Imágenes de páginas

color, occupation, place where last employed if known, or address of any person reported as affected with tuberculosis, or who shall certify falsely as to any of the precautions taken to prevent the spread of infection, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine of not more than one hundred dollars. (Am'd by L. 1913, ch. 559, in effect May 16, 1913.)

of tuber-
to be




Penalties for violations

New York city excepted

§ 330. Reporting recovery of patient. Upon the recovery of any person having tuberculosis, it shall be the duty of the attending physician to make a report to of this fact to the local health officer, who shall record the same in the records of his office, and shall relieve said person from further liability to any requirements imposed by this article.

Privileges to matriculated

students of medical


§ 331. General penalty. Any person violating any of the provisions of sections three hundred and twenty to three hundred and thirty, both inclusive, of this article, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished, except as in this article otherwise provided, by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars.

§ 332. Application of provisions. No portion of section three hundred and twenty to three hundred and thirty-one, both inclusive, shall apply to the city of New York, nor shall the passage of said sections modify or repeal any of the provisions of the charter of the city of New York, or any rule or regulation issued by the department of health of said New York city. (Am'd by L. 1909, ch. 240, in effect April 22, 1909.)

§ 333. Like privileges in hospitals to be granted to matriculated students of medical colleges. Whenever the managers, governors, or person or persons having lawful control and management over any public hospital in any city or county in this state, shall grant to matriculated students of any legally incorporated medical college in said city or county, privileges of admission

to such hospital for hearing clinics or lectures, or receiving medical or surgical instruction therein, the like privileges and advantages shall be granted to the matriculated students in each and all legally incorporated medical colleges in said city and county who may desire the same, without distinction or preference, and upon equal terms and conditions to all. Nothing in this section shall prevent the managers of hospitals from limiting the attendance of students in such hospitals to a number compatible with the welfare of patients. But in such limitation they shall receive students from such legally incorporated medical colleges applying for such admission in proportion to the number of students in attendance upon such college.

escapes for

§ 334. Iron stairways on outside of hospital buildings. Fire All hospital buildings used for general hospital pur-hospital poses, or hospitals or asylums for the insane, or any buildings hospital buildings which are more than two stories high, other than those which are fireproof in their construction, shall have properly constructed iron stairways on the outside thereof, with suitable doorways leading thereto from each story above the first, for use in case of fire. It shall be the duty of the trustees, managers, owners or proprietors of such hospitals or asylums to cause such stairways to be constructed and maintained. If the trustees or owners of any hospital as herein described, except those owned and maintained by a city, a county, or the state, shall fail to provide such stairways before the first day of October, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, then the local authorities shall proceed to erect such stairways, and the cost thereof may be recovered by an action at law from the property of said hospital.

The district attorney of each county is hereby charged with the execution of this statute, except in the case of hospitals erected or maintained by the state, city or by a county.

Excepting fire proof buildings

Food defined



The provisions of this section shall not apply to any institution in any of the cities or counties of this state, which the fire department of said city or district attorney of the county shall certify in writing to be fireproof to an extent which will not require the appliances and fixtures provided for in this section. The certificate exempting institutions from the operations of this section shall be filed during the month of January in each year, in the office of the county clerk of the county.


Cold storage

(Added by L. 1911, ch. 335, in effect June 15, 1911)

[blocks in formation]

336. Cold storage food to be marked.

336-a. Licenses to be secured.

337. Time that cold storage food may be kept. 338. Powers of state commissioner of health.

338-a. Food to be condemned.

339. Reports of warehousemen.

339-a. Transfers from one warehouse to another. 339-b. Prohibits return of food to cold storage when once released for purpose of placing same on market for sale.

339-c. Prohibits sale of food kept in cold storage without representing said fact.

339-d. Penalties.

§ 335. Definitions. The term food as used in this article shall include any article, except nuts, fruits, cheese and vegetables, used for food by man or animal and every ingredient of such article.

§ 336. Cold storage food to be marked. It shall here

food to be after be unlawful for any person or persons, corporation or corporations, engaged in the business of cold storage warehousemen or in the business of refrigerating, to receive any kind of food unless the said food is in an apparently pure and wholesome condition, and the food or the package containing the same is branded, stamped or Marking marked, in some conspicuous place, with the day, month received and year, when the same is received in storage or refrigeration.


* To be enforced by Department of Farms and Markets under Farms and Markets Law, § 100, p. 448


It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, corporation or corporations, engaged in the business of cold storage warehousemen or in the business of refrigerating to permit any article of any kind whatsoever used for food in the possession of any person or persons, corporation or corporations, engaged in the business of cold storage warehousemen or refrigerating, to be taken from their possession without first having branded, stamped or marked on said food stuffs or the package containing same, in a conspicuous place, the day, month and year, Marking when said food stuffs or package was removed from cold when storage or refrigeration.


It shall also be unlawful for any person or persons, corporation or corporations, to offer for storage in a cold storage warehouse or to place in storage in a cold storage warehouse any article of food unless the same is Food to be in an apparently pure and wholesome condition. (Am'd and wholeby L. 1914, ch. 414, in effect April 17, 1914.)

in pure

some condition

§ 336-a. License to be secured. On and after the License first day of October, nineteen hundred and thirteen, no required person or persons, firm, corporation or corporations other than those engaged solely and exclusively in the business of storing nuts, fruit, cheese or vegetables only, shall operate a cold storage or refrigerating warehouse without a license to be issued by the state department of health. Any person or persons, firm, corporation or Applicacorporations desiring such a license shall make written tion application to the department on or before the first day of September, nineteen hundred and thirteen, stating the location of its plant or plants. On receipt of the Examinaapplication the department shall cause an examination tion

to be made into the sanitary condition of such plant or plants and if they are found to be in a sanitary condition and otherwise properly equipped for the business of cold storage, the department shall cause a license to be issued authorizing the applicant to operate a cold storage or refrigerating warehouse for and during the period of one year. The license shall be issued upon License fee payment by the applicant of a license fee of twenty-five dollars to the state treasurer. On or before the first day of September in each subsequent year all person or persons, firm, corporation or corporations, engaged in the business of cold storage or refrigerating wareRenewal of housing, shall make a renewal application to the state


Renewal license fee

department of health, stating the location of its plant or plants. If the state department of health is satisfied that the plant or plants continue in a sanitary condition and are otherwise properly equipped for the business of cold storage, the department shall on or before the first day of October in each subsequent year issue a renewal license for one year on the payment of the license fee of twenty-five dollars. Should any person or persons, firm, corporation or corporations, desire to begin the business of cold storage or refrigerating warehousing after the first day of October, nineteen hundred and thirteen, it or they shall file an application with the state department of health stating the location of its plant or plants, and the state department of health after an examination on payment of the license fee may then issue a license to such applicant, for a period up to and including the first day of October next fol

Closing of lowing. In the event that any warehouse licensed under


or sus

pending of


the provisions of this section, or any portion thereof, shall be deemed by the state department of health to be conducted in an unsanitary manner, it shall be the duty of the department to close such warehouse, or portion thereof, until it shall be put in satisfactory condition, and the department shall have power also to

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