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committee shall file with the town clerk annually on the first day of October a report of its proceedings for the previous year. Such report shall set forth in detail the moneys received and expended, the manner of such expenditure and the work accomplished. (Added by L. 1916, chap. 246; in effect April 17, 1916.)


Administering to another. Penal Law, § 242. Furnishing narcotics or tobacco to children. Penal Law, § 484 (p. 514). Department of narcotic drug control. Public Health Law, §§ 420-444 (p. 280). Commitment of habitual user. Insanity Law, § 173 (p. 482).


§ 52. Deposit of dead animals, carrion, offal, excrement, garbage or other putrid or offensive matter in waters of Lake George or Schroon Lake prohibited. Violation a misdemeanor.

§ 53. Deposit of dead animals, carrion, offal, or other putrid or offensive matter in St. Lawrence River prohibited. Violation a misdemeanor.


Investigation at order of governor. Public Health Law, § 6 (p. 17). Suppression by local board of health. Public Health Law, §§ 26-38 (p. 40). Fat rendering establishments near cities. Public Health Law, § 39 (p. 50). Maintained by corporation located in adjoining state - forfeiture of charter. General Corporation Law, §§ 200-202 (p. 461). Public nuisance defined. Penal Law, § 1530 (p. 518). Not less a nuisance because damage unequal. Penal Law, § 1531 (p. 518). Maintaining a nuisance, a misdemeanor. Penal Law, § 1532 (p. 518). Abutment of nuisances. Sanitary Code, Chapter VI (p. 353). Civil actions relating to. Code Civ. Proc. §§ 16601663. Abatement, power of town meeting, Town Law, § 43. Action by commissioner of public safety to restrain, second class cities. Sec. Class Cities Law, § 152. Suppression of certain. Article XVII-A Public Health Law (p. 234).


Examination and registration. Public Health Law, §§ 250-253 (p. 169). Commissioner of health may employ. Public Health Law, § 4-a (p. 14). Public health council prescribe qualifications. Public Health Law, § 2-c. Written reports presumptive evidence. Public Health Law, § 21-b (p. 34). Not to be sued. Public Health Law, § 21-b (p. 34). Health officer may employ public health nurses. Public Health Law, § 21-c (p. 35). Failure to report sore eyes of infant. Penal Law, § 482 (p. 512). May report apparent case of tuberculosis. Public Health Law § 320 (p. 214). Health officer may have tuberculosis cases visited by. Public Health Law, § 328 (p. 222). Board of managers of county tuberculosis hospital may employ. County Law, § 47 (p. 416). Duty as to disinfection of discharges. Sanitary Code, Chap. II, Reg. 17 (p. 312). Duty as to disinfection of excreta. Sanitary Code, Chap. II, Reg. 16 (p. 312). Duty to disinfect person. Sanitary Code, Chap. II, Reg. 48 (p. 329). To observe precautions. Sanitary Code, Chap. II, Reg. 18 (p. 313). To report cases of disease presumably communicable. Sanitary Code, Chap. II, Reg. 6 (p. 308). To report food poisoning. Sanitary Code, Chap. II, Reg. 41 (p. 324). School, to aid medical inspector. Education Law, § 571 (p. 442).


Practice of. Public Health Law, §§ 300-308 (p. 189).


Practice of. Public Health Law, § 173 (p. 112).


Sanitary inspection of shellfish grounds. Conserva

tion Law, §§ 310-313 and § 325 (p. 400).


(L. 1909, ch. 88, const. ch. 40 of Cons. Laws)


Keeping milch cows in unhealthy places and feeding them with food producing unwholesome milk.



§ 192. A person who keeps a cow or any animal for Milch the production of milk, in a crowded or unhealthy place, kept in or in a diseased condition, or feeds such cow or animal places and upon any food that produces impure or unwholesome fed milk, is punishable by a fine not less than fifty dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding one year, or by both.



§ 438. Skimmed milk. A person who sells or offers skimmed for sale, milk from which the whole or a part of the milk cream has been skimmed or removed, without disclosing the fact, or having a mark or label, plainly and legibly stating the fact, conspicuously affixed to every can or vessel containing the same, under circumstances not constituting an offense, for the punishment of which provision is otherwise specially made by statute, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

ture and

§ 444. Manufacture and sale of mattresses. Any Manufacperson who 1. Manufactures, sells, offers for sale or sale of possesses with intent to sell any mattress not properly mattresses branded or labeled, as required by the general business law, or

Failure to



2. Manufactures, sells, offers for sale or possesses with intent to sell any mattress which is falsely branded or labeled, or

3. Uses in the manufacture of mattresses any cotton or other material which has been used as a mattress, pillow or bedding in any public or private hospital, or which has been used by any person having an infectious or contagious disease, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars or by imprisonment for not more than six months or by both. (Added by L. 1913, ch. 503, in effect Jan. 1, 1914.)



§ 482. Unlawfully omitting to provide for child. A furnish person who: 1. Wilfully omits, without lawful excuse, clothing or to perform a duty by law imposed upon him to furnish attendance food, clothing, shelter or medical attendance to a minor, to a minor or to make such payment toward its maintenance as may have been required by the order of a court or magistrate when such minor has been committed to an institution; or,

2. Not being a superintendent of the poor, or a superintendent of almshouses, or an institution duly incorporated for the purpose without having first obtained a license in writing so to do from the board of health of the city or town wherein such females or children are received, boarded or kept, erects, conducts, establishes or maintains any maternity hospital, lying-in asylum where females may be received, cared for or treated during pregnancy, or during or after delivery; or receives, boards or keeps any nursing children, or any children under the age of twelve years not his relatives, apprentices, pupils or wards without legal commitment;

Takes children to board or maintains maternity hospital without



3. Being a midwife, nurse or other person having the

eyes of


care of an infant within the age of two weeks neglects Neglects to or omits to report immediately to the health officer or report to a legally qualified practitioner of medicine of the infant city, town or place where such child is being cared for, the fact that one or both eyes of such infant are inflamed or reddened whenever such shall be the case, or who applies any remedy therefor without the advice, or except by the direction of such officer or physician;


4. Neglects, refuses or omits to comply with any provisions of this section, or violates the provisions of such license,

Is guilty of a misdemeanor.

Every such license must specify the name and resi- License to




dence of the person so undertaking the care of such maternity females or children, and the place and the number of hospital receive females or children thereby allowed to be received, children to boarded and kept therein, and shall be revocable at will by the authority granting it. Every person so licensed must keep a register wherein he shall enter the names and ages of all such children and of all children born on said premises, and the names and residences of their parents, as far as known, the time of the reception and discharge of such children and the reasons therefor, and also a correct register of the name and age of every child under the age of five years who is given out, adopted, taken away or indentured from such place to or by any one, together with the name and residence of the person so adopting, taking or indenturing such child; and shall cause a correct copy of such register to be sent to the authority issuing such license within forty-eight hours after such child is so given out, adopted, taken away or indentured. It shall be lawful for the officers of any incorporated society for the prevention of cruelty to children and of such board of health at all reasonable times to enter and inspect the premises wherein such females and children are so boarded, received or kept, and also such license, register and the children.

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