Remains, Historical and Literary, Connected with the Palatine Counties of Lancaster and Chester, Volumen17

Chetham Society., 1849 - 151 páginas

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Página lii - ... palaces, navigation, &c. but now sallow, &c. are rejected, and nothing but oak any where regarded ; and yet see the change ; for when our houses were builded of willow, then had we oaken men ; but now that our houses are come to be made of oak, our men are not only become willow, but a great many altogether of straw, which is a sore alteration.
Página lxi - Labor rose in price notwithstanding various laws for its limitation, and this at last produced a memorable revolution in the state of agriculture, which made a mighty noise for many years. The prelates, barons, and other great proprietors of land, kept extensive tracts around their castles, which were called their demesne lands, in their own immediate possession, and cultivated them by their villains, and by hired servants, under the direction of their bailiffs. But these great landholders having...
Página lii - A writer in 1577, speaking of the progress of luxury, mentions three things especially, that were " marvellously altered for the worse in England ;" the multitude of chimneys lately erected, the increase of lodgings, and the exchange of treene platters into pewter, and wooden spoons into silver and tin, and he complains bitterly that oak instead of willow was employed for the building of houses.
Página xi - When he returned home with the "writ de expensis" he caused his bailiffs to levy twenty pounds for their use — whereas the men of the county allege that, if they had been left to their own choice, they could have had sufficient men to go to parliament for half the money, or even for less, for ten pounds or ten marks*. Even when parliamentary representation had assumed a greater degree of importance, the electors seem to have cared little for the person of the member, if they could but keep his...
Página xxxviii - they were good disputants; on which account they are still remembered in Oxford by an act performed by candidates for Mastership, called Keeping of Augustines.
Página lii - History, the writer, speaking of the increase of luxury, mentions three things especially, that are 'marvelously altered (for the worse) in England' — the multitude of chimnies lately erected — the great increase of lodgings — and the exchange of treene-platers into pewter, and wooden spoons into silver and tin: ' and he complains bitterly that nothing but oak for building houses is now regarded, 'for when our houses (says he) were built of willow, then we had oaken men; but now that our houses...
Página 86 - Manchester, whercupon the erle bought a piece of land of one Norris of Warrington, by which means he was privileged to on the other side, and so builded a bridge at Warrington, on both sides being his own land...
Página x - ... members seem to have proved an agreeable temptation to the knights, who, residing in a distant county, had no objection to travel to and from the metropolis at the expense of their constituents, and to be paid for their residence besides. This temptation, on some occasions, gave rise to foul play : thus, in the 17th Edward II., we find an indictment preferred against the sheriff of Lancaster for a false return of Knights who had not been elected by the county. But the gravamen was not so much...
Página xxxiii - Martyrology; whereunto the prior and convent were bound, under a penalty of three shillings and four-pence, to be levied by the provincial prior upon omission of such form of service ; and if for a week or a fortnight it were omitted, then must they double the time omitted in manner aforesaid : if neglected for six months, then upon pain of suspension : if for a year, then upon excommunication, until the time omitted be made up : whereunto are witnesses, Thomas, abbot of St. Werburge, of Chester...
Página 91 - III., 13f!4, may be found in Rymer's Faedera, vol. iii. pp. 740, 741, and is as follows : Rex universis et singulis vicecomitibus, majoribus, ballivis, ministris, et aliis fidelibus suis, tam infra libertates quam extra, ad quos, &c., salutem. Sciatis quod cum dilecti et fideles nostri Johannes le Botiller, Galfridus de Werberton, et Mathcus de Rixton, quendam pontem ultra aquam de Mercy infra dominium suum, caritatis intuitu, de novo...

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