THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR For the Twelve Months Ended September 30 1903. TRANSMITTED TO THE LEGISLATURE MARCH 14, 1904, AS PART OF THE THIRD REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. ALBANY OLIVER A. QUAYLE STATE LEGISLATIVE PRINTER 1904 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. VOLUME I. THIRD GENERAL REPORT (Includes the Reports of the Commissioner of Labor and the Superintendent of the Free Employment Bureau and Special Reports on Labor Legislation in 1903 and Employers' Welfare Institutions) AND THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BUREAU OF MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION (SEVENTEENTH OF THE SERIES). VOLUME II. TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BUREAU OF STATISTICS. VOLUME III. LABOR ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BUREAU OF FACTORY INSPECTION (EIGHTEENTH OF THE SERIES). SIR. I herewith transmit my report for the twelve months ended September 30, 1903, containing a review of the year's work as set forth in the reports of the several Bureaus of the Department. The report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics was transmitted to the Legislature on March 7; the reports of the Bureau of Factory Inspection and Free Employment Bureau accompany this, and the report of the Bureau of Mediation and Arbitration will follow shortly. Yours very respectfully, JOHN MCMACKIN, 137188 .Albany. .Albany. .Albany. .New York. .New York. *Thomas A. Keith, Assistant to First Deputy Commissioner......New York. Thomas A. Braniff, Assistant to Second Deputy Commissioner. Henry C. Southwick, Statistical Clerk.... Jessie M. Sweeney, Clerk. Kate Shaffer, Clerk.... Electa R. Lockwood, Clerk. James S. Lyons, Clerk... Charles Whelan, Confidential Clerk. George E. Dayton, Clerk..... Ambrose J. O'Neill, Messenger.. Winifred E. Lockrow, Stenographer. DEPUTY FACTORY INSPECTORS.† Albany. .Albany. .Albany. .New York. .New York. .Albany. .Albany. New York. .Albany. .New York. New York. Albany. .New York. Appointed May 27, 1903. James N. Stewart, For the inspection districts see Report on Factory Inspection, pages vii and viii. |