retæ nuper uxoris Laurentij Balfrunte tenetur, scilicet, ut supponitur de dicto Petro per dictum servitium jacentia ad finem villæ de Weryngton versus Wynwhik jacentia in latitudine inter viam ducentem a Weryngton usque Wynwhik ex parte occidentali et campum Nicholai Blundell continentem sex acras terræ in tenura Nicholai Kyngeley ex parte orientali et extendentia in longitudine a bruera de Weryngton versus molendinum ventriticum ex parte boreali usque ad terram Willielmi Botiller in tenura Willielmi Chaloner ex parte australi. Quæ omnia prædicta reddunt dicto Petro de capitali redditu per annum sex denarios. WILLIELMUS GERARD de Ince tenet de dicto Petro Legh in capite per servitium militare quinque acras terræ arabilis invicem jacentes in campo de Arpeley vocatas Ince lande in latitudine inter tres acras prati dicti Willielmi Gerard tentas de prædicto Petro per dictum servitium vocatas Ince medo ex parte orientali et terram Willielmi Botiller in tenura Willielmi Kyngeley ex parte occidentali et extendunt in longitudine a tribus acris terræ arabilis dicti Willielmi Gerard ex parte australi usque ad quandam acram terræ ecclesiasticæ in tenura Willielmi Fletcher et viam bigalem de Arpeley et plures alias parcellas diversorum hominum ex parte boreali. Item tenet de dicto Petro per dictum servitium tres acras terræ arabilis in dicto campo de Arpeley jacentes in latitudine inter dictum pratum prædicti Willielmi Gerard ex parte orientali et duas acras terræ Willielmi Botiller in tenura Alicia nuper uxoris Rogeri Clerk senioris ex parte occidentali et extendunt in longitudine a prædictis quinque acris terræ dicti Willielmi Gerard ex parte boreali usque ad fossam communem dicti campi de Arpeley ex parte australi. Item dictus Willielmus Gerard tenet de dicto Petro per prædictum servitium unam acram terræ in Arpeley prædicto jacentem in latitudine inter quoddam croftum dicti Petri Legh continens tres acras terræ in tenura Johannis Fullshagh ex parte orientali et pratum de Arpeley ex parte occidentali et extendit in longitudine a duabus acris dicti Willielmi Gerard in tenura Rogeri Clerk junioris, et tenure of Margaret, late the wife of Lawrence Balfrunte, is holden, as it is supposed, by the said service, lying at the end of the town of Weryngton towards Wynwhik, lying in breadth between the way leading from Weryngton as far as Wynwhik on the west, and a field of Nicholas Blundell containing six acres of land in the tenure of Nicholas Kyngeley on the east, and extending in length from Weryngton heath towards the windmill on the north as far as the land of William Botiller in the tenure of William Chaloner on the south; all which aforesaid premises render yearly to the said Peter for chief rent sixpence. WILLIAM GERARD of Ince holds of the said Peter Legh in capite by military service five acres of arable land lying together in Arpeley field called Ince lande in breadth between three acres of meadow of the said William Gerard held of the aforesaid Peter by the said service called Ince medo on the east and land of William Botiller in the tenure of William Kyngeley on the west, and extending in length from three acres of arable land of the said William Gerard on the south as far as a certain acre of church land in the tenure of William Fletcher, and the Arpeley cartway, and various other parcels [of land] of divers other persons on the north. Also he holds of the said Peter by the said service three acres of arable land in the said Arpeley field lying in breadth between the said meadow of the aforesaid William Gerard on the east and two acres of land of the said William Botiller in the tennre of Alice, late wife of Roger Clerk the elder on the west, and extending in length from the aforesaid five acres of land of the said William Gerard on the north as far as the common ditch of the said Arpeley field on the south. Also the said William Gerard holds of the said Peter by the aforesaid service one acre of land in Arpeley aforesaid, lying in breadth between a certain croft of the said Peter Legh containing three acres of land in the tenure of John Fullshagh on the east and Arpeley meadow on the west, and extending in length from the two acres of the said William Gerard in the tenure of Roger duæ acræ prædictæ sunt le Hadebutts dictæ acræ ex parte australi usque ad pratum dicti Petri Legh continens septemdecim acras prati vocati Arpeley medo ex parte boreali. Item tenet de dicto Petro per dictum servitium tres acras prati jacentes in prædicto campo de Arpeley in latitudine inter pratum Willielmi Botiller ex parte orientali et dictas quinque acras terræ dicti Willielmi Gerard ex parte occidentali et extendunt in longitudine a prato dicti Willielmi Botiller vocato Lungeshote ex parte australi usque ad acram terræ arabilis dicti Petri in tenura Ricardi Hardewar ex parte boreali. Item tenet de dicto Petro in capite duas acras terræ in Arpeley prædicto jacentes inter dictum pratum dicti Petri Legh ex parte boreali et terram Willielmi Botiller ut supponitur ex parte australi et extendunt in longitudine a communi fossa de Arpeley ex parte occidentali usque ad prædictum croftum dicti Petri in tenura Johannis Fulshagh ex parte orientali. Item tenet unam acram terræ de dicto Petro et per dictum servitium in Arpeley prædicto, jacentem in latitudine inter terram hæredis Rogeri Arosmythe in tenura Johannis Hille ex parte orientali et terram dicti Petri Legh in tenura Johannis Hakynsall ex parte occidentali et extendit in longitudine a quadam acra terræ Ricardi Bruche in tenura Willielmi Holbroke ex parte australi usque ad terram dicti Petri Legh in tenura Johannis Fulshaghe ex parte boreali. Item tenet unam rodam prati jacentem in latitudine juxta pratum dicti Petri ex parte boreali et dictam acram terræ arabilis dicti Willielmi Gerard ex parte australi et extendit in longitudine a dicto crofto prædicti Petri in tenura Johannis Fulshaghe ex parte orientali usque ad dictum pratum dicti Petri Legh continens septemdecim acras ex parte occidentali. Item tenet de dicto Petro per dictum servitium unum burgagium vacuum jacens in le Hethestrete villæ de Weryngton continens unam rodam terræ in latitudine inter campum Johannis Wynynggton ex parte boreali et croftum dicti Petri in tenura Willielmi Kyngeley ex parte australi et extendit in longitudine a dicta Clerk the younger, and the same two acres are the hadebutts of the said acre on the south as far as the said Peter Legh's meadow, containing seventeen acres, and called the Arpeley medo, on the north. Also he holds of the said Peter by the said service three acres of meadow lying in Arpeley field aforesaid, in breadth between a meadow of William Botiller on the east and the said five acres of land of the said William Gerard on the west, and extending in length from a meadow of the said William Botiller called Lungeshote on the south as far as an acre of arable land of the said Peter in the tenure of Richard Hardewar on the north. Also he holds of the said Peter in capite two acres of land in Arpeley aforesaid, lying between the said meadow of the said Peter Legh on the north and land supposed to be William Botiller's on the south, and extending in length from the common ditch in Arpeley on the west as far as the aforesaid croft of the said Peter in the tenure of John Fullshagh on the east. Also he holds one acre of land of the said Peter, and by the said service, in Arpeley aforesaid, lying in breadth between land of Roger Arosmythe's heir in the tenure of John Hille on the east and the land of the said Peter Legh in the tenure of John Hakynsall on the west, and extending in length from a certain acre of land of Richard Bruche in the tenure of Richard Holbroke on the south as far as the land of the said Peter Legh in the tenure of John Fulshaghe on the north. Also he holds one rood of meadow lying in breadth beside a meadow of the said Peter on the north and the said acre of arable land of the said William Gerard on the south, and extending in length from the said croft of the aforesaid Peter in the tenure of John Fulshaghe on the east as far as the said seventeen acre meadow of the said Peter Legh on the west. Also he holds of the said Peter by the said service one empty burgage lying in le Hethestrete of the town of Weryngton, containing one rood of land in breadth between a field of John Wynyngton on the north and a croft of the said Peter in the tenure of William Kyngeley on the south, and extending in length from M strata de Hethe strete prædicta ex parte occidentali usque ad terram Willielmi Botiller in tenura Henrici Munke ex parte orientali. Quæ omnia prædicta reddunt dicto Petro Legh per annum de capitali redditu quatuor solidos et decem denarios, ut patet in antiquo rotulo Gilberti Haydok facto anno R. r. Ricardi secundi xi. solidos. RICARDUS PASMETHE nuper de Weryngton et hæredes sui tenent de dicto Petro Legh milite in capite per servitium militare unum messuagium cum orreo et orto in le Kyrkestrete villæ prædictæ in tenura Willielmi Hille jacentia in latitudine dicti orti et in longitudine dicti messuagii inter messuagium Willielmi Botiller in tenura Elena Munke ex parte occidentali et burgagium vacuum Johannis Norreis in tenura dicti Willielmi Hille ex parte orientali et extendunt in latitudine dicti messuagii et longitudine dicti orti a prædicta strata de Kyrkestrete ex parte boreali usque ad pratum Rogeri Arosmythe et Thomæ Hille vocatum le Downehouse medo ex parte australi. Item tenet unam acram terræ arabilis in campo de Hollay, jacentem in duabus parcellis quarum una pars jacet in latitudine inter dimidiam acram Ranulphi Rixton ex parte fere occidentali et aliam dimidiam acram in tenura uxoris Laurentii Balfrunte ex parte orientali et extendit in longitudine a quadam acra terræ dicti Ranulphi Rixton vocata le Heghe Hadeland usque ad terram Item tenet duos campos jacentes in fine boreali dicti strati vocati le Heth strete continentes quinque acras terræ arabilis cum sepibus et fossis inclusos jacentes in latitudine inter brueram de Weryngton ex parte boreali et campum Johannis Wynyngton ex parte australi et extendentes in longitudine a crofto dicti Petri in tenura Johannis Hakynsall vocato le Crymbull et alium campum dicti Johannis Wynyngton ex parte orientali usque ad dictam brueram de Weryngton versus molendinum ventriticum et versus manerium de Beawsee ex parte occidentali et unus Gilbertus de Sothewurthe et hæredes sui habent quandam acram terræ in dicto campo pro |