A. D. 1893. shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined in the discretion of the Court. No. 336. A JOINT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND REQUIRING SECRETARY OF STATE TO TURN OVER TO TRUSTEES OF THE SOUTH CAROLINA INDUSTRIAL AND WINTHROP NORMAL COLLEGE ALL MARBLE AND TILING Now On HAND AND WHICH HAS BEEN BOUGHT FOR THE STATE HOUSE. be turned over. SECTION 1. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That Remnants to the Secretary of State is hereby authorized and directed to turn over to the Board of Trustees of the South Carolina Industrial and Winthrop Normal College all remnants of marble and tiling Approval by left over from work on the State House as, in the judgment of Commission. the State House Commission, cannot be used in the completion of the State House and can be used to advantage in the construction of the South Carolina Industrial and Winthrop Normal College for the education of the white girls of South Carolina. Approved January 4th, A. D. 1894. State House No. 337. A JOINT RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE AND REQUIRE THE DIRECTORS OF THE PENITENTIARY TO FURNISH TO THE TRUSTEES OF CLEMSON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE FIFTY CONVICTS, AND TO FURNISH TO THE REGENTS OF THE LUNATIC ASYLUM FIFTY CONVICTS, AND TO FURNISH TO THE TRUSTEES OF THE SOUTH CAROLINA INDUSTRIAL AND WINTHROP NORMAL COLLEGE ONE HUNDRED CONVICTS. SECTION 1. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That to Clemson Col- the Board of Directors of the South Carolina Penitentiary are Fifty convicts lege. A. D. 1893. Convicts now on hand. hereby authorized and required, upon the order of the Board of Trustees of Clemson Agricultural College, signed by their President and Secretary, to furnish to said Board of Trustees able-bodied convicts, not to exceed fifty at any one time, and to that end to allow such convicts as are now on hand at said College to be retained and other such to be furnished to make up the said number of fifty, said fifty convicts to be furnished on the terms, conditions and restrictions contained in Section 5 of an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the building and maintenance of the Clemson Agricultural College of South Carolina, December 23, A. D. 1889, except that these fifty convicts may Employment. be employed by said Trustees in dyking Seneca River, adjoining the College farm, and in such other work as to them may seem useful, for twelve months from the date of the approval of this Joint Resolution. Terms and conditions. 20 Stat., 301. convicts to Win SEC. 2. That the said Board of Directors of the South Caro- One hundred lina Penitentiary are further authorized and required, upon the throp College. order of the Board of Trustees of the South Carolina Industrial and Winthrop Normal College, signed by their Chairman and Secretary, to furnish to said Board of Trustees one hundred ablebodied convicts, said convicts to be employed in any and all work Employment. connected with said College, said convicts to be furnished until the work of building and finishing up said College is completed. SEC. 3. That the said Board of Directors of the South Caro- Fifty convicts to Lunatic Asylina Penitentiary are further authorized and required, upon the lum. order of the Board of Regents of Lunatic Asylum, to furnish said Board of Regents fifty able-bodied convicts during period between 10th day of July, 1894, and 1st day of October, 1894, Time. said convicts to be employed to make brick for the purpose of building a new brick building for colored male patients. Approved January 4th, A. D. 1894. Employment. A JOINT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TRUSTEES OF No. 338. SECTION 1. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same. That the Purchase a uTrustees of the Clemson Agricultural College of South Carolina be, thorized. A. D. 1893. and they are hereby, authorized to purchase for the benefit of said College the lands now belonging to Miss Lee, and which Location of adjoins the lands on which the College is located: Provided, Limit to price. That they do not pay for the same more than the sum of ten thousand dollars, in five equal annual installments. land. Appropriation. SEC. 2. That for the purpose of making the first payment on same, the sum of two thousand dollars is hereby appropriated from the funds of the State now in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved January 4th, A. D. 1894. No. 339. A JOINT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND REQUIRING THE COUNTY TREASURERS OF THE SEVERAL COUNTIES IN THIS STATE TO REFUND TO ALL PERSONS WHO PAID TO THE SAID TREASURER THE ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS AS REQUIRED BY LAW FOR LIQUOR LICENSE FOR 1893 THE SUM OF FIFTY DOLLARS OUT OF TAXES OF FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING NOVEMBER 1, 1892. Refund. Amount. Receipt. Condition. Copies to be sent to County Treasurers. SECTION 1. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the several County Treasurers of the several Counties of this State be, and they are hereby, authorized and required to pay over to each of the persons of their said Counties who paid to said Treasurers the one hundred dollars then required by law to be paid County Treasurers for liquor licenses for the year 1893 the sum of fifty dollars out of the funds in their hands from taxes of fiscal year commencing November 1st, 1892, being the one-half of the amount so paid by each of them, said Treasurers taking a receipt for the same, which shall be a proper voucher for them in their settlement with the County Auditors and Comptroller-General: Provided, That no one shall be entitled to said refund until he has filed a certified oath that he has sold no whiskey or other spirituous or malt liquors since the first day of July, A. D. 1893, or directly or indirectly aided or abetted in such sale. SEC. 2. That copies of this Joint Resolution be immediately sent to each County Treasurer by the Secretary of State of the State. Approved January 4th, A. D. 1894. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE STATE TREASURER TO REISSUE A. D. 1893. No. 340. Whereas it appears on the books of the Treasurer of the State Preamble. of South Carolina that certain three per cent. stock is standing in the name of Arnoldus Vanderhorst in trust for the estate of Recitals of issue James Wall, now deceased, being certificate of stock Number Thirty-Four (No. 34) of the stock of this State known as the Revolutionary War Claims, issued under the Act of 1794, bear- 5 Stat., 239. ing interest at three per centum, redeemable at pleasure, for two hundred and 58-100 ($200.58) dollars, with interest thereon for three hundred and seventy-seven quarters, ending July 1st, 1893, and amounting for interest to five hundred and sixty-five dollars and fifty cents, and for principal and interest to seven hundred and sixty-six dollars and eight cents ($766.08), and the same has been unclaimed for many years; And whereas the said certificate of stock has been lost, mislaid or destroyed; And whereas Ed- Recital of loss ward R. Arthur, as administrator with the will annexed of the goods, chattels and credits of said James Wall, deceased, represents the heirs of the said James Wall, deceased, who filed their petition to establish their rights in said stock within the time. limited by the Act of the General Assembly of this State, approved March 1st, 1878, entitled "An Act to discover the legal 16 Stat., 407. representatives of certain persons that appear as creditors on the and proof. State books in the Treasurer's office"; And whereas the said Trust ended. trust of the said Arnoldus Vanderhorst was merely nominal and has ceased by the lapse of time, more than ninety years having passed since the creation of the same: Therefore, be reissued. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- Certificate to sentatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the Treasurer of the State of South Carolina be, and is hereby, authorized and empowered to reissue to the said Edward R. Arthur as administrator with the will annexed of the estate, chattels and credits which were of James Wall, deceased, said Certificate Number Thirty-four (No. 34) of three per cent. stock A. D. 1893. certificate. of this State known as the "Revolutionary War Claims," and herein before mentioned, upon proof being furnished to the said State Treasurer of the due appointment and qualification of the said Edward R. Arthur as administrator with the will annexed as aforesaid. Refunding of SEC. 2. That the said State Treasurer be, and is hereby, authorized, empowered and directed, after the reissue of said stock, and at the request of the said Edward R. Arthur as administrator with the will annexed, as aforesaid, to fund the same on the terms and in the manner provided by the Act of the General Assembly of this State, approved December 22d, 1873, entitled 15 Stat., 518. "An Act to reduce the volume of the public debt and provide for the payment of the same," as amended 1879 and 1880, pro17 Stat., 104, 240 viding for the funding of "the certificates of stock issued under Act of 1794 and redeemable at pleasure.' Approved January 4th, A. D. 1894. No. 341. A JOINT RESOLUTION REQUIRING THE COMPTROLLERGENERAL TO DRAW HIS WARRANT UPON THE STATE TREASURER IN FAVOR OF JEFFRIES AND EARLE, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE SAME. Warrant. SECTION 1. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the Comptroller-General be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to draw his warrant upon the State Treasurer in favor of Jeffries and Earle, of Washington, D. C., in the sum of one Amount and thousand dollars in payment of their services for the State in the case of the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad Company vs. Wade Hampton Gibbes, Treasurer of Richland County, South Carolina, and that the Treasurer pay said warrant when presented. consideration. Payment. Approved January 4th, A. D. 1894. |