Imágenes de páginas

For application of dividends of Surplus
Fund, of Surplus Revenue Bank Stock
to creation of Surplus Revenue Bank

For application by the Branches of div-
Idends to the liquidation of Surplus
Revenue Bonds,

For application of Interest and dividends
to State Bank Stock,

For contribution to Surplus Fund in
Branches in investment of Sinking
Fund Bank Capital,

For loss on forfeited mortgaged lands,
For redemption of Sinking Fund Treas-
ury Notes,

For Interest allowed on Sinking Fund
Treasury Notes,

11,302 27

24,963 60

6,700 00

350 00

43,315 87 2,698 00

428,125 00

65,069 33

493,194 33

$3,473,560 53

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Gain in purchase of Sinking Fund Bank Stock,
Gain in purchase of Bank Bonds,

116 17

Interest on Coupon Fund, on deposite in Madison

712 60

593 34

6,695 77

$3,473,560 53

JAMES M. RAY, Clerk.

[blocks in formation]
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