Campaign in Germany.-Oppofile Designs of the French and Auftrians.—
Succeffes of the French.-They invest Ehrenbritfiein.-Driven back, by the
Archduke Charles, to Duffeldorf.—The Divifion of the French Army under
Moreau takes Poft at Straßburg.―The Plan of Operations propofed by this
General.—Croffes the Rhine.-Reduces the Fortress of Kehl.-Defeats the
Auftrians, under Marthal Wurmfer, near Philipfburg.—And in various
and fucceffive Engagements.-The Auftrians retire, in order to wait for
Reinforcements, into the Interior of Germany.—Junction of the French
Troops under Jourdan and Kleber.-Thefe united reduce Frankfort.-
Succeffes of Morcau in Swabia,--Cessation of Hoftilities between the French
and the Princes of Wirtemberg and Baden.-Conduct of Prufia.-A Prussian
Army takes Poffeffion of Nuremberg.-Impolicy of the French in the Mode
of raifing Contributions.-Caufe of this.-Depredations of the French in
Germany.-Operations of the French Armies under Moreau and Jourdan.—
Difafters of the Auftrians.-The Emperor reprefents the Situation of
Germany, and his own Situation, in an Appeal to his Bohemian and Hunga-
rian Subjects.-Diet of the Empire.-Partakes of the general Confternation
of Germany.-Determination to open a Negociation for Peace with France.
-The Tide of Succefs turned against the French by the Germans, under the
Archduke Charles.-Obftinate Engagements.-Masterly Retreat of the
French Armies.-Particularly of that under Moreau,-Confequences.—
The Auftrians occupied in the Siege of Kehl.—Sally of the Garrison there.
-Various Actions.—Armiflice between the French and Aufirians.—
The Diet of the Empire re-animated by the enterprizing Spirit and Succefs
of the Archduke Charles, folicitous to regain the Favour of the Imperial