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" And many a gambol frolick'd o'er the ground, And sleights of art and feats of strength went round And still as each repeated pleasure tired, Succeeding sports the mirthful band inspired ; The dancing pair that simply sought renown, By holding out to tire... "
The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith - Página 32
por Oliver Goldsmith - 1851 - 134 páginas
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The Poems of Oliver Goldsmith

Oliver Goldsmith - 1800 - 192 páginas
...Succeeding sports the mirthful band inspir'd; The dancing pair that simply sought renown, By holding out to tire each other down ; The swain mistrustless...! sports like these, With sweet succession, taught e'en toil to please; These round thy bow'rs their crieerful influence shed, These were thy charms —...
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The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M. B.: With an Account of His Life ...

Oliver Goldsmith - 1803 - 192 páginas
...dancing pair that simply sought renown, By holding out to tire each other down ; The swain mistrustiess of his smutted face, While secret laughter titter'd...village! sports like these, With sweet succession, taught e'en toil to please; These round thy bowers their cheerful influence shed, These were thy charms......
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Poems by Goldsmith and Parnell

Oliver Goldsmith - 1804 - 114 páginas
...Succeeding sports the mirthful band inspired : The dancing pair that simply sought renown, By holding out, to tire each other down ; The swain mistrustless...village! sports like these, With sweet succession, taught e'en toil to please; These round thy bowers their cheerful influence shed, These were thy charms —...
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The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith: With an Account of His Life ...

Oliver Goldsmith - 1805 - 264 páginas
...Succeeding sports the mirthful band inspir'd ; The dancing pair that simply sought renown, By holding out to tire, each other down ; The swain mistrustless...! sports like these, With sweet succession, taught e'en toil to please ; These round thy bo w'rstheirchcerfulinflueneeshed, These were thy charms —...
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Poetical Works

Oliver Goldsmith - 1806 - 248 páginas
...tire each other down; The swain, mistrufltless of bis smutted face, While secret laughter littor'd round the place ; The bashful virgin's side-long looks...! sports like these, With sweet succession, taught ev'n toil to please; These round thy bowers their cheerful influence shed, These were thy charms —...
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The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith, Volumen2

Oliver Goldsmith - 1809 - 324 páginas
...pair that simply sought renown* By holding out, to tire each other down ; The swain mistrustlessofhis smutted face, While secret laughter titter'd round...! sports like these, With sweet succession, taught ev'n toil to please ; These round thy bowers their cheerful influence shed, These were thy charms—...
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Elegant Extracts, Volúmenes1-2

Vicesimus Knox - 1809 - 606 páginas
...Succeeding sports the mirthful band inspir'd The dancing pair that simply sought renown ; By holding ION ! pleasure ! let us talk of these : Dost grasp...feather, wave it e'er sq.hi^h, I< glory lodg'd : 'tis These:wcre thy charms, sweet village ! sports like With sweet succession taught e'en toil to please...
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The muses' bower, embellished with the beauties of English poetry, Volumen3

English poetry - 1809 - 308 páginas
...tire each other down ; The swain mistnistless of his smutted face, While secret laughter titter' d round the place; The bashful virgin's side-long looks...village! sports like these, With sweet succession, taught ev'n toil to please ; These round thy bowers their cheerful influence shed, These were thy charms—But...
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Specimens of the British poets, Volumen2

British poets - 1809 - 526 páginas
...out to tire each other down ; The swain, mis trust less of hi) smutted face, While secret langhter titter'd round the place ; The bashful virgin's side-long...looks reprove ; These were thy charms, sweet village I sports like these, With sweet succession, tanght ev'n toil to please: These round thy bowers their...
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La Belle Assemblée, Volumen6

1809 - 402 páginas
...Succeeding sports the mirthful band ir.spirM ; ; The dancing pair that simply nought renown By holding out to tire each other down ; ' The swain, mistrustless of his smutted fare, While secret laughter titter'd round the place; The bashful virgin's side long looks of love,...
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