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gone carefully step by step over Mary Vennum's whole life, and not only authenticates all the strange details of this tale of transformation, but has gathered much additional material for his society.

Mary was subject to cataleptic fits; after one of these she didn't know her parents, and began to talk of things about the Roff house and articles in it that her parents knew nothing about. The Vennum family took the girl to the Roff house, as she was always pleading to be taken home.

There she stayed perfectly content. From the moment she stepped inside the door she treated all the members of the household as old acquaintances. She understood all their peculiarities as if she had been reared among them. She was perfectly familiar with every piece of furniture and every chair and picture, and seemed in every way happy and contented.

Though she had never even visited the place before, she immediately recognized every object that had belonged to the dead girl, and called it her own. One day she ran through the house several times as though looking for something, and she afterward said to Mrs. Roff: "Mother, where is Gyp? I want to see him. I am afraid he has not been properly cared for."

Gyp had been the favorite pet of Mary Roff, and had been buried about eleven years. His name had never been mentioned before Mary, and the Roffs never remember to have spoken of him since their acqaintance with the Vennums.

Very many instances of a similar nature are told of Mary and fully corroborated by members of the two families.


The Baltimore Sun has a correspondent who gives the following description of a Finnish bath: The secret of the attraction of the resort lies in its baths. These consist of a large building with small compartments for bathers, and a swimming basin with water from the sea, heated by steam, and ever fresh-running. Each visitor gets a carpeted room, with a lounge to sleep on when done bathing. Stretched on the lounge, one is covered with a heavy layer of mud from the bottom of the sea. The attendant then comes to pinch, beat, press and scrub the body all over for half an hour, until one faints or seems half dead. The next process is to be plunged into the water tub, then

brushed with soap, then different kinds of douches for another half hour. Next comes a swim in the great basin, and then a thorough drying by massage. Covered up with blankets, one then goes to sleep. like a top, and after-say two hours, the subject of all this process is rubbed and dressed. All of this is done by Finnish women of all ages, dressed in blue skirts, white and red bodices, and with bare feet.


The effort to accommodate the eye in looking at near objects requires the action of several muscles, which must continue to act so long as the sight remains fixed upon them. When the effort is long sustained, these muscles become weary; and when not given proper opportunity for rest, they become seriously diseased.

If the eyes become easily tired, and can be used but a short time without a blurring of vision or aching of the eye-balls, it is probable that there is some serious defect, and a competent oculist should be consulted.

Never try to read or do work requiring close application of the eyesight, in a poor light. In reading, have the light come over the shoulder, the left, if convenient, and avoid using the eyes in a glaring light.

Avoid exposing the eyes to a sudden, bright light. When the eyes. are opened after being closed for some hours, as on awaking from sleep, some little time elapses before they are fully accustomed to the light. On this account, it is not well to employ the eyes in reading immediately on waking in the morning.

Reading on the cars is injurious to the eyes on account of the shaking which continually changes the distance between the book and the eye, and thus taxes most severely the organs of accommodation. Reading when lying down is also injurious.

A SMALL piece of resin dipped in the water which is placed in a vessel on a stove, it is said, will add a peculiar property to the atmosphere of the room, which will give great relief to persons troubled with a cough. The heat of the water is sufficient to throw off the aroma of the resin, and gives the same relief that is afforded by combustion of the resin. It is preferable to combustion, because the evaporation is much more durable. The same resin may be used for weeks.



Pneumonia kills sometimes within forty-eight hours. There are well marked symptoms which warn you of an approach of this disease. If you know these, you ought to be able to ward off all danger.

There are three stages of this disease, in the first two of which it is possible to save a person.

In the first stage exists what is called congestion of the lungs. Of course pneumonia has its seat in the lungs. In this first stage the quantity of blood in the fine capillaries (small blood vessels) is greatly increased. These capillaries become distended, the walls are thus made thin, and some of the corpuscles, red and white, are forced through the walls into the air cells.

In an abcess of any part of the body the matter is called pus. This pus is composed of dead cells and tissue, also white corpuscles that exude from the blood vessels. The passing of the red and white, especially the white, corpuscles through the walls of the blood vessels is a common thing. The blood rushes along the blood vessels at a very rapid rate, much more rapid in the centre of the vessel than along the sides. This is a law of physics. If, for any reason, the wall of the blood vessel becomes thin, these cells gradually work their way through into surrounding tissue, or into the air cells of the lungs. As a result of the congestion (too much blood at one spot) there is inflammation. The usual cause is an exposure to the weather. A rugged, healthy man may be travelling, lose connections with trains, walk in a wet rain for miles, sit in a hotel with his wet clothes on, and become chilled through and through. A cold, influenza or la grippe may develop into pneumonia if not taken care of.

The symptom that ushers in an attack of pneumonia is a chill. If you do not have a decided chill there is not much need of anxiety. Other symptoms are headache, backache, pains in the limbs, coryza, some cough with expectoration. You probably will get a "stitch in the side," which may be due to pleurisy, or to inflammation in the lung itself. A great many have these symptoms who do not have pneumonia, but it is far safer to take care of the simple symptoms of influenza. Beware, always, of a chill!

The second stage of pneumonia is a condition in which the mucous membrane lining the air cells is over-stimulated, and throwing out too

much mucus. There is also a slight presence of the red and white corpuscles of the blood. The red corpuscles impart to the expectorated matter a rusty color. This matter is tenacious.

If the second stage is allowed to continue for any length of time, it is very likely to run into the third stage, which is that of suppuration. In this third stage, the corpuscles of the blood pass through the walls of the blood vessels in great quantities; the actual tissue of the lungs becomes dead, and separates-all together completely fill the at first remote air cells, later the larger air cells; the lung solidifies, air is not allowed to enter the lungs, the blood remains impure, poisonous, and you die of suffocation.

It is almost impossible to save a person in this third stage. The first and second stages are serious and need the utmost care to escape the third stage.

To sum up in a few words, you have an attack of iufluenza, with its symptoms of headache, etc., then a decided chill. You may have the chill at once without any of the other symptoms.

Then there is congestion; first stage. Next there is inflammation, cough and expectoration of rusty, tenacious sputum ; second stage. Lastly, suppuration, solidification of the lung; third stage, death. There is present in all of these stages a high fever, 103° to 104°, pulse 120 to 160, and respirations 48 to the minute.

In regard to remedies, an excellent one is oxygen gas. A supply of this gas can be obtained from almost any chemist, and be carried away in a rubber bag without much loss of the gas.

One of the best remedies is ergot, as given in this combination :

Fluid extract of ergot..

Tincture of gelsennium...

Wine of antimony...

.4 drachms.

2 drachms.

.2 drachms.

Mix: take 30 drops every two hours, to be increased if necessary.


Ergot has great power in contracting the small blood vessels. sennium is a safe remedy for the same purpose, and antimony acts both upon the blood vessels, and especially on the skin, in aiding perspiration.

For home treatment of pneumonia always treat the warning symptoms described above. If you get a chill, use at once the best means at hand to reduce the fever that is almost sure to follow.

Pneumonia is a disease which needs careful watching. The let-alone policy is almost sure to be fatal. You must go to bed. You must

You cannot be falsely brave, and

keep warm and have complete rest. declare that "it is nothing but a cold." Pneumonia is a disease in which you need plenty of nutritious food, sometimes warm stimulants, the latter being commenced early. Brandy is the best. For the high fever, cold sponging several times a day, antifebrin in five-grain doses every six hours, aconite in one-drop doses every hour.

Always maintain good general health. A well-cared-for system will stand a heavy drain upon itself. Always sleep in a room that has plenty of fresh air. Keep a window open a little on the coldest night, and a great deal on a warm night. Arrange it so that you do not feel a draught. Eat wholesome food. Do not abuse your stomach or kidneys, and take plenty of exercise.


All bed coverings ought to be as light as is consistent with warmth, and therefore woolen blankets are far more healthful than the ordinary heavy comforter, which admits of no ventilation, but absorbs and retains the exhalations from the body. Blankets can be washed often, while comforters cannot, unless taken entirely to pieces. In regard to the airing of the bedding and sleeping room, one cannot be too particular. Choosing bright, sunny days, mattresses, pillows, and each separate article of bedding should be turned out of door several times each week.


Professor Max Müller has recently published some extracts from the Sanscrit, which describe breathing exercises, consisting of deep breathing, expelling and drawing in the breath at a regular rate, and holding the breath, for the purpose, as was said, of steadying the mind. The person taking this exercise was directed to assume a firm and easy position, and then to carefully regulate the breath,-drawing it in through one nostril, closing the other nostril with the finger, then after retaining it for some time, sending it out through the other nostril. The time occupied in the three parts of the exercise,-inhalation, retention, and exhalation,—was regulated by the repetition of the syllable om. It was claimed that this method of breathing gave remarkable clearness to the mind, and prepared the individual for a mental state in which most exceptional powers might be manifested.

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