7-5-57 "§ 23. * * * And it shall be the duty of the Public Printer to carefully compare the printed acts, whether of a general, local, or private character, with the acts on file in the office of Secretary of State, so that they may, in every respect, conform in language."- Chapter 67, sec. 23, page 613, title "Laws," of the General Statutes. In compliance with the above provision of the General Statutes, the "engrossed bills" from which the Public Printer prints have been carefully compared with the "enrolled acts" on file in the office of Secretary of State. The discrepancies are noted below. JAS. A. HODGES, Contractor for Public Printing and Binding. ERRATA. Chapter 5, Senate bill, page 2, section 1, lines 7 and 9, for "judicial” read “juridical. Chapter 109, House bill, page 12, section 1, line 1, for "courts" read "court; "in section 3, line 3, after the word "court" read "in." Chapter 228, Senate bill, page 25, section 4, line 5, after the word “ Hardin read in ;" in section 11, page 28, line 1, for "taken" read "to take;" page 26, section 5, for the word "judicial," wherever it occurs, read “juridical.” Chapter 246, Senate bill, page 30, section 2, line 4, for "judicial" read "juridical," and for "such," in same line, read "each." Chapter 354, House bill, page 35, section 2, line 3, for "amount" read "account; 3, line 2, for "therefore" read therefor." " section Chapter 595, House bill, page 47, section 8, for "on a credit" read "as a credit." Chapter 638, Senate bill, page 59, section 21, line 3, for "district" read districts." Chapter 677, House bill, page 65, section 10, for "judicial,” wherever it occurs, read “juridical." Chapter 703, Senate bill, page 67, section 1, line 4, for " Fletcher" read " Letcher;" line 8, for Packet's creek" read "Pucket's creek:" line 14, for "tree read "trace;" line 27, for "Josh Tr" read "Josh Tye;" line 29, for “Jellica " read "Gallico;" section 4, omit the word "named" where it occurs the second time; section 5, line 2, after the word "any" read "mill;" same section, line 4, for "parties" read "persons." Chapter 829, Senate bill, page 81, section 1, line 2, after the word "number" read "of;" same section, line 3, for "judicial" read "juridical." 767781 |