in battle, description of him York, Dutchess of, her lamentation on the misfortunes of her family Young women, advice to them Youth, courage and modesty in them the boasting of Youths, Grecian, described hy Troilus 148 157 12 14 48 298 Margaret, Queen, her execrations on Richard III. Marriage described her exprobation in a soliloquy Master taking leave of his servants 154 158 142 176 Mediocrity 41 Melancholy 227 the varieties of 21 the parent of error 243 - Men all frail 32 : wilful 247 Mercy 49 frequently mistaken 33 commended in governors ib. Merit always modest 59 Messenger, post, described 123 with ill news ib. Midnight 218 Mind, lowliness of the 36 the, alone valuable 65 a disordered one 215 its diseases incurable 272 Mirth and melancholy 40 Mob 180 no stability in one 149 Modesty in youth 14 52 Moonlight 50 night 51 Morning, description of 148, 214 dawn of 148 Mother, fondness of one for a beautiful child 99 ravings of one 100 grief of one for the loss of her son 101 Murder of the two young princes in the Tower de- Ophelia, her interment Opportunity to be seized on all occasions of life Othello, his description to the Senate of his winning the affections of Desdemona his first suspicion his jealousy gaining ground his story of the handkerchief his distraction his fondness his confirmed jealousy his pathetic upbraidings of Desdemona his irresolution to murder Desdemona his confusion after the murder his love 227 242 46 274 276 277 280 ib. 281 ib. 282 284 285 ib. after a siege 227 58 113 189 People, Brutus's speech to the Percy, Lady, her pathetic speech to her husband Perfection admits of no addition human, the extent of Person, description of a murdered one Petition, a tender one Philosophy, a shepherd's Pity to be discarded in war |