barrels of lime, Barrels of pork, Pounds of lard,. Pounds of bacon, Pounds of merchandize, Pounds of sugar and molasses, Pounds of coffee, Pounds of tobacco, Pounds of glass and glassware, Pounds of white lead,.. Pounds of iron and nails, Pounds of castings and machinery, Pounds of furniture, .... Pounds of agricultural implements, Pounds of wood-ware, Pounds of butter,... Pounds of hides, ... Pounds pearl and pot-ash,... |