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discharge the duties of his responsible relation! It is not alone that society has a claim upon his fidelity, nor that his watch and counsel will promote the earthly happiness of his children, nor contribute to the felicity of his own declining life, that he is exhorted to consider the solemn trust; but more especially because a deathless soul tabernacles in the comely and beautiful body. His home may be humble in respect to the embellishments of wealth and the graces of literary refinement, from which no gifted son shall go forth to scats of science, or legislative hall, but it may furnish a better treasure to the church, and hopeful candidates for the kingdom of God. IIis humble efforts may offer to the world no pearl of genius nor gem of art, but they may add to the christian ranks "sons to be as plants grown up in their youth, and daughters as corner stones polished after the similitude of a palace." He may not be able to confer upon them a legacy of wealth, nor a world-wide fame, but his words and his prayers may secure them a title to a harp and crown of glory above.

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"Honor thy parents, those that gave thee birth,
And watched in tenderness thine carliest days,
And trained thee up in youth, and loved in all.
Honor, obey, and love them; it shall fill
Their souls with holy joy, and shall bring down
God's richest blessing on thee; and in days
To come, thy children, if they're given,
Shall honor thee, and fill thy life with peace."


THE Scriptures greatly magnify the filial relation. It occupies a prominent place in the Decalogue. Its duties are the theme of frequent discourse throughout the Word of God. The following selection of texts exhibits the impor tance which God attaches to it.

"Honor thy father and thy mother; that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee." "Cursed be he that setteth light by his father or his mother; and all the people shall say, Amen."

"My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother: Bind them continually upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck. When thou goest, it shall lead thee; when thou sleepest, it shail keep thee; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thec."

"Whoso curseth his father or his mother, his lamp shall be put out in obscure darkness."

"The eye that mocketh at his father, and despiseth to obey his mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, and the young cagle shall cat it."

"Children obey your parents in the Lord; for this is right. Honor thy father and mother, (which is the first commandment with promisc.) That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth."

In such language do the Scriptures present the claims of the filial relation. They teach children to honor, love, fear, reverence, obey, please, provide for, and make happy their parents, as well as to regard their faithful instructions and example. They speak as if the duties of this relation were exceedingly important.

this all. The penalty inflicted for the violation of the Fifth Commandment under the Jewish economy shows by its terrible severity the light in which God regards it. The fearful threatening against the sin appears in the following language. "He that smiteth his father or mother shall surely be put to death. And he that curseth his father or mother shall surely be put to death." "If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them; * And all the men of the city shall stone him with stones that he die; so shalt thou put evil away from among you, and all Israel shall hear and fear." A severe penalty, indeed, for the violation of the Fifth Commandment was this punishment of death! It is evidence that God regards the neglect or abuse of filial duties a matter of great concern. The Dispensation is changed, but the Fifth Commandment is as sacred and binding now as ever. It is as dear to God, as important to the family and the world, as it was four thou sand years ago. The Commandment has abated none of its force in the march of time, and cannot be disregarded with moral impunity now, more than it could be then.

It is conceded that all parents do not equally deserve the love and obedience of their children. There are those who are immoral, tyrannical, and even cruel-those who appear exceedingly irresponsible in respect to all their family duties -those who set a bad and even debasing example before their children those who have not the fear of God or man before their eyes-the unloving and unnatural parents, whose

influence tends to lead their offspring down to the abyss of wo —parents who ought to hang their heads for shame, and wonder God ever gave them a child. And yet, even here, the tics of nature compel children to give some heed to Divine instruction in respect to their dutics. They are not to obey their parents when obedience will conflict with the law of God. The command is, "Children, obey your parents in the Lord;" that is, so far as they do not require you to disobey God. In all the remarks that follow upon this subject, it is taken for granted that the counsels and commands of parents are in harmony with Divine requirements.

Notwithstanding the solemn injuctions of the Scriptures. relating to the subject, there is scarcely any relation of life so little regarded as the filial. It would be impossible to compute or describe the wo which has preyed upon the hearts and happiness of devoted parents in consequence of unfilial acts. Language cannot depict the sorrow which is even now "bringing down grey hairs to the grave," because of prodigals who return naught for a parents' blessings but ingratitude and rebellion. Since David wept for Absalom tears have never ceased to flow, in the closet and at the fireside, over the heartless returns that children make for parental kindness. The graves that have been filled with brokenhearted parents in past ages, would cover an empire with their mounds. And the great company to be summoned to the Judgment-scat, whose chiefest sin is a violation of the Fifth Commandment - sin enough to sink the soul to everlasting night-we might almost say in truth "no man can number."

Would that an inspiration might awaken thoughts and dictate words of sufficient power to cause every reader to feel upon a theme of such intrinsic merit! Would that every child and youth, and every person blest with a living parent might appreciate these endearing ties of nature! Would that a sense of right and duty might arrest the un

filial words and acts which even now pierce, as daggers, the fond parcatal heart! Would that the spirit of all which à embraced in the words honor, lore, confide, fear, obey, might pervade every family, and cheer the aged in their descent to the tomb!

Doubtless a lack of consideration will account for much conduct which is inconsistent with honoring parents. Yet, after excepting this, there is witnessed on every hand an alarming disrespect to parents, from the moody, surly look, to the violent word and act of insubordination. Children and youth always transgress the Divine commandment on this subject if left to themselves. And even when generally observant of it, there are many inconsiderate words and deeds that are not in keeping with due filial regard. A few of these ordinary, and, perhaps, inferior inconsistencies will be named.

Opposing the opinions of parents does not become a child in minority. To call in question advice, as if unsound or unwholesome to set up opinion in deliberate opposition to it, and discuss it as if with a tyro-companion-is not the respectful demeanor which the law of God requires. “Why require me to do this? Henry and James are not required to do thus. Other young men are not required to make an oracle of their parents. I know what is best for me. Such opinions are whims." Discussions of this character are not altogether unknown in families. And they are inconsistent with proper filial respect.

Addressing parents with pertness and irreverence is of the same character. A quick, sharp, short, uncheerful reply, with a careless, reckless manner to give it emphasis, savors of wrong in the heart. The youth does not fully appreci ate to whom he is speaking. IIe has forgotten the Fifth Commandment. How much more winning and beautiful, how much more consistent with filial duties, the consi lerate. happy and respectful address!

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