bodies in of or cremation over his signature, and shall return all permits so endorsed to the registrar of his district within seven days from the date of interment or cremation. He shall keep a record of all bodies interred Record of or otherwise disposed of on the premises under his terred or charge, in each case stating the name of each deceased disposed person, place of death, date of burial or disposal, and name and address of the undertaker; which record shall at all times be open to official inspection; provided that the undertaker or person having charge of the corpse, when burying a body in a cemetery or burial ground having no person in charge, shall sign the burial or removal permit, giving the date of burial, and shall write across the face of the permit the words "No per- Exception, son in charge," and file the burial or removal permit in charge within three days with the registrar of the district of in which the cemetery is located. no person cemetery tion of § 382. Registration of births. The birth of each and Registraevery child born in this state shall be registered within births five days after the date of each birth, there shall be filed with the registrar of the district in which the birth occurred a certificate of such birth, which certificate shall be upon the form prescribed therefor by the state commissioner of health. In each case where a physician, midwife or person acting as midwife, was in attendance upon the birth, it shall be the duty of such physician, midwife or person acting as midwife, to file said certificate. In each case where there was no physician, midwife, or person acting as midwife, in attendance upon the birth, it shall be the duty of the father or mother of the child, the householder or owner of the premises where the birth occurred, or the manager or superintendent of the public or private institution where the birth occurred, each in the order named, within five days after the date of such birth, to report to the local registrar the fact of such birth. In such case and in case the physician, midwife or person acting Certificate of birth as midwife in attendance upon the birth is unable, by diligent inquiry, to obtain any item or items of information required in this article, it shall then be the duty of the registrar to secure from the person so reporting, or from any other person having the required knowledge, such information as will enable him to prepare the certificate of birth herein required, and it shall be the duty of the person reporting the birth or who may be interrogated in relation thereto to answer correctly and to the best of his knowledge all questions put to him by the registrar which may be calculated to elicit any information needed to make a complete record of the birth as contemplated by this article, and it shall be the duty of the informant as to any statement made in accordance herewith to verify such statement by his signature, when requested so to do by the local registrar. § 383. Certificate of birth. The certificate of birth shall contain the following items, which are hereby declared necessary for the legal, social and sanitary purposes subserved by registration records. 1. Place of birth, including state, county, town, village or city. If in a city, the ward, street and house number; if in a hospital or other institution, the name of the same to be given, instead of the street and house number. 2. Full name of child. If the child dies without a name, before the certificate is filed, enter the words "Died unnamed." If the living child has not yet been named at the date of filing certificate of birth, the space for "full name of child" is to be left blank, to be filled out subsequently by a supplemental report, as hereinafter provided. 3. Sex of child. 4. Whether a twin, triplet, or other plural birth. A separate certificate shall be required for each child in case of plural births. 5. For plural births, number of each child in order of birth. 6. Whether legitimate or illegitimate. 7. Date of birth, including the year, month and day. 8. Full name of father; provided, that if the child is illegitimate, the name of the putative father shall not be entered without his consent, but the other particulars relating to the putative father may be entered if known, otherwise as "unknown." 9. Residence of father. 10. Color or race of father. 11. Age of father at last birthday, in years. 12. Birthplace of father; at least state or foreign country, if known. 13. Occupation of father. The occupation to be reported if engaged in any remunerative employment, with the statement of trade, profession, or particular kind of work; general nature of industry, business or establishment in which engaged or employed. 14. Maiden name of. mother. 15. Residence of mother. 16. Color or race of mother. 17. Age of mother at last birthday, in years. 18. Birthplace of mother; at least state or foreign country, if known. 19. Occupation of mother. The occupation to be reported if engaged in any remunerative employment, with the statement of trade, profession, or particular kind of work; general nature of industry, business or establishment in which engaged or employed. 20. Number of children born to this mother, including present birth. 21. Number of children of this mother living. 22. The certification of attending physician or midwife as to attendance at birth, including statement of year, month, day and hour of birth, and whether the child was born alive or stillborn. This certification shall be signed by the attending physician or midwife, with date of signature and address; if there was no physician or midwife in attendance, then by the father or mother of the child, householder, owner of the prem ises, manager or superintendent of public or private institution where the birth occurred, or other competent person, whose duty it shall be to notify the local registrar of such birth. Supplemental report of name Registration of 23. Exact date of filing in office of local registrar, attested by his official signature, and registered number of birth, as hereinafter provided. § 384. Registration of name of child subsequent to filing of birth certificate. When any certificate of birth of a living child is presented without the statement of the given name, the local registrar shall make out and deliver to the parents of the child a special blank for the supplemental report of the given name of the child, which shall be filled out as directed, and returned to the local registrar as soon as the child shall have been named. § 385. Registration of physicians, midwives, and unphysicians, dertakers. Every physician, midwife and undertaker and wunder- shall, on or before the day on which this article takes midwives effect, register his or her name, address and occupation with the registrar of the district in which he or she resides, and shall so register in any district in which he or she may hereafter establish a residence; and shall Duties of thereupon be supplied by the registrar with a copy of this article, together with such rules and regulations as may be prepared by the public health council relative to its enforcement. Within thirty days after the close of each calendar year each registrar shall make a return to the state commissioner of health of all physicians, midwives, or undertakers who have been registered in his district during the whole or any part of the preceding calendar year; provided, that no fee or other compensation shall be charged by registrars to physicians, midwives or undertakers for registering their name under this section or making returns thereof to the state commissioner of health. takers registrar No fee for registration tion of tions §386. Registration of persons in institutions. All Registrasuperintendents or managers or other persons in charge persons in of hospitals, almshouses, lying-in or other institutions, institupublic or private, to which persons resort for treatment of diseases or confinement, or to which persons are committed by process of law, shall make a record of all the personal and statistical particulars relative to the inmates in their institutions when this act takes effect; which are required in the forms of the certificate provided for by this article as directed by the state commissioner of health; and thereafter such record shall be by them made for all future inmates at the time of their admittance. In the case of persons admitted or committed for treatment of disease, the physician in charge shall specify for entry in the record, the nature of the disease, and where, in his opinion, it was contracted. The personal particulars and information required by this section shall be obtained from the individual himself if it is practicable to do so; and when they cannot be so obtained, they shall be obtained in as complete a manner as possible from relatives, friends, or other persons acquainted with the facts. to be com missioner § 387. Records to be kept by state commissioner of Records health. The state commissioner of health shall prepare, kept by print, and supply to all registrars all blanks and forms state used in registering, recording and preserving the re- of health turns, or in otherwise carrying out the purposes of this article, and shall prepare and issue such detailed instructions, not inconsistent with the regulation established by the public health council, as may be required to procure the uniform observance of its provision and the maintenance of a perfect system of registration; and no other blanks shall be used than those supplied by the state commissioner of health. He shall care |