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et extendit in longitudine a dicto rivulo de Hoghton broke ex parte orientali usque ad terram dicti Petri in tenura dicti Willielmi Chaloner ex parte occidentali.

Item tenet aliam acram terræ vocatam le Claye akyr aliter vocatam le Qwyteakyr jacentem in latitudine inter terram dicti Petri in tenura Ricardi Sothurne ex parte orientali et terram dicti Petri in tenura prædicti Johannis Sothurne ex parte occidentali et extendentem in longitudine a prædicta terra dicti Laurencii Longtre vocata Irpuls Erthe in tenura dicti Willielmi Chaloner ex parte australi usque ad terram dicti Petri in tenura dicti Willielmi Chaloner ex parte boreali.

Item tenet tres acras terræ arabilis invicem jacentes in campo vocato Parke Fylde in latitudine inter terram dicti Petri in tenura dicti Johannis Sothurne ex parte occidentali et aliam parcellam terræ dicti Petri in tenura dicti Johannis Sothurne ex parte orientali et extendentes in longitudine a terra dicti Petri in tenura dicti Henrici Holbroke ex parte australi usque ad terram dicti Petri in tenura dicti Willielmi Chaloner ex parte boreali.

Item tenet acram terræ jacentem in campo de Overforthe vocato le Longe shote et dicto campo vocato Parke Filde jacentem in latitudine inter terram Willielmi Botiller armigeri vocatam Payns Fylde ex parte boreali et terram dicti Petri in tenura dicti Willielmi Chaloner ex parte australi et extendentem in longitudine a terra dicti Petri in tenura dicti Johannis Sothurne ex parte occidentali usque ad quandam acram dicti Petri vocatam Brokeakyr in tenura dicti Willielmi Cowper ex parte orientali. dicta reddunt dicto Petro Legh per annum ad voluntatem videlicet tresdecim solidos et quatuor denarios cum servitio unius diei implendo bigam fimalem quæ valet per annum duos denarios cum die una faciendo fœnum quæ valet per annum denarium et quatuor diebus autumpnalibus quæ valent per annum octo denarios, &c.

Quæ præ

extending in length from the said rivulet of Hoghton broke on the east as far as land of the said Peter in the tenure of the said William Chaloner on the west.

Also he holds another acre of land called le Claye akyr, otherwise called le Qwyteakyr, lying in breadth between land of the said Peter in the tenure of the said Richard Sothurne on the east and land of the said Peter in the tenure of the aforesaid John Sothurne on the west, and extending in length from the aforesaid land of the said Laurence Longtre called Irpuls Erthe in the tenure of the said William Chaloner on the south as far as land of the said Peter in the tenure of the said William Chaloner on the north.

Also he holds three acres of arable land lying together in the field called Parke fylde, in breadth between land of the said Peter in the tenure of the said John Sothurne on the west and another parcel of land of the said Peter in the tenure of the said John Sothurne on the east, and extending in length from land of the said Peter in the tenure of the said Henry Holbroke on the south as far as land of the said Peter in the tenure of the said William Chaloner on the north.

Also he holds an acre of land lying in a field in Overforthe called le Longe shote, (and the said field called Parke Filde) lying in breadth between land of William Botiller, esquire, called Payn's Fylde on the north and land of the said Peter in the tenure of the said William Chaloner on the south, and extending in length from land of the said Peter in the tenure of the said John Sothurne on the west as far as a certain acre of the said Peter called Broke akyr in the tenure of the said William Cowper on the east; which aforesaid [premises held] at will render to the said Peter Legh yearly thirteen shillings and fourpence, with one day's service at filling the dung cart, which is worth two pence yearly, with one day at hay making, which is worth yearly one penny, and four days in autumn, which are worth yearly eight pence.


RICARDUS BRUCHE tenet de prædicto Petro Legh in capite unum messuagium cum duobus ortis et quinque croftis cum una parcella prati in tenura Jacobi Sothurn jacentia in hameleto de Overforthe juxta Weryngton, quæ ortus crofta et pertinentia continent in se novem acras terræ arabilis et prati jacentia ex parte australi venellæ de Overforthe ex opposito fere messuagii prædicti Petri in tenura Willielmi Cowper et extendentia in longitudine a venella prædicta ex parte boreali usque ad quendam rivulum vocatum Rysshefelde broke currentem inter dictam terram dicti Ricardi Bruche et brueram de Weryngton ex parte australi.

dicto Petro de capitali redditu per annum.

Quæ prædicta reddunt


Item dictus Ricardus Bruche tenet de dicto Petro in capite in Overforthe prædicto alium messuagium cum orreo orto et tribus croftis cum parcella prati quæ omnia continent octo acras terræ arabilis et prati extendentes in longitudine a dicta venella ex parte boreali usque ad prædictum rivulum vocatum Rysshefelde broke ex parte australi et est ex orientali latere prædicti messuagii dicti Ricardi Bruche in tenura dicti Jacobi et dictum messuagium orreum ortus et croftum pratum sunt modo in tenura Ricardi Cowper quæ reddunt dicto Petro Legh militi per annum de capitali redditu quindecim solidos et sex denarios.


HUGO MIDILLHURST tenet de dicto Petro in capite per servitium militare infra villam de Lacheforth in comitatu Cestriæ unum


RICHARD BRUCHE holds of the aforesaid Peter Legh in capite one messuage with two gardens and five crofts with one parcel of meadow in the tenure of James Sothurn lying in the hamlet of Overforthe beside Weryngton, which garden and crofts, with their appurtenances, contain nine acres of arable and meadow land lying on the south of Overforthe lane and nearly over against a messuage of the aforesaid Peter in the tenure of William Cowper, and extending in length from the lane aforesaid on the north as far as a certain rivulet called Rysshefelde broke running between the said land of Richard Bruche and a heath of Weryngton on the south; which aforesaid [premises] render to the said Peter for chief rent yearly

Also the said Richard Bruche holds of the said Peter in capite in Overforthe aforesaid another messuage, with a barn, garden, three crofts, and a parcel of meadow, all which contain eight acres of arable and meadow land, extending in length from the said lane on the north as far as the aforesaid rivulet called Rysshefelde broke on the south and to the east of the aforesaid messuage of the said Richard Bruche in the tenure of the said James, and the said messuage, barn, croft, and meadow are now in the tenure of Richard Cowper; which [premises] render to the said Peter Legh, knight, yearly for chief rent, to wit, the before described render yearly fifteen shillings and six pence.


HUGH MIDDLEHURST holds of the said Peter in capite by military service within the town of Lacheforth in the county of Chester

messuagium cum orreo et duobus ortis et croftis eidem adjacentibus vocatum Middlehursteshowse jacens super litus aquæ de Mersee videlicet in occidentali latere, quod quidem messuagium cum orreo et crofto jacent et situantur in latitudine dicti messuagii et longitudine dictorum ortorum et croftorum inter ortum et in antiquo tempore messuagium scilicet nunc destructum per cursum aquæ prædictæ Willielmi Venables de Goldburne armigeri ex parte orientali et parvum rivulum currentem per medium dicta villæ de Lacheforthe ex parte occidentali et extendunt in longitudine dicti messuagii et latitudine dictorum ortorum et croftorum a terra sive orto jam in lite pendente inter Thomam Radyche et hæredes Johannis Adburgham infra villam de Lacheforthe prædicta modo in tenura Hugonis Smythe ex parte boreali usque ad parvam venellam ducentem a villa prædicta usque ad villam de Gropenhall ex parte australi. Et hæc prædicta tenentur de dicto Petro ut de dominico suo de Gropenhall. Quæ reddunt de capitali redditu per


1 This William Venables was probably the successor of the Thomas le Venables mentioned in the following charter (transcribed from a collection in the possession of the Shakerley family). Ego Henricus Torald capellanus remisi Thomæ le Venables filio Hugonis de Venables de Kinderton hæredibus et assignatis suis totum jus &c. in omnibus terris tenementis redditibus et possessionibus habui ex dono et feoffamento Thomæ Barker personæ ecclesiæ de in civitate Cestriæ

et [sic in the copy] Latchford juxta Warington. Habend. prædicto Thomæ et hæredibus suis in perpetuum, testibus Johanne Walsh, maiore civitatis Cestriæ, Johanne de Cotyngham, et Roberto de Eton tunc vicecomite civitatis ejusdem, Rogero de Coton, Thoma de Waley. Dat. apud Cestriam 19 Hen. VI.

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