Margaret, Queen, her execrations on Richard III. her exprobation in a soliloquy Marriage described Master taking leave of his servants Mediocrity : Melancholy the varieties of ravings of one Mother, fondness of one for a beautiful child grief of one for the loss of her son Murder of the two young princes in the Tower de scription of Murderer, countenance of one Muse invocation to Oliver, his description of danger when sleeping Ophelia, description of her death 21 Ophelia, her interment 227 Opportunity to be seized on all occasions of life 242 1 46 Othello, his description to the Senate of his winning the affections of Desdemona 274 after a siege 227 58 113 189 and revenge People, Brutus's speech to the Percy, Lady, her pathetic speech to her husband Perfection admits of no addition human, the extent of Person, description of a murdered one Petition, a tender one Philosophy, a shepherd's Pity to be discarded in war Play-fellows Pleasure, the vanity of of doing good Poetry, the power of, with females Popular favour, method to gain Popularity described Portia, her suitors 233 116 103 206 132 18 20 329 14 25 47 Puck 53 Quickly, Dame, her account of Falstaff's death, 133 Regicides detestable 87 Relenting tenderness Repentance Reputation Resentment, silent, the deepest Resolution 187 86 107 143 62 from a sense of honour firm 179 obstinate 187 Respect described 318 Revenge the Jew's implacable 233 48 the Jew's reason for Rhymers, miserable ones ridiculed Richard III. omens on the birth of his soliloquy on his own deformity his love for Lady Anne his hypocrisy ib. 117 152 ib 153 Station, a low one, the blessings of life Statue described Steward, a faithful one Stories, melancholy ones described Storm, Ariel's description and management of one Study Submission to heaven our duty Success not equal to our hopes Sun rising after a dark night Sycophants, flattering ones Tears, to what compared Thanks Thersites mimicking Ajax Thoughts ineffectual to moderate affliction 125 187 112 15 28, 79 39 79 27 156 225 41 132 29 ambitious, a smile on 149 Time 58 Timon, his execration of the Athenians his speech to Alcibiades his reflections on the earth his discourse with Apemantus his speech to the thieves his character of an honest steward 305 307 308 ib. 310 311 Titles, new ones 95 Travelling, advantage of 81 Troilus, character of 338 Trust in man, vanity of 157 Trumpeter, description of one 328 Valley, description of a melancholy one 313 Virtue and goodness 38 Vanity of human nature 38,74 wishes 173 Vicious persons infatuated by heaven 176 Victory by the French, description of 97 English ib. Villain to be noted 64 Violets his look and ready zeal Virtue given to be exerted Ulysses, the subtilty of him, and stupidity of Ajax Volumnia's resolution on the pride of Coriolanus Vows, rash ones, condemned 329 Vulgar, fickleness of the 124 War, prognostics of 109 miseries of Warrior, a gallant one Warwick, earl of, his dying speech 151 Wedding, a mad one described 65 Widow compared to a turtle Wife, duty of one to her husband 66 song of one to her husband 118 description of a good one 162 impatience of one to meet her husband 195 innocency of one 199 Winter, a song 30 Wisdom superior to fortune Witches described 280 Wolsey, Cardinal, his speech to Cromwell 166 an account of his death 167 Woman, her tongue his vices and virtues described |