of of permit Regulation 6. Conditions of issuance of permit; Condimay be revoked. If the local health officer is satisfied issuance after inspection that the proposed camp will not be a source of danger to the health of others or to its inmates, he shall issue the necessary permit in writing in a form to be prescribed by the State Commissioner of Health. In case the local health officer declines to issue the permit an appeal may be taken to the State Commissioner of Health, who may grant a permit. tion after Any such permit may be revoked for cause by the local Revocahealth officer or by the State Commissioner of Health, hearing after a hearing. responsible Regulation 7. Health officer to be notified of the Persons name of the person responsible for sanitary condition of for sanicamp. It shall be the duty of the owner, manager or tary conforeman of a labor or construction camp occupied by of camp twenty or more persons to detail one person who shall be responsible for the sanitary condition of the camp and to notify the local health officer of the name of such person. dition of of regu Regulation 8. Copy of this chapter to be posted. Posting There shall be furnished by the health officer and con- lations spicuously posted in every camp a copy of this present chapter of the sanitary code or of such parts thereof as may be considered necessary by the State Commissioner of Health. Regulation 9. No building, tent or car in any camp Distance to be nearer than fifty feet of water's edge of public lic water water supply. In every camp or temporary quarters supply the nearest part of any building, tent, car or shed shall be at least fifty feet in a horizontal direction from the water's edge of any stream, lake or reservoir, except in the case of the Hudson river below the city of Albany, the waters of which are used for a public water supply. Regulation 10. Suitable privy or other toilet facilities Toilet to be provided and used. For every camp there shall from pub facilities Privies more than two hundred feet from water's edge Privies between be provided convenient and suitable privy or other toilet facilities approved by the local health officer, which the occupants of the camp shall be required to use instead of polluting the ground. Regulation 11. Construction of privies more than two hundred feet from the water's edge. If such privy be more than two hundred feet from the water's edge of any spring, stream, lake or reservoir forming a part of a public or private water supply, it shall consist of a pit at least two feet deep, with suitable shelter over the same. No such pit shall be filled with excreta to nearer than one foot from the surface of the ground and the excreta in the pit shall always be covered with earth or ashes. If the camp is to be occupied for more than six days between May 1 and November the shelter and pit shall be enclosed in fly netting. Regulation 12. Construction and care of privies located between 50 and 200 feet from the water's edge. If such privy be between 50 and 200 feet from the of water's waters of a spring, stream, lake or reservoir forming fifty and two hundred feet edge Disposal of wastes from privies part of a public or private water supply, there shall be no pit, but the excreta shall be received in a watertight tub or bucket and periodically, as often as may be found necessary, shall be taken away and disposed of. Such privy shall be properly screened against flies and kept in a clean and sanitary condition; the pails or buckets shall not be allowed to fill so that they overflow or spill in carrying, and the construction of the privy shall be such that the convenient removal and replacement of the tubs or buckets is facilitated. Regulation 13. Disposal of wastes from privies. The pails or buckets used in privies located between 50 and 200 feet from the water's edge, as referred to in regulation 12, shall when not more than three-quarters filled be removed from the privy and carried at least 200 feet from the water's edge and the contents there either burned or buried in a trench at least two feet deep so that when buried there shall be at least one foot of earth cover. The tubs or buckets immediately after being emptied shall be rinsed out with a suitable disinfectant as particularly prescribed for such purposes by the special rules and regulations of the State Department of Health and the rinsing fluid shall also be emptied into the trench. Regulation 14. Garbage to be disposed of in suitable Garbage manner. All garbage, kitchen wastes and other rubbish disposal in camps shall be deposited in suitable covered receрtacles which shall be emptied daily or oftener if necessary, and the contents burned, buried or otherwise disposed of in such a way as not to be or become offensive or insanitary. rules Regulation 15. Water rules to be observed. When- Water ever a camp is established on the banks of a spring, to be lake, reservoir, stream or other watercourse which is a observed source of water supply protected by water rules formulated by the State Commissioner of Health, no bathing or washing by the occupants of said camp shall be allowed in said springs, lakes, reservoirs, streams or other watercourses, and all said water rules shall be strictly observed. There shall be furnished by the local Copy of health officer and conspicuously posted in such camp a copy of said rules or parts thereof as may be considered furnished necessary by the State Commissioner of Health. ruies to be Regulation 16. Location and drainage of stables regu- Stables lated. No stable or other shelter for animals shall be maintained within one hundred feet of any living quarters in a camp, nor within one hundred and fifty feet of any kitchen or messroom therein. No drainage from such stable or shelter shall be permitted to empty directly into any spring, lake, reservoir, stream or other watercourse forming part of a public or private water supply. Camps to be kept and left clean Cases of disease presumably communicable to be reported Isolation of cases of communicable disease Cases not to be removed without permission Regulation 17. Camps to be kept and left in clean and sanitary condition. All tents, cars, and buildings in, and the grounds surrounding camps shall at all times be kept and when definitely vacated be left in a clean and sanitary condition. Regulation 18. Person in charge of camp to report cases of disease presumably communicable. It shall be the duty of the person in charge of any labor or other camp to enforce regulation 6 of Chapter II of the sanitary code, reading as follows: "It shall be the duty of every visiting nurse and public health nurse and of the person in charge of any labor or other camp, having knowledge of any person affected with any disease presumably communicable, who by reason of the danger to others seems to require the attention of the public health authorities to report at once to the local health officer, within whose jurisdiction such case occurs, all facts relating to the illness and physical condition of such affected person." Regulation 19. Isolation of cases of communicable disease; cases not to be removed without permission of health officer. Whenever a case of disease presumably communicable shall occur in any labor or construction camp it shall be the duty of the person in charge of the camp immediately to isolate the case. Such isolation shall be maintained in a manner approved by the local health officer. The person in charge of the camp shall not allow the case to leave or be removed from such camp without the permission of the local health officer. Regula enforced Supplementary regulations. Regulation 20. Duty to enforce regulations on person tions to be in charge. It shall be the duty of the superintendent, foreman or other person in charge of a camp to see that all regulations of this chapter are faithfully observed. Regulation 21. Supplementary rules and regulations. Labor and construction camps shall be subject to such special and supplementary rules and regulations, not inconsistent herewith, as may from time to time be made by the State Commissioner of Health. Regulation 22. Date of taking effect and territory Cities where effective designated. Every regulation in this excepted chapter shall take effect throughout the State of New York except in cities on the first day of January, 1915. CHAPTER VI Nuisances Which May Affect Life and Health (Adopted December 18, 1914) Regulation 1. Duty of health officer to abate nuisance likely to affect health; procedure; when and wherę to take effect. officer to § 1. The local health officer, upon receiving a com- Health plaint of the existence within his jurisdiction of a investigate nuisance which may affect health, or when the probable existence of any such nuisance comes to his attention, shall make an immediate and thorough investigation, and if such nuisance exists he shall take all measures within his power and authority to secure its abatement. §2. The health officer shall within five days of the Duties of receipt of the complaint file with the local board of health: (a) the complaint, if made in writing, or, if not (b) a report showing (ii) his opinion as to whether or not the (iii) the action, if any, taken by him; and health officer on receipt of complaint 12 |