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Item tenet aliam acram terræ vocatam le Holeakyr jacentem in latitudine inter terram dicti Petri et in tenura dicti Willielmi Cowper ex parte australi et terram dicti Petri in tenura Willielmi Chaloner ex parte boreali et extendit in longitudine a terra prædicti Petri in tenura dicti Ricardi Sothurne ex parte occidentali usque ad terram Laurentii Longtre præscriptam vocatam Irpuls Erthe in tenura dicti Willielmi Chaloner ex parte orientali. Quæ prædicta reddunt dicto Petro Legh ad voluntatem per annum septemdecim solidos et decem denarios cum servitio unius diei per annum implendo bigam fimalem quæ valet duos denarios, item una die per annum faciendo fœnum quæ valet per annum denarium cum quatuor diebus autumpnalibus quæ valent per annum octo denarios.

GILBERTUS MADUR de Overforthe prædicto tenet de dicto Petro ad voluntatatem unum messuagium cum orreo et orto cum uno crofto vocato Gale Crofte continente duas acras terræ arabilis, quæ quidem messuagium ortum et croftum jacent et situantur inter venellam de Overforthe ex parte australi et prædictam terram dicti Petri in tenura dicti Willielmi Cowper vocatam Gale Sperth ex parte boreali et extendunt in longitudine a terra dicti Petri in tenura dicti Willielmi Cowper ex parte occidentali usque ad terram dicti Petri et in tenura dicti Willielmi Chaloner ex parte orientali. Item tenet unum croftum vocatum medo hey continens unam acram at dimidiam terræ cum sepibus et fossis inclusum jacens in latitudine inter terram dicti Petri in tenura dicti Willielmi Chaloner ex parte occidentali et præscriptum rivulum de Hoghton ex parte orientali et extendit in longitudine a terra dicti Petri in tenura dicti Johannis Sothurn ex parte boreali usque ad terram prædicti Petri in tenura dicti Willielmi Chaloner ex parte australi.

Item tenet unum parvum Parrok cum sepibus inclusum jacens in latitudine inter terram dicti Petri in tenura dicti Johannis Sothurn ex parte australi et terram prædicti Petri in tenura dicti Willielmi Cowper ex parte boreali et extendens in longitudine a

Also he holds another acre of land called le Holeakyr lying in breadth between land of the said Peter in the tenure of the said William Cowper on the south and land of the said Peter in the tenure of William Chaloner on the north, and extending in length from land of the aforesaid Peter in the tenure of the said Richard Sothurne on the west as far as the before described land of Laurence Longtre called Irpuls Erthe in the tenure of the said William Chaloner on the east; which aforesaid [premises] pay to the said Peter Legh at will seventeen shillings and tenpence yearly, with the service of one day yearly at filling the dung cart, which is worth two pence, also one day a year at making hay, which is worth one penny per year, and with four days in autumn, which are worth eight pence.

GILBERT MADUR of Overforthe aforesaid holds of the said Peter at will one messuage with a barn and garden, with one croft called Gale Crofte, containing two acres of arable land, which messuage, garden, and croft lie and are situate between a lane in Overforthe on the south and the aforesaid land of the said Peter in the tenure of the said William Cowper called Gale Sperth on the north, and extending in length from land of the said Peter in the tenure of the said William Cowper on the west as far as land of the said Peter in the tenure of the said William Chaloner on the east.

Also he holds a croft called medo hey containing one acre and a half of land inclosed with hedges and ditches, lying in breadth between land of the said Peter in the tenure of the said William Chaloner on the west and the before mentioned Hoghton brook on the east, and extending in length from land of the said Peter in the tenure of the said John Sothurn on the north as far as land of the aforesaid Peter in the tenure of the said William Chaloner on the south.

Also he holds one small parrok inclosed with hedges and ditches lying in breadth between land of the said Peter in the tenure of the said John Sothurn on the south and land of the aforesaid Peter in the tenure of the said William Cowper on the north, and extend


dicto rivulo vocato Hoghton Broke ex parte fere orientali ut supponitur usque ad venellam vocatam Fawreakyr lane et dicta venella est de terra dicti Petri ex parte fere occidentali ut supponitur.

Item tenet acram terræ vocatam le Brokeakyr jacentem inter terram dicti Petri in tenura dicti Johannis Sothurn ex parte australi et terram dicti Petri in tenura Gilberti Hoggekynson ex parte boreali et extendit in longitudine a dicto rivulo de Hoghton Broke ex parte orientali usque ad terram dicti Laurentii Longtre vocatam Irpuls Erthe et in tenura dicti Willielmi Chaloner ex parte occidentali.

Item tenet aliam acram terræ jacentem in cacumine prædicti campi de Overforthe in latitudine inter terram dicti Petri in tenura prædicti Willielmi Cowper ex utraque parte australi et boreali et extendit in longitudine a dicta Irpuls Erthe ex parte orientali usque ad terram dicti Petri vocatam Merburislande in tenura Gilberti Hoggekynson ex parte occidentali.

Item tenet unam rodam terræ jacentem in dicto campo de Overforthe in latitudine inter terram dicti Petri in tenura dicti Willielmi Cowper ex parte australi et terram dicti Petri in tenura dicti Ricardi Sothurne ex parte boreali et extendentem in longitudine a terra dicti Petri in tenura dicti Henrici Holbroke ex parte occidentali usque ad terram prædicti Petri Legh in tenura dicti Willielmi Cowper ex parte orientali; quæ reddunt per annum dicto Petro et ad voluntatem undecim solidos cum servitio unius diei per annum implendo bigam fimalem quæ valet duos denarios, item una die faciendo fœnum quæ valet denarium, cum quatuor diebus autumpnalibus quæ valent per annum octo denarios.

WILLIELMUS COWPER de Overforthe prædicto tenet de dicto Petro duo messuagia invicem jacentia cum uno orreo et scilicet falda in hameleto de Overforthe prædicta in latitudine inter croftum dicti Petri in tenura dicti Henrici Holbroke ex parte occidentali et alium croftum dicti Petri in tenura dicti Willielmi ex parte orientali et extendit in longitudine a via alta quæ ducit infra hameletum prædictum ex parte australi usque ad terram videlicet

ing in length from the said rivulet called Hoghton broke towards the east to a lane called Fawreakyr lane, as it is supposed, and the said lane on the side towards the west is supposed to be the said Peter's land.

Also he holds an acre of land called le Broke akyr lying between land of the said Peter in the tenure of the said John Sothurn on the south and land of the said Peter in the tenure of Gilbert Hoggekynson on the north, and extending in length from the said rivulet [called] Hoghton broke on the east as far as land of the said Laurence Longtre called Irpuls Erthe and in the tenure of the said William Chaloner on the west.

Also he holds another acre of land lying in the upper part of the aforesaid Overforthe field in breadth between land of the said Peter in the tenure of the aforesaid William Cowper on two sides, the south and the north, and extending in length from the said Irpul's Erthe on the east as far as land of the said Peter called Merburislande in the tenure of Gilbert Hoggekynson on the west.

Also he holds one rood of land lying in the said Overforthe field in breadth between land of the said Peter in the tenure of the said William Cowper on the south and land of the said Peter in the tenure of the said Richard Sothurne on the north, and extending in length from land of the said Peter in the tenure of the said Henry Holbroke on the west as far as land of the aforesaid Peter Legh in the tenure of the said William Cowper on the east; which [premises held] at will render yearly to the said Peter eleven shillings, with the service of filling the dung cart one day in a year, which is worth two pence, also one day at hay making, which is worth one penny, with four days in autumn, which are worth eight pence.

WILLIAM COWPER of Overforthe aforesaid holds of the said Peter two messuages lying together, with a barn and a fold, in the hamlet of Overforthe aforesaid, in breadth between a croft of the said William on the east and extending in length from a highway which leads below the hamlet aforesaid on the south as far as land,

croftum dicti Petri in tenura dicti Henrici Holbroke ex parte boreali.

Item tenet unum croftum continens unam acram et dimidiam terræ ad finem orientalem dicti orrei jacens in latitudine inter dictam altam viam de Overforthe ex parte australi et quoddam croftum dicti Petri in tenura dicti Henrici Holbroke ex parte boreali et extendit in longitudine a terra dicti Petri in tenura dicti Gilberti Madur ex parte orientali usque ad terram dicti Petri in tenura dicti Henrici Holbroke ex parte occidentali.

Item tenet unam acram terræ arabilis jacentem in campo de Overforthe prædicto vocato Emmeakyr continentem in se duos puteos jacentem in latitudine inter terram dicti Petri in tenura dicti Henrici Holbroke ex parte occidentali et terram prædicti Petri scilicet in tenura dicti Henrici Holbroke ex parte orientali et extendentem in longitudine a quadam Sperthe vocata Gale Sperthe quæ ducit a domo dicti Petri in tenura dicti Willielmi Cowper usque ad terram dicti Petri vocatam Fawreakyr in tenura dicti Willielmi Cowper ex parte australi usque ad terram dicti Petri in tenura prædicti Henrici Holbroke ex parte boreali et tres tunge sharpes dictæ acræ vocatæ Emmeakyr jacentes ex transverso residuum prædictæ acræ jacent in latitudine inter terram dicti Petri et in tenura dicti Henrici Holbroke ex parte australi et terram prædicti Petri in tenura prædicti Roberti Kyngeley ex parte boreali et extendunt in longitudine a terra prædicti Petri et scilicet in tenura dicti Roberti Kyngeley ex parte occidentali usque ad terram dicti Petri et in tenura prædicti Willielmi Cowper ex parte orientali.

Item tenet præscriptum Sperthe vocatum Gale Sperthe jacens in latitudine inter terram dicti Petri in tenura dicti Gilberti Madur ex parte australi et dictam acram vocatam Emmeakyr in tenura prædicti Willielmi Cowper ex parte boreali et extendens in longitudine a terra dicti Petri in tenura dicti Henrici Holbroke ex parte occidentali usque ad terram dicti Petri in tenura dicti Ricardi Sothurne scilicet vocatam Emmeakyr ex parte orientali.

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