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Above this line are men who understand the fundamentals underlying all departments of business Below are the $1800 to $4000 men who-unless they train themselves-seldom climb higher

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ISRAELI, with no for-
tune but his own ability
and ambition, handicapped by
race prejudice, rose to be
Prime Minister of England-
the only member of his race
ever to reach that eminence.

"As a rule," he said, "the most successful man in life is the man who has the most information." Old as that truth is, there are thousands of men who have never applied it to their business lives.

What advancement will the next few years bring you?

They would refuse indignantly to sign a contract to work for the next ten years at the same salary they are now receiving. Yet the end of the ten year period will find most of them in the same position, or only a trifle ahead.

Course and Service that will mean added power and income to you.

Are you already the president of a corporation? More than 20,000 of the 110,000 tion presidents.

men enrolled by the Institute are corpora

ized in one thing; it has only Alexander Hamilton Institute's Modern
one Course; its sole purpose
is to take men who know
one department of business,
and by adding to their equip-
ment a knowledge of the other
fundamentals shown on the
chart, to fit them for higher

The surest way to attract

attention to yourself

knowledge forces himself inevitably upon the attention of his superiors.

HE man who is adding to his

"When I learned that some fifty of
our men had decided to take up the
Modern Business Course and Service,"
writes the President of one great cor-
poration, "the stock of this company
rose several points in my estimation.'

The stock rose in his estimation,
because he knew that there were fifty
men in his company who were directly
inline for promotion to higher places,
because they were developing the
capacity to do larger things.

You, too, may begin now
to move forward

HE Alexander Hamilton Institute deals

For there is only one power in the world that can lift a man, Tin results, not words. Its advertiseand that is the power of added knowledge and training.

For years the Alexander Hamilton Institute has special

ments are written in the living experience
of the 110,000 men who are subscribers to
its Course. Some of these men live near

you; ask them.

No matter who you are, or what your position may be, there is knowledge in the

Are you a would-be executive at the other end of the ladder? Men of every rank and Institute's subscribers. It is not today's earning power are numbered among the position that is the test. The test is-are you asking yourself: "Where am I going to be ten years from now?"

It is a question, not of place, but of ambition; and the capacity to decide.

Send for "Forging Ahead in Business”

110,000 business men who are following the Course are your guarantee that this Institution is worthy of your investigation also.

To make the investigation easy, a 116page book has been prepared called “Forging Ahead in Business." It contains valuable business information, the result of years of experience in training men. There is a copy for you without obligation. Send for your copy now.

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The Most Convincing Talker
I Ever Met

Everywhere this man goes, people shower him with favors and seek his friendship. Things which
other people ask for and are refused, he gets instantly. How he does it is told in this amazing story.

ET me ask you this: There is a big business deal to be put through. It involves millions of dollars. Putting it through depends wholly on one thing-getting the backing of a great financier.

But this man is bitterly opposed to your idea and to your associates. Seven of the most able men and women in all America have tried to win over this financier. They failed dismally and completely.

Now, could you, a total stranger to this man, walk in on him unannounced, talk for less than an hour, and then have him take your arm as a token of friendship, and give you a signed letter agreeing to back you to the limit?

Could you?


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I'll tell you how. Here is the way it all came about. For a long time the directors of our company had felt the handicap of limited capital. We had business in sight running into a million dollars a month. But we couldn't finance this volume of sales. We simply had to get big backing, and that was all there was to it.

Because of trade affiliations, one man-a great financier in New York-controlled the situation. Win him over and the rest was easy. But how to win him?that was the question. No less than five men and two women-all people of influence and reputation-had tried. They were all repulsed-turned down cold and flat.

You know how a thing of this sort grows on you and how bitter utter defeat is. Well, we were talking it over at a board meeting when one of our directors announced that he knew of only one man who could possibly put through the deal-a man by the name of Preston.

So it was agreed that Preston was to be sounded out at luncheon the following day. He proved to be a fine type of American. At 34 years of age he had become president and majority stockholder of a thriving manufacturing business rated at three-quarters of a million dollars.

Preston was deeply interested, as anyone would be over the prospect of closing such a big deal. The director in question said casually, "Why don't you run down to New York and take a shot at it, Preston?" Preston looked out of the window for a moment, and then quietly answered, "You're on."


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WENT along with Preston simply as a matter of form to represent our interests. Aboard the 10:25 train out of Chicago we headed for the smoker and got to talking with the crowd there.

Then I noticed something. Preston had dominated them all. Everyone was eagerly hanging on his words, and looking at him with open admiration. No sooner would he stop talking than one of the men would start him up again. And as the men dropped off at stations along the way they gave Preston their cards, with pressing invitations to look them up. No doubt about it, Preston was THE man aboard that car.

The colored porter, too, came under his sway. For that night, when the berths were being made up, the porter came unasked to Preston, told him that his berth

was right over the car trucks, and insisted upon changing
it to a more comfortable one.

And so it went all the way to New York. Everyone
who met Preston took a great liking to him the instant
he spoke. They seemed to be eager for his companion-
ship-wanted to be with him every minute, openly ad-
mired him, and loaded him with favors.

Even the usual haughty room clerk at the hotel showed a great interest in Preston's welfare. He showered us with attention while a long line of people waited to register.

The next morning we called on the great financier-
the man who was so bitterly against us and had flatly
turned down seven of our shrewd influential representa-

I waited in the reception room-nervous, restless,
with pins and needles running up and down my spine.
Surely Preston would meet the same humiliating fate?
But no! In less than an hour out they came, the
financier patting Preston on the shoulder in a fatherly
sort of way.
And then I heard the surprising words,
"Come to see me as often as you can, Mr. Preston, and
remember that I'll back you to the limit!"



T the hotel that night sleep wouldn't come. couldn't get the amazing Preston out of my thoughts. What an irresistible power over men's minds he had. Didn't even have to ask for what he wanted! People actually competed for his attention, anticipated his wishes and eagerly met them. What a man! What power! Then the tremendous possibilities of it all -think what could be done with such power!

What was the secret? For secret there must be. So the first thing next morning I hurried to Preston's room, told him my thoughts, and asked him the secret of his power.

Preston laughed good-naturedly. "Nothing to it-I-well-that-is- he stalled. "I don't like to talk about myself, but I've simply mastered the knack of talking convincingly, that's all."

"But how did you get the knack?" I persisted.

Preston smiled, and said, "Well, there's an organization in New York that tells you exactly how to do it. It's amazing! There's really nothing to study. It's mostly a knack which they tell you. You can learn this knack in a few hours. And in less than a week it will produce definite results in your daily work.

"Write to this organization-The Independent Corporation and get their method. They send it on free trial. I'll wager that in a few weeks from now you'll have a power over men which you never thought possible but write and see for yourself." And that was all I could get out of the amazing Preston.


WHEN I returned home I sent for the method Preston told me about. It opened my eyes and astounded me. Just how he had won over the financier was now as clear as day to me. I began to apply the method to my daily work, and soon I was able to wield the same remarkable power over men and women that Preston had. I don't lie to talk about my personal achievements any more than Preston does, but I'll say this:

When you have acquired the knack of talking convincingly, it's easy to get people to do anything you want them to do. That's how Preston impressed those people on the train-how he got special attention from the hotel clerk-how he won over the financier-simply by talking convincingly.

This knack of talking convincingly will do wonders for any man or woman. Most people are afraid to ex

press their thoughts; they know the humiliation of talking to people and of being ignored with a casual nod or a "yes" or "no." But when you can talk convincingly, it's different. When you talk people listen and listen eagerly. You can get people to do almost anything you want them to do. And the beauty of it all is that they think they are doing it of their own free will.


In committee meetings, or in a crowd of any sort you can rivet the attention of all when you talk. can force them to accept your ideas! It helps wonderfully in writing business letters-enables you to write sales letters that amaze everyone by the big orders they pull in.

Then again it helps in social life. Interesting and convincing talk is the basis of social success. At social affairs you'll always find that the convincing talker is the centre of attraction, and that people go out of their way to "make up" to him.

Talk convincingly and no man-no matter who he is will ever treat you with cold, unresponsive indifference. Instead, you'll instantly get under his skin, make his heart glow and set fire to his enthusiasms. Talk convincingly and any man-even a stranger-will treat you like an old pal and will literally take the shirt off his back to please you.

You can get anything you want if you know how to talk convincingly. You've noticed that in business' ability alone won't get you much. Many a man of real ability, who cannot express himself well, is often outdistanced by a man of mediocre ability who knows how to talk convincingly. There's no getting away from it, to get ahead -merely to hold your own-to get what your ability entitles you to, you've got to know how to talk convincingly!


HE method Preston told me about is Dr. Law's "Mastery of Speech," published by the Independent Corporation. Such confidence have the publishers in the ability of Dr. Law's method to make you a convincing talker that they will gladly send it to you wholly on approval.

You needn't send any money-not a cent. Merely mail the coupon, or write a letter, and the complete Course "Mastery of Speech," will be sent you by return mail, all charges prepaid. If you are not entirely satisfied with it, send it back any time within five days after you receive it and you will owe nothing.

But if it pleases you, as it has pleased thousands of others, then send only five dollars in full payment. You take no risk. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. So mail the coupon now before this remarkable offer is withdrawn.

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