Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1896, by WARREN F. KELLOGG, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. All rights reserved. THE PINKHAM PRESS, 287-289 Congress St., Boston. Birthplace of the Order of the Cincinnati, The. William E. Ver Planck Illustrated from drawings by William F. Kingman, and from photographs. Nestor of American Education, The, Henry Barnard James L. Hughes William F. Warren, D. D., 560 LL. D.. 351 William Henry Kilby New England Town Under Foreign Martial Law, A New England Two Centuries Ago, Glimpses of New London, Connecticut William B. Weeden Henry Robinson Palmer. Illustrated from photographs. News of the Evacuation of Boston and the Declaration of Independence, The . Leaves from the Journal of Ezra Illustrated from photographs. Of the Blood Royal. A Story. 277 291 317 Illustrated from photographs. Order of the Cincinnati, The Birthplace of the . William E. Ver Planck . 676 Illustrated from photographs by A. H. Folsom and others. |