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January 14.

It was made up machinery and Naturally, a

Do not say a word against this creed. in Town, where there is nothing but asphalt and building — all shut in by the fog. man grows to think that there is no one higher than himself, and that the Metropolitan Board of Works made everything. But in this country, where you really see humanity — raw, brown, naked humanity - with nothing between it and the blazing sky, and only the used-up, over-handled earth underfoot, the notion somehow dies away, and most folk come back to simpler theories. Life, in India, is not long enough to waste in proving that there is no one in particular at the head of affairs. The Conversion of Aurelian McGoggin.

January 15.

"LIE still, dear lamb, lie still;

The child is passed from harm,

'Tis the ache in your breast that broke your rest,

And the feel of an empty arm."

The Gift of the Sea.


January 16.

EN are licensed to stumble, but a clever woman's mistake is outside the regular course of Nature and Providence; since all good people know that a woman is the only infallible thing in the world, except Government Paper of the '79 issue, bearing interest at four and a half per cent. The Education of Otis Yeere.

January 17.

"SHTRIP, bhoys!' sez I.

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shwim in where glory waits!' 'But I can't shwim !'

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sez two av thim. To think I should live to hear that from

a bhoy wid a board-school edukashin!' sez I.

Take a

lump av thimber, an' me an' Conolly here will ferry ye over, ye young ladies !'' The Taking of Lungtungpen.


January 18.

HE had eyes like the brown av a buttherfly's wing whin the sun catches ut, an' a waist no thicker than my arm, an' a little sof' button av a mouth I wud ha' gone through all Asia bristlin' wid bay'nits to get the kiss av. An' her hair was as long as the tail av the Colonel's charger - forgive me mintionin' that blunderin' baste in the same mouthful with Annie Bragin― but 't was all shpun gold, an' time was whin a lock av ut was more than di'monds to me." The Solid Muldoon.

January 19.

O wise man has a policy," said the Viceroy.


"N° Policy is the blackmail levied on the Fool by the

Unforeseen. I am not the former, and I do not believe in the latter."

I do not quite see what this means, unless it refers to an Insurance Policy. Perhaps it was the Viceroy's way of saying, "Lie low." A Germ Destroyer.



January 20.

AR-CALLED our navies melt away

On dune and headland sinks the fire-
Lo, all our pomp of yesterday

Is one with Nineveh and Tyre !

Judge of the Nations, spare us yet,

Lest we forget - lest we forget!

January 21.


HE had the wisdom of the Serpent, the logical coherence of the Man, the fearlessness of the Child, and the triple intuition of the Woman.


January 22.


HAT season, came up to Simla one of these crazy people with only a single idea. These are the men who make things move; but they are not nice to talk to. A Germ Destroyer.


January 23.

RANSFERRED to the Eternal Settlement,

Each in his straight, wood-scantled office pent,

No longer Brown reverses Smith's appeals, Or Jones records his Minute of Dissent.

And One, long since a pillar of the Court,
As mud between the beams thereof is wrought;
And One who wrote on phosphates for the crops
Is subject-matter of his own Report.

The Last Department.

E was

January 24.

HE a six-thousand-rupee man, so great that his

daughters never "married." They "contracted alliances." He himself was not paid. He received emoluments," and his journeys about the country were "tours of observation." His business was to stir up the people in Madras with a long pole - -as you stir up tench in a pond and the people had to come up out of their comfortable old ways and gasp: "This is Enlightenment Isn't it fine !" Then they gave Mellish the hope of getting rid of A Germ Destroyer.


and progress.

statues and jasmine garlands, in



January 25.

F he had gone on with his work, he would have been caught up to the Secretariat in a few years.

[blocks in formation]

He was

all head, no physique and a

The Conversion of Aurelian McGoggin.

January 26.

NVENTORS seem very much alike as a caste. They talk loudly, especially about "conspiracies of monopolists;" they beat upon the table with their fists; and they secrete fragments of their inventions about their persons.

A Germ Destroyer.


January 27.

E found him dead, beneath an old dead horse,
Full six miles down the valley.

He was a victim to the Demon Drink,

And moralized upon him for a week,

And then forgot him. Which was natural.

So we said

Griffen's Debt.


January 28.

OVE and Death once ceased their strife

At the Tavern of Man's Life.
Called for wine, and threw alas !
Each his quiver on the grass.

When the bout was o'er they found
Mingled arrows strewed the ground.
Hastily they gathered then

Each the loves and lives of men.
Ah, the fateful dawn deceived!
Mingled arrows each one sheaved:
Death's dread armory was stored
With the shafts he most abhorred :
Love's light quiver groaned beneath
Venom-headed darts of Death.
Thus it was they wrought our woe
At the Tavern long ago.
Tell me, do our masters know,
Loosing blindly as they fly,

Old men love while young men die ?

The Explanation.

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