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The New No. 4 Home Electro-Medical Apparatus,




No Acids, Chemicals or Liquids. Complete, Excellent and

For Doctor or Patient this Electro-Medical Apparatus is the most convenient and reliable of any of the hundreds of forms ever introduced. It is reliable, because with its Dry Battery so much less care is necessary to avoid getting it out of order than is required with any other known form. The entire absence of acids, liquids or salts, will be appreciated by any one who has ever had occasion to use a Medical Battery. The box when closed up may lie in any position on a table or shelf, or

in the bottom of a carriage,

Always Ready.

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without harm. The strength of the various currents ranges from those which are so mild as to be scarcely perceptible to the most powerful that can be endured by a strong man.

Physicians prescribing applications of the Faradic current for patients, personally at home, or by nurse, under specific direction, will find much satisfaction in recommending this form of Apparatusinasmuch as from its simplicity and entire absence of acids or liquids it is peculiarly suited to the use of those who are entirely unfamiliar with the care and precautions necessary for handling any of the usual forms of acid Batteries.

The Complete Apparatus, charged and ready for instant use, costs $7.50 net.

Extra Cells cost 90 cents each. Full directions accompany each battery.

The size of the handsome cherry case is 34 × 5 × 84 inches, and the weight 4 pounds. The Burnley Dry Battery, which is used with this apparatus, being a standard staple commercial article, made only in one size and shape, is easily obtainable for replacing an exhausted cell after long use, at any Electrical Supply Store, or wherever this No. 4 apparatus is on sale.


J. H. BUNNELL & CO., 76 Cortlandt Street, New York.

To Those Who Advertise.

The columns of the TURF, FIELD AND FARM, NEW YORK, are broad and all uniform in size. Each business advertised has prominent position is classified and made attractive in proportion to size and importance. An act of Congress requires prepayment of postage to all subscribers. We continue at the old established terms of subscription.

The advertising rates have not been advanced, although our readers have increased FIVE-FOLD since the present prices were adopted, and, as evidence of growing popularity, our list of patrons is still spreading.

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The AMERICAN STUD BOOK and TROTTING AND PACING RECORDS are compiled and published in the office of the TURF, FIELD AND FARM, thus giving an official stamp to the paper and making it indispensable to every horseman.

Its reports of Racing and Trotting, Shooting, Fishing-Aquatic and kindr.. events are the latest, most complete and reliable. Each department is conducted by gentlemen of ability. The paper is read by

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There are ten thousand post-offices reached by the TURF, FIELD AND FARM, and these, with the work of distribution carried on by the news companies throughout the world, place every week the paper before not less than

One Hundred Thousand Readers.

As a general advertising medium, therefore, the TURF, FIELD AND FARM is not surpassed by any publication in America.

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Advertisements of an improper or objectionable nature are not solicited, nor published at any price.

We invite a trial order and a share of your patronage.

TERMS CASH, and must accompany transient business to insure attention.


251 Broadway, New York.


"I know precisely how you feel; it is that nervous, irritable feeling, your back troubles you, and when you try to read a little, your head aches. Isn't that so? I knew it. Oh, bother the doctor! Get a bottle of Vegetable Compound, and take it faithfully, as I have done. I've been through this thing myself, but am never troubled now. Do as I tell you, dear."

Prudent women who best understand their ailments, find in the Compound a remedy for all those distressing ills that require prompt and effective treatment as a guaranty to good health.

Send stamp for "Guide to Health and Etiquette," a beautiful illustrated book.


Is the only Positive Cure and Legitimate Remedy COMPOUND for the peculiar weaknesses and ailments of women.

It cures the worst forms of Female Complaints, that Bearing-down Feeling, Weak Back, Falling and Displacement of the Womb, Inflammation, Ovarian Troubles, and all Organic Diseases of the Uterus or Womb, and is invaluable to the Change of Life. Dissolves and expels Tumors from the Uterus at an early stage, and checks any tendency to Cancerous Humor. Subdues Faintness, Excitability, Nervous Prostration, Exhaustion, and strengthens and tones the Stomach. Cures Headache, General Debility, Indigestion, etc., and invigorates the whole system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex, the Compound has no rival.

All Druggists sell it as a standard article, or sent by mail, in form of Pills or Lozenges, on receipt of $1.00. LYDIA E. PINKHAM MED. CO.. LYNN, MASS.

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Is a national Afro-American newspaper, having the largest circulation of any journal of its class. It is full of interesting news matter from every. where, and contains sketches and por traits of prominent Afro-Americans. It has become a great success by its untiring enterprise. It has attracted attention throughout the country by its persistent and fearless attacks upon the abuses to which Afro-Americans are subjected. Subscription, $2.00 per year, $1.10 per six months, invariably in advance. Agents wanted. Good pay. Advertisers who wish to reach the colored people should use THE APPEAL. Rates low on bases of actual circulation.


C. F. ADAMS, Manager,



Established at EUGENE, LANE COUNTY,
OREGON, in 1864, by


Editor and Proprietor, who has long been connected with it.


The oldest and most influential paper in the upper part of the great WILLAMETTE VALLEY.

Subscription, $2.50 per year in advance.


Rates Reasonable.


The Most Powerful Neurotic Attainable.


An efficient and permanent preparation, remarkable for its efficacy and Therapeutic effects in the treatment of those Nervous Affections and morbid conditions of the system which so often tax the skill of the physician. A reliable and trustworthy remedy for the relief of Hysteria, Epilepsy, Neurasthenia, Mania' Chorea, Uterine Congestion, Migraine, Neuralgia, all Convulsive and Reflex Neuroses. The remedy par excellence in Delirium and Restlessness of Fevers.

Formula:-Each fluid drachm contains 5 grains each, C. P. Bromides of Potassium, Sodium and Ammonium, 1-8 gr. Bromide Zinc, 1-64 gr. each of Ext. Belladonna and Cannabis Indica, 4 gr. Ext. Lupuli and 5 minims fluid Ext. Cascara Sagrada, with Aromatic Elixirs.

Dose. From one teaspoonful to a tablespoonful, in water, three or more times daily, as may be directed by the Physician.

To any Physician unacquainted with the medicinal effect of Neurosine, we will, if requested, send trial bottle free, they paying express charges.


St. Louis, Mo.,

U. S. A.

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BE A MAN! HOPE for those who suf

from Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline, Exhausted Vitality. The despairing miseries arising from Inherited Weakness, Folly,Overwork, Overtaxation, Vice, Ignorance, Temperament, Strains, etc., causing the unhappy victim to be unfit for business, work, pleas ure or social or public duties and relations. Yield to our HOME TREATMENT. The majority of cases readily cured. Cases considered helpless, almost invariably permanently cured by persistent treatment for a few months. NATUREisalways trying to restore, but requires skillful aid for real improvement. Our methods, which we alone own and control, work in harmony with nature. The result of our treatment, even in those much broken down, is the noble vitality of strong men, the pride and power of nations. Compare strong, noble manhood, with the feeble, weak, emaciated, palid, stooping, timid, nervous creature. How great the gulf that separates them. But nature is kind and forgiving, and when assisted by our home treatment, by the methods which we alone own and control, Restoration results, if there is anything left to build upon. YEARS of successful experience in assisting the restorative and recuperative powers of nature, have taught us that no one should despair, and that few there are who cannot be cured if taken in time. Unless you have reached the point from which there is no return-where human aid can be of no avail, our own EXCLUSIVE TREAT



containing testimonials from

2,000 of those we have cured, whose cases were critical, also giving full explanation for HOME TREATMENT, will for a limited time be sent FREE, by mail, Securely Packed, in plain wrapper, to those who write for it, NO EXPERIMENTS.

Immediate influence for good and speedy cure if your case has

not gone too far. We are constantly restoring those of all ages who have been Civen Up. We have a right to solicit confidence, because of our Uniform Monopoly of Success. Many of those whom we have treated think the cures effected in their cases miraculous; but it is not so, but it is simply because we have learned nature's secrets, nature's remedies, and work in full harmony and accord with nature. No detention from business or work.

OUR TREATMENT reaches the very fountain head of the difficulty, soon restoring the vital force and

manly vigor of strong men. No matter how long standing the trouble, or how great the weakness, if there is anything to build upon, we can effect a cure. The weakened nerves, the strength, the health, the vitality, can and will be restored. Power takes the place of miserable feebleness and discouraged depondency gives way before the vigor of new strength and life. Men otherwise well or fairly well, who find their vital force declining, or whose case is in any way touched upon above, should write at once for our New Book. Doctors, Bankers, Merchants, Clergymen, Lawyers, Congressmen, Judges, and Professors, are constantly among our patients and patrons. HOPE. You need not suffer, you need not despair, you need not suffer a lingering death. Stop brooding, take heart and be a man. We say this in earnestness to all, even to those who have passed middle age, but more especially to the young and middle aged. if you are at all amenable to treatment, Our Exclusive Methods will Cure You. You will

Fully Understand Your Case by Reading Our NEW BOOK for a limited time. Address ERIE MEDICAL COMPANY, 64 Niagara Street, Buffalo, New Yor

which will be sent FREE, securely packed In plain wrapper,

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