Imágenes de páginas

that he is the person licensed to practice medicine under the license by virtue of which he claims the privilege of this article. When the regents find that a person claiming to be a physician, licensed under this article, is not in fact the person to whom the license was issued, they shall reduce their findings to writing and file them in the office of the clerk of the county in which said person resides or practices medicine. Said certificate shall be prima facie evidence that the person mentioned therein is falsely impersonating a practitioner or a former practitioner of a like or different name. The Revocaregents may revoke the license of a practitioner of license, or

tion of


medicine, or annul his registration, or do both, in any ment of of the following cases:

(a) A practitioner of medicine who is guilty of any fraud or deceit in his practice, or who is guilty of a crime or misdemeanor, or who is guilty of any fraud or deceit by which he was admitted to practice; or

(b) Is an habitual drunkard or habitually addicted to the use of morphine, opium, cocaine, or other drugs having a similar effect; or

(c) Who undertakes or engages in any manner or by any ways or means whatsoever, to procure or perform any criminal abortion as the same is defined by section eighty of the penal law; or

(d) Who offers or undertakes by any manner or means to violate any of the provisions of section elever hundred and forty-two of the penal law.

Proceedings for revocation of a license or the annulment of registration shall be begun by filing a written charge or charges against the accused. These charges may be preferred by any person or corporation, or the regents may on their own motion direct the executive officer of the board of regents to prefer said charges. Said charges shall be filed with the executive officer of the board of regents, and a copy thereof filed with the secretary of the board of medical examiners. The board of medical examiners, when charges are preferred, shall


designate three of their number as a committee to hear and determine said charges. A time and place for the hearing of said charges shall be fixed by said committee as soon as convenient, and a copy of the charges, together with a notice of the time and place when they will be heard and determined, shall be served upon the accused or his counsel, at least ten days before the date actually fixed for said hearing. Where personal service or service upon counsel can not be effected, and such fact is certified on oath by any person duly authorized to make legal service, the regents shall cause to be published for at least seven times, for at least twenty days prior to the hearing, in two daily papers in the county in which the physician was last known to practice, a notice to the effect that at a definite time and place a hearing will be had for the purpose of hearing charges against the physician upon an application to revoke his license. At said hearing the accused shall have the right to cross-examine the witnesses against him and to produce witnesses in his defense, and to appear personally or by counsel. The said committee shall make a written report of its findings and recommendations, to be signed by all its members, and the same shall be forthwith transmitted to the executive officer of the board of regents. If the said committee shall unanimously find that such charges, or any of them, are sustained, and shall unanimously recommend that the license of the accused be revoked or his registration be annulled, the regents may thereupon in their discretion, revoke said license or annul said registration, or do both. If the regents shall annul such registration, they shall forthwith transmit to the clerk of the county or counties in which said accused is registered as a physician, a certificate under their seal certifying that such registration has been annulled, and said clerk shall, upon receipt of said certificate, file the same and forthwith mark said registration "annulled." Any person who shall practice medicine after his registration has been marked "annulled" shall be deemed to have practiced medicine without registration. Where the license of any person has been revoked, or his registration has been annulled as herein provided, the regents may, after the expiration of one year, entertain an application for a new license, in like manner as original applications for licenses are entertained; and upon such new application they may in their discretion, exempt the applicant from the necessity of undergoing any examination.


§ 171. Registry in another county. A practicing phy- Registry in sician having registered a lawful authority to practice another medicine in one county, and removing such practice or part thereof to another county, or regularly engaging in practice or opening an office in another county or shall have his office, practice or any part thereof removed from one county to another by an act of legislature creating a new county from a then existing county, thereby causing his office or practice to be situated in a new county, shall show or send by registered mail to the clerk of such other or new county, his certificate of registration. If such certificate clearly shows that the original registration was of an authority issued under seal by the regents, or if the certificate itself is indorsed by the regents as entitled to registration, the clerk shall thereupon register the applicant in the latter or new county, on receipt of a fee of twenty-five cents, and shall stamp or indorse on such certificate the date and his name preceded by the words, "registered also in the certificate to the applicant. 53.)

county," and return (Am'd by L. 1915, ch.

§ 172. Certificate presumptive evidence; unauthorized Unauregistration and license prohibited. Every unrevoked registracertificate and indorsement of registry, made as pro- license vided in this article, shall be presumptive evidence in proall courts and places, that the person named therein is legally registered. Hereafter no person shall register


tion and


any authority to practice medicine unless it has been issued or indorsed as a license by the regents. No such registration shall be valid unless the authority registered constituted, at the time of registration, a license under the laws of the state then in force. No diploma or license conferred on a person not actually in attendance at the lectures, instruction and examinations of the school conferring the same, or not possessed at the time of its conferment of the requirements then demanded of medical students in this state as a condition of their being licensed so to practice, and no registration not in accordance with this article shall be lawful authority to practice medicine, nor shall the degree of doctor of medicine be conferred causa honoris or ad eundem nor if previously conferred shall it be a qualification for such practice.

§ 173. Construction of this article. This article shall not be construed to affect commissioned medical officers serving in the United States army, navy or marine hospital service, while so commissioned; or any one while actually serving on the resident medical staff of any legally incorporated hospital; or any legally registered dentist exclusively engaged in practicing dentistry; or any person or manufacturer who mechanically fits or sells lenses, artificial eyes, limbs or other apparatus or appliances, or is engaged in the mechanical examination of eyes, for the purpose of constructing or adjusting spectacles, eye glasses and lenses; or any lawfully qualified physician in other states or countries meeting legally registered physicians in this state in consultation; or any physician residing on a border of a neighboring state and duly licensed under the laws thereof to practice medicine therein, whose practice extends into this state, and who does not open an office or appoint a place to meet patients or receive calls within this state; or any physician duly registered in one county called to attend isolated cases in another county, but not residing or habitually practicing therein; or the furnishing of medical assistance in case of emergency; or the domestic administration of family remedies; or the practice of chiropody; or the practice of the religious tenets of any church. This article shall be construed to repeal all acts or parts of acts authorizing conferment of any degree in medicine causa honoris or ad eundem or otherwise than on students duly graduated after satisfactory completion of a preliminary medical course not less than that required by this article as a condition of license. It is further provided that any person who shall be actively engaged in the practice of osteopathy in the state of New York on the thirteenth day of May, nineteen hundred and seven, and who shall present to the board of regents satisfactory evidence that he is a graduate in good standing of a regularly conducted school or college of osteopathy within the United States which at the time of his or her graduation required a course of study of two years or longer, including the subjects of anatomy, physiology, pathology, hygiene, chemistry, obstetrics, diagnosis and the theory and practice of osteopathy, with actual attendance of not less than twenty months, which facts shall be shown by his or her diploma and affidavit, shall upon application and payment of ten dollars be granted, without examination, a license to practice osteopathy, provided application for such license be made within six months after the thirteenth day of May, nineteen hundred and




A license to practice osteopathy shall not per- Osteopaths mit the holder thereof to administer drugs or perform not to adsurgery with the use of instruments. Licenses to prac- drugs or tice osteopathy shall be registered in accordance with perform the provisions of this article, and the word osteopath be included in such registration; and such license shall entitle the holder thereof to the use of the degree D. O., or doctor of osteopathy. (Am'd by L. 1918, ch. 630, in effect May 11, 1918.)

§ 174. Penalties and their collection. Any person

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