Imágenes de páginas

February 27.

"HE posed as the horror of horrors, — a misunderstood

man. Heaven knows the femme incomprise is sad

enough and bad enough — but the other thing!"

A Second-Rate Woman.

February 28.

PERHAPS - this is only a theory to account for his

infamous behavior later on- - he gave way to the queer, savage feeling that sometimes takes by the throat a husband twenty years married, when he sees, across the table, the same face of his wedded wife, and knows that, as he has sat facing it, so must he continue to sit until day of its death or his own. Most men and all women know It only lasts for three breaths as a rule, must "throw-back" to times when men and women were rather worse than they are now, and is too unpleasant to be discussed. The Bronckhorst Divorce-Case.

the spasm.

be a


February 29.

H, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,

Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment


But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor


When two strong men stand face to face, though they come from the ends of the earth.

The Ballad of East and West.


March 1.

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EALLY, if you come to consider, we know a
great deal more of men than of our own sex.
A Second-Rate Woman.

March 2.

WEN seldom confide in me! How is it they come


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"For the sake of impressing me with their careers in the past. Protect me from men with confidences!"

"And yet you encourage them? '

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"What can I do? They talk, I listen, and they vow that I am sympathetic."

A Second-Rate Woman.


March 3.

THE other men waited to see what would happen.
They trusted Strickland as men trust quiet men.

The Bronckhorst Divorce-Case.

March 4.


HEY were very human for all their spirituality.

The Sending of Dana Da.

March 5.

ESIDES perpetual youth, she had discovered, men said,


the secret of perpetual health; and her fame spread about the land. From a mere woman, she grew to be an Institution. Venus Annodomini.


March 6.

ITH the new clothes came a new stock of self-confidence. Otis Yeere discovered that he could enter a room without breaking into a gentle perspiration — could cross one, even to talk to Mrs. Hauksbee, as though rooms were meant to be crossed. He was for the first time in nine years proud of himself, and contented with his life.

The Education of Otis Yeere.

March 7.

URELY, twelve Simla seasons ought to have taught you


that you can't focus anything in India; and a salon, In two seasons

to be any good at all, must be permanent.

your roomful would be scattered all over Asia.

We are

only little bits of dirt on the hillsides — here one day, and blown down the khud the next. We have lost the art of talking at least our men have. We have no cohe


"George Eliot in the flesh," interpolated Mrs. Hauksbee, wickedly. The Education of Otis Yeere.

March 8.

HEY have looked each other between the eyes, and


there they found no fault ;

They have taken the Oath of the Brother-in-Blood on leavened bread and salt;

They have taken the Oath of the Brother-in-Blood on fire and fresh-cut sod,

On the hilt and the haft of the Khyber knife, and the Wondrous Names of God.

The Ballad of East and West.


March 9.

T is a curious thing that, when a man hates or loves beyond reason, he is ready to go beyond reason to gratify his feelings. Which he would not do for money or power merely. Depend upon it, Solomon would never have built altars to Ashtaroth and all those ladies with queer names, if there had not been trouble of some kind in his zenana, and nowhere else. The Bisara of Pooree.

March 10.

"TRY my recipe. Take a man, not a boy, mind, but

an almost mature, unattached man, and be his guide, philosopher, and friend. You'll find it the most interesting occupation that you ever embarked on. It can be done, — you need n't look like that, because I've done it."

"There's an element of risk about it that makes the notion attractive. I'll get such a man and say to him, 'Now,

understand that there must be no flirtation.

Do exactly what

I tell you, profit by my instruction and counsels, and all will yet be well.' Is that the idea?"

"More or less," said Mrs. Mallowe, with an unfathomable smile. "But be sure he understands."

The Education of Otis Yeere.


March II.

HERE are three or four times in a man's life when he is justified in meddling with other people's affairs to play Providence. The Bisara of Pooree.

March 12.

ALL Sikhs are dogs, and they have refused in their folly

that good gift of God


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