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Mellin's Food consists of maltose, dextrins, protein, carbohydrates and bone-forming salts. When added to milk it makes a perfectly digestible and easily assimilated diet for the baby.

Send today for a free trial bottle

of Mellin's Food.

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(The entire contents of this Magazine are covered by the general copyright, and articles must not be reprinted without special permission)

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The Index for Volume XLV, November, 1917, to April, 1918, inclusive, has been prepared, and will be sent free of

charge, on request.

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In the United States, the price of THE ST. NICHOLAS MAGAZINE is $3.00 a year in advance, or 25 cents a single copy: the price

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The half-yearly parts of ST. NICHOLAS end with the October and April numbers respectively, and the red cloth covers are ready

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DON M. PARKER, Secretary

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