Puck 53 Quickly, Dame, her account of Falstaff's death, 133 Regicides detestable 87 Relenting tenderness 187 Repentance 86 Reputation 107 Resentment, silent, the deepest Resolution 143 62 from a sense of honour 37 firm 179 obstinate 187 Respect described 318 Revenge 233 the Jew's implacable 48 the Jew's reason for Rhymers, miserable ones ridiculed Richard III. omens on the birth of ib. 117 152 his soliloquy on his own deformity ib his love for Lady Anne 153 his praise of his own person ib. his hypocrisy 154 character of, by his mother 159 starting in his dréam 160 his behaviour after an alarum ib. his address before the battle apothecary - his conduct with Paris his last speech over Juliet in the tomb Rosalind proposing to wear men's clothes 299 301 273 14 - Senses returning 76 Shepherd, character of an honest and simple one Shepherd's life, the blessings of one Simplicity and duty 20 148 1 57 rur al Station, a low one, the blessings of life Statue described Steward, a faithful one Stories, melancholy ones described Storm, Ariel's description and management of one Study Submission to heaven our duty Success not equal to our hopes 125 187 112 15 28, 79 39 79 27 156 225 41 132 29 148 94 302 111 67 25 157 316 ambitious, a smile on 149 his look and ready zeal Virtue given to be exerted Ulysses, the subtilty of him, and stupidity of Ajax Volumnia's resolution on the pride of Coriolanus pathetic speech to her son Coriolanus 157 328 313 38 38,74 173 176 97 Π ib. 64 0 101 112 30 323 249 186 190 329 124 109 141 Warrior, a gallant one Warwick, earl of, his dying speech Widow compared to a turtle song of one to her husband sey, Cardinal, his speech to Cromwell an account of his death 166 167 his vices and virtues described ib. - 64 in battle, description of him York, Dutchess of, her lamentation on the misfortunes of her family Young women, advice to them Youth, courage and modesty in them the boasting of Youths, Grecian, described hy Troilus 148 157 12 |