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It is the individual quality of the Baldwin tone that attracts not only the artist seeking poetic effects, but all persons of deep feeling.

With the playing of de Pachmann, master of tone shading, and of Raoul Pugno, who demands of a piano virile strength and great depth of tone, and with the lyric triumphs of Madame Sembrich the Baldwin is closely associated.

In musical homes, the Baldwin has as strongly endeared itself.

Baldwin Upright Grand in stock cases, $500; Quarter Grand, $850. Art cases according to design and material; "Empire" shown here was $1,100. Write us for catalogue and information as to where you can hear the Baldwin. D. H. Baldwin & Co., 138 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati




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The Making of the Conover Piano


HE difference which you find in the tone qual-
ity of pianos is due very largely to the differ-
ence in their constructive features. A correctly
drawn scale, or plan, is the basis of tone; but even
with the best scale, the musical character of the piano
is dependent upon the accuracy and skill with which
the parts of the instrument are made and assembled.
The making of a piano involves a great many operations, in which
great care and experience are required to produce an instrument of high
merit. For that reason we have organized our forces so that each part
of the work is done by men trained for that particular duty. Special-
ized talent, therefore, is employed in building the Conover Pianos,
and by this means we produce instruments which not only have the
most desirable musical quality, but great durability.

Style O Upright


Aside from having a force of skilled artisans, we employ many special mechanical devices, designed and built in our own factories for our exclusive use. With these machines we are enabled to secure absolute uniformity and precision in making parts which it is necessary should be accurate to the finest degree.


Regulating the Action of a
Conover Piano

From all the elements thus skillfully made, the
piano is assembled, and to this operation the same critical care is
given, so that the completed instrument embodies, in every feature,
workmanship of the highest order.

It will interest you to examine the construction of the Conover
Piano. Outside and inside it presents evidence of the
knowledge and the splendid handicraft which combine
to give it a distinctive and surpassing musical character.
The Conover Piano is designed for the artist,
the teacher, the ambitious student, and all others who desire
an instrument which shall be satisfactory, not only in its
musical quality, but as an investment.


Working on the Sounding
Board of a Conover Piano




Chicago, Ill.

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of Conover Pianos and

other publications.

Send for our Book of Conover
Pianos Cut out the coupon and mail it to us

and we will send you FREE our
BOOK OF CONOVER PIANOS and other interesting
information about pianos.

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