A MINIATURE VESUVIUS inside your head. You know how that feels. Indigestion, Insomnia, Overworkpossible causes; Wright's Paragon Headache Remedy the cure, certain as the sunrise. No scientific truth more wonderful than the amount of positive relief contained in one small wafer. Down goes the wafer away goes the headache- up go your spirits. That's the process. A large box of Paragon Headache Remedy postpaid on receipt of 25 cts. in stamps, or sample free if you will send your address. All druggists. Agents Wanted in every county in the U. S. CHAS. WRIGHT & CO., Man'f'g Chemists, Detroit, Mich. 100 all dif. Venezuela, Bolivia, etc., only 10C. 200 all dif. Hayti, Hawai, etc., only 50c. Agents wanted at 33 1-3 per cent. com. List FREE! C. A. Stegmann, 5941 Cote Briliante Av., St. Louis, Mo. NO RISK! Those who wear EYE-GLASSES can have their money back if our patent Improved Eve-Glass Reel is not just what they want. It is a neat little device by which cord attached to glasses is coiled up instantly and eye-glasses held firmly. You can't lose or mislay them. Sent prepaid, black linen cord, 25 cts.: silk, 35 cts. Ask your dealer for it. Sells on sight. Send for circular and testimonials. Satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. KETCHAM & MCDOUGALL, (Est. 1832), 198 Broadway, New York, Manufacturers Don't continue in the old rut and rust out. Move to Chicago Heights Free Gheap Fuel Ghicago Free Water Free Switching Write to us to-day Ghicago Heights Land Association THE LARGEST REAL ESTATE FIRM IN AMERICA. General Offices, 172 Washington Street, Gorner Fifth Avenue, GHIGAGO. 4 24 77 For Bright's Disease of the Kidneys, Gout, Rheumatism, etc., etc. G. HALSTED BOYLAND, M. D., of the Faculty of Paris and University of Leipsic : "In Bright's Disease of the Kidneys, Acute or Chronic, Spring No. 2, is in my experience without a rival, whether in the Par: BUFFALO LITHIA WATER enchymatous form or Interstitial Nephritis. In cases in which the Albumen in the Urine reached as high as 50 per cent., I have known it under a course of this water gradually diminish and finally disappear, at the same time other alarming symptoms were relieved and the sufferers restored to health. In Stone in the Bladder of the Red Lithic Acid and the White Phosphatic Deposit, the Solvent power of this water is unmistakable. The best results which I have witnessed from any remedy in Gouty and Rheumatic Affections have been from this water. In all diseases having their origin in a Uric Acid Diathesis, it is a remedy of unsurpassed excellence." HUNTER MCGUIRE, M. D., LL. D., President and Professor of Clinical Surgery University College of Medicine, Richmond, Virginia: BUFFALO LITHIA WATER Spring No. 2 as an alkaline diuretic is invaluable. In uric acid gravel, and, Indeed, in diseases generally dependent upon a uric acid diathesis, it is a remedy of extraordinary potency. I have prescribed it in cases of Rheumatic Gout, which had resisted the ordinary remedies, with wonderfully good results. I have used it also in my own case, being a great sufferer from this malady and have derived more benefit from it than from any other remedy." DR.WILLIAM A. HAMMOND, Surgeon-General United States Army (retired), says: "In my opinion the Water of No. 1 Spring BUFFALO LITHIA WATER is equal to and superior to the Water from the noted No. 2 Spring. Thus, while quite as efficacious as a solvent for any excess of uric acid existing in the blood, it appears to have greater power in dissolving the deposits of urates that appear about the small joints in gouty and rheumatic persons. and in dissipating the tenderness of the bones and articulations which so generally is attendant on these conditions. In such cases I have known it to act with surpassing thoroughness and rapidity. It is also more efficient as a diuretic, as it acts as a tonic to the heart and a true physiological diuretic." This Water is for sale by druggists generally, or in cases of one dozen half-gallon bottles $5.00 f. o. b. at the Springs. Descriptive pamphlet sent to any address. Springs open for guests from June 15th to October 1st. Proprietor, BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS, VIRGINIA, |