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PASSION FLOWERS AND THE CROSS.-By Emma Howard Wright. Published by the Calendar Pub. Co., Baltimore. 247 pp., price 50 cents.

This is a tale of marriage without love and of love without marriage. The former a union induced on the part of the wife by the lure of wealth and social position, brought only a formal recognition of wifely attributes-a home only in name and an offspring that never knew a touch of maternal tenderness. The one bright and shining picture is the devotion of a college chum to his friend, whose premature death left a not unwilling widow an ample fortune, an only child, and a home which no embellishments of art could compensate for parental indifference, culminating in an unholy passion that penetrated the sacerdotal robe and lured a forsworn priest to his destruction. The authoress, whose likeness ornaments a fly-leaf, is evidently a woman who has keenly observed, if she has not felt, the play of passion in its various moods, and she has drawn a picture in many respects true to the life; making New York city contribute to her plot in a way not altogether strange to her Tammany-ridden precincts. PROTECTION OR FREE TRADE.-By Henry George. Published by Henry George & Co., 42 University Place. Single copies 25 cents, 10 copies for $1.

Mr. George is the author of several works on Political Economy, which have given him a widespread reputation. The present work is an able and elaborate exposition of the Tariff, from the standpoint of absolute free trade, and has already taken its place as a political text-book of the free-traders.

THE DIOS CHEMICAL Co., OF ST. LOUIS, have issued a handsome colored chart of the UTERUS and its APPENDAGES, which they offer to furnish free to members of the medical profession on application. They will be likely to have no lack of patronage on these terms.

LYDIA E. PINKHAM A VERITABLE PERSONALITY.-The Boston Herald, of June 1st, has a column article devoted to proofs of the personal identity of the late Lydia E. Pinkham, with the well known compound so extensively advertised and sold under her name and likeness. The history of the Pinkham family is fully gone into by a son, and an original likeness of the mother shown to the Herald reporter, which he at once recognized as the same in features as the one so extensively circulated in advertising one of the most valuable remedies of the household.

TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF BREWING. -The name of George Ebret is oftener drank in excellent beer than that of any other in New York city; and now, after having so long administered consolation to his thirsty patrons, he has attacked the brain with the most interesting history of American Beer we have seen. The work is a quarto of 120 pp., elegantly and profusely illustrated, following the Brewing industry from the barley-field to Hell-(gate). The statistics given in this pains-taken work will be interesting to hop growers, brewers, consumers, and apostles of total abstinence. The writer has fairly pictured a two-sided subject, and given it an unwonted interest.

FOR NERVOUSNESS USE HORSFORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE.-Dr. W. C. Hanscome, Minneapolis, Minn., says: "I used it in a case of acute rheumatism, during convalescence; the particuar symptoms I wished to relieve were sleeplessness and nervousness, and the results were all I desired."

ANGELS' FOOD.-By Basil Fritcher. This is an argument for a vegetarian food. to the entire exclusion of the flesh of animals, brief and to the point.

THE MICROSCOPE. An essay by Dr. H. M. Whelpley, F. R. M. S., giving much useful information.

NEW METHODS IN SURGERY.-Illustrated by A. V. L Brokaw, M. D., St.
Louis. Also, the use of Segmented Rubber Rings in operating, etc., etc.
Prof. H. M. Whelpley, M. D., P. H. G., St. Louis.


NOTE. We received a number of additional works, including the announcement of the MEDICAL CONVENTION to be held this month, with a list of themes to be discussed, which were left upon our round-table, to be properly noticed, but filched and carried away by some meddlesome interloper during our temporary absence, thus defeating our purpose.


For Hall's Journal of Health.

George Catlin wrote a pamphlet entitled "Shut your Mouth," to show the bad effects of breathing through the open mouth. He did not tell us how to keep the mouth shut during sleep.

I have seen an apparatus imported from abroad, at a cost of 75 cents, patented, like the headstall of a bridle, to put on at night.

I take a clean white cotton string, 15 or 20 inches long, put the middle part of it in my mouth and tie it loosely on my neck, just behind my mouth, my lips and tongue seize it and hold it, as long as it is in my mouth. This process is not patented and costs nothing.

H. F. P.

Circleville, Ohio.


Unfathomable Sea! whose waves are years,
Ocean of Time, whose waters of deep woe

Are brackish with the salt of human tears!
Thou shoreless flood, which in thy ebb and flow
Claspest the limits of mortality!

And sick of prey, yet howling on for more,
Vomitest thy wrecks on its inhospitable shore,
Treacherous in calm, and terrible in storm,
Who shall put forth on thee,
Unfathomable Sea ?-SHELLY.



Vol. 38.

AUGUST, 1891.

No. 8.


We have been told, time after time, that early rising is a wonderful method of lengthening the day, and thus adding to the value and usefulness of a man's life. To those who are tempted to self-indulgence in sleep by a natural tendency to ease, or a lack of incentive to early rising, the injunction is good enough, and should be enforced. But with the majority of us the danger lies in the opposite direction. The demands upon our time are so many and so pressing, that the longest day is sadly too short for the work we would like to see done in it. We go to bed at night with the unpleasant conviction that something is being left half finished, and to-morrow has already enough duties of its own to occupy its hours. So we get into the habit of scheming how the day may be made a bit longer by stealing a fragment from both ends of the night. We then flatter ourselves upon having stolen a march upon Dame Nature and cheated her out of her own. And how easy it is to imagine that we feel none the worse for the change, and that the touch of weariness which sometimes oppresses us is an unworthy inclination to slothfulness that ought to be kept in subjection.

Time, however, tells another tale, and a few years will prove that the human system must have the appointed hours of sleep and rest, or serious consequences will follow. When early rising is practised it must be preceded by early retiring. We are told that a large proportion of the people who have lived to an extreme old age were early risers; but it is well to understand that they are mostly agricultural laborers, and

country people, living simply and contentedly, and going to bed about nine o'clock in the evening, without a care to ruffle their sleep. A school boy on his holiday does not rest more soundly; and it is unreasonable for the ordinary business man, who has hands and brain actively engaged until almost midnight, to attempt keeping pace with him in the morning. There is no real gain in robbing one's self of the needed rest. The day may be lengthened but it is proportionately weakened, for loss of sleep means loss of energy.

There is a story told of a certain tradesman who was in difficulties, and went to his rich brother for assistance. On his arrival he found him in bed, and had to wait some time for his appearance. “I am surprised at you staying in bed so long," said the poor relation; "I have been up three hours at least." "Yes," replied the more fortunate brother, "but you see when I do get up I am thoroughly awake." The hint was more forcible than thoughtful, yet it contains a lesson which is especially applicable to those who are trying to gain for themselves a livelihood and a fortune. He who has enough sleep has secured one of the safeguards against the encroachments of disease and mental prostration. His nerves are steadier, his intellect is clearer and keener, and the business and responsibility of life are attended to with a degree of comfort and efficiency that are not otherwise attainable.

A few days ago, two gentlemen met by chance in our sanctum. They were quite youthful in appearance, and in excellent health. On comparing notes it was found that both had been in the military service during the "late unpleasantness," but upon opposite sides. Their youthful appearance led to a banter as to which was the elder, and it was agreed that each should mark the date of his birth on a slip of paper, and place it in the writer's hands, when it transpired that the "wearer of the gray" was senior by some seven years. We confessed our astonishment, for he was by far the younger looking. "I am a great home-body," he explained, "and having married soon after the war, I have scarcely ever missed retiring for the night as early as nine o'clock. In addition to this, my habits of life have always been simple and temperate."

Here was a man, above fifty years of age, who did not look to be more than thirty-five, all owing to simple and regular habits of life, with a due allotment to "nature's sweet restorer, sleep." And nature will never be cheated of her requirements, without writing her protest in indelible lines.


If asked, said Dr. Alfred Hill to the members of the British Medical Association, lately, what have been the principal agencies by which the past triumphs of preventive medicine have been achieved, there would be little hesitation in answering that the majority of the scourges which have afflicted mankind and been overcome have yielded to cleanliness. The plague and the medieval epidemics were banished by cleanliness. Typhus, thanks to the labors of Howard, was influenced by cleanliness as if by magic. Cholera, so fatal in its first visitations, before its favoring conditions were understood, wrought terrible havoc where filth conditions prevailed. Two hundred years ago the annual death rate of England was eighty per 1000 of the population; now it is but twenty.


Dr. Seaver, of Yale College, is waging war upon the habit of tobacco smoking, which some of the students there indulge in. He is the physician of the college and the professor of athletics, a man of science who follows scientific methods in any investigation he may undertake. He has been engaged for eight years in observing the effects of tobacco smoking upon the minds and bodies of Yale students, and he has just published a remarkable budget of statistics. Dr. Seaver informs the public that the students of Yale who indulge in tobacco smoking are inferior in physical vigor and mental ability to those that do not. According to his reckoning the smokers have less lung power than the anti-smokers; they have less chest-inflating capacity; they are of less bodily weight and they are even of less height. The muscular and nervous power of the smoking students is notably and noticeably less than that of the anti-smoking. From an athletic point of view, therefore, the Yale professor of athletics considers himself justified in waging war upon the tobacco habit. Not only in a physical way, but also in an intellectual way, the Yale smokers are inferior to the anti-smokers. The smoking habit is disadvantageous to scholarship. Of those students who, within a given time, have received junior appointments above dissertations, only 5 per cent. were smokers, and very few smokers received appointments of any kind. It would seem, therefore, that the brain. power and the scholarship of the smokers at Yale are far inferior to

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