Columbia Bicudes STANDARD OF THE WORLD. THE PERFECT They sail from Lewis Wharf, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 12 o'clock, noon, and next morning you breakfast at Yarmouth the gateway of Nova Scotia, from which you can reach the beautiful Annapolis Valley, the famous Evangeline country, or the wonderful South Shore. "Beautiful Nova Scotia," a brand new, finely illustrated book tells all about it. Send ten cents postage for it, or write for free folder to J. F. SPINNEY, Agent, Yarmouth Steamship Company, 43 Lewis Wharf, Boston. A great deal. Past reputation- "MAGEE" The name "MAGEE" is a synonym of judged. Magee Furnaces and Ranges increase the heat, save fuel. best. Housekeepers everywhere testify to ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS THE SUPERIORS AND DULUTH EARLY THE FOLLOWING MORNING ALL AGENTS SELL TICKETS VIA THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN R'Y PRINCIPAL AGENCIES-New York, 423 Broadway-Boston, 5 State St.-Chicago, 208 Clark St. These baths are gaining great popularity among those afflicted with rheumatic and nervous troubles, and occupy the same place in popular favor in America that the celebrated salt baths of Nantwich, England and Kreuznach, Germany, do on the Continent. They are the Strongest Natural Salt Water Baths in America, and analysis of the brine shows it to possess greater medicinal properties than any similarly used in this country. In all respects these baths are equal or superior to their European contemporaries and are INCLUDED WITH REGULAR SANITARIUM TREATMENT of the most approved forms. Not only salt baths, but those of every other nature as well, are administered. The sanitarium buildings are all new, modern, and equipped with every convenience and comfort known to medical science, including hot water heat, elevator, electric bells, and in addition a large swimming pool in detached building, where "sea bathing" can be enjoyed with every surrounding of comfort and safety. Ample recreation grounds, broad and well kept walks, drives, tennis courts, and other out-door amusements are provided on the sanitarium property, which comprises over 100 acres of lawn, forest and glen, prolific in all that is beautiful in nature. THE LOCATION IS SUPERB 1500 feet above sea level and commanding a magnificent view of Warsaw Valley 150 feet below. Warsaw is on the main line of the Erie Railway, only 45 miles from Buffalo, and on the B. R. & P. Ry., 43 miles distant from Rochester. For any one in need of medical treatment in lines mentioned, or desirous of true rest and quiet recreation the WARSAW SALT BATHS ARE UNEXCELLED. A beautifully illustrated album of views, descriptive matter and list of exceptional references, including some of America's most prominent people, free for six cents in stamps. JOHN C. FISHER, M. D., Med. Supt. Address WARSAW SANITARIUM CO., Warsaw, N. Y. |