STATEMENT of the Amount of Tolls and Water-rents on the Wabash and Erie Canal, from the 1st day of November, 1847, to the 30th day of October, 1848, both inclusive. 16,007 34 12,357 66 12,396 28 17, 7 73 30,107 39 30,603 91 146,148 90 STATEMENT of the Amount of Tolls received at the various Collectors' Offices, from November 1st, 1846, to No vember 1st, 1847. OFFICES. Nov. and Dec. 1846. April, 1847. May, 1847. June, 1847. July, 1847. 1847. 1847. August, September, October, 1847. Total. Covington, Fort Wayne, $295 74 $1,224 06 $1,330 29 2,765 79 1,390 37 6,866 39 2,197 26 $2,368 40 13,506 99 $4,106 94 3,673 26 10,556 06 3,652 52 $12,151 65 60,942 73 18,802 74 776 64 973 37 2,316 58 2,083 62 9,151 79 4,538 03 4,746 26 8,242 16 10,204 77 45,099 99 9,766 57 17,572 02 Covington, $2,503 13 $6,628 69 2,082 55 $167 55 444 75 10,752 35 63,472 35 18,566 08 626 78 1,334 58 357 12 7,429 80 3,582 35 1,468 50 3,665 46 34,011 35 12,920 37 3,415 38 19,090 50 22,232 93 17,443 37 13,108 70 18,306 8219,464 64 125,982 71 Dear Sir:-In answer to yours of the 11th instant, I submit the following statement: 17,493 91 $64,607 51 Deduct from this amount scrip including interest in Treasury received prior to July 1, 1847, but not yet cancelled, Leaving outstanding July 1, 1847, NOTE. This statement is correct up to the last item of $17,493 91 reported as on hand by the Treasurer. Upon that item the interest is embraced with the principal, and the amount outstanding of course will be increased to the amount of the interest on $17,493 91, which may be estimated at 10 per cent. or about $1,700. Wabash and Erie Canal Scrip West. Amount of scrip issued to July 1, 1847, Amount on hand not cancelled July 1, 1847, $819,980 706,935 $113,045 29,715 $83,330 With great respect, Your obediant servant, D. MAGUIRE, THO. H. BLAKE, ESQ., Resident Trustee W. & E. Canal. Auditor of State. LAND OFFICE, LOGANSPORT, November 1, 1848.) Dear Sir:-Herewith I send you my abstracts for the last month: On the 23d I had received all the "White Dog" I supposed I could under the order of the Board, -in that calculation I counted Morris's certificate. On the receipt of yours, directing me not to count the Morris certificate, on the 30th and 31st, I received at its face $635-so that I have now redeemed all that I can under the order of the Board. I shall make my deposit in a few days. HON. T. H. BLAKE, Resident Trustee, Terre Haute, Ind. Yours, &c., J. W. WRIGHT. |