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saying, "she could never do enough for her friends,” indicated, in homely style, the constant beneficence of her heart. Her sympathy was always ready and active, sometimes almost too keen for her own happiness; nor were there any, however remote from her own station in life, from whom its tender offices were withheld. I shall never forget the pang she felt at the intelligence of the death of a poor man whom she had been the means of introducing into the infirmary at Worcester. One of our most elegant writers says, "It is the finer natures only that are susceptible of remorse. In this case Mrs. W. felt it, for the poor man's removal to Worcester had placed him out of the reach of her own counsel and efforts to benefit his soul, yet she had befriended him-and doubtless did not forget, at the right time and place, his immortal interests.

"I must not omit to mention my late friend's uniform consistency. Her character was not, as character, if so it may be called, often is, a thing of fits and impulses. Take any three months of the year and compare them with any other three months, and you would find the same features, and observe the same developments. Her mind seemed to be always under an influence which composed and elevated it. Christian principle was evidently deep and abiding. In all things that she did-in every-day life-in her conversation and in her letters, there was an evident sentiment pervading her whole mind, and that sentiment was love to the Redeemer. Hence her decision, hence her cheerfulness, and hence, too, her promptitude to every good word and work. She understood what religion required; she fairly counted the cost at which she came under its influence, and never has it struck me she was unready to meet that cost. The merciful issues of her decision she now realizes! O how

* Washington Irving-though I am not sure of the terms of the expression. I quote the sentiment rather than the words.


glorious they are! She cherished a deep and intelligent love of Gospel truth, so much so as to render this love a marked feature in her character. For the truth she was prepared to make any sacrifices; and upon it her soul fed from day to day. Now she enjoys what that truth taught her to expect, and her friends may rejoice that she has gone, though they are almost disposed to think, prematurely, to share for ever in the joy of her Lord. May her beloved children tread in her steps till they reach, through the mercy she so often spoke of, "the blessedness upon which she has entered." Thus far my friend. In this neighbourhood we have known Mrs. Wood but a comparatively short time, though it has been quite long enough to develop the varied excellences of which our friend speaks. Other characteristics too were brought out during her residence in this neighbourhood; those for instance which are called for by disappointment and evil, apparently attributable more to human hands than to divine. I will not particularize, but I must say, that in these circumstances, though she felt deeply, and though I have often heard the expressions of her feeling, there was nothing unkind or unchristian in any thing she said.

She had patience to bear even wrong, and magnanimity and generosity to forgive it; and I shall not soon forget how her own sorrows in matters of this kind taught her to alleviate the sorrows others felt; but I forbear, lest I should incur the suspicion of pronouncing a eulogium, rather than attempting a faithful delineation of cha


Her death is one of the numerous triumphs of that fell disease,+ which, during the last few weeks, has filled so many of our houses with mourning.

She had rendered, for some days, kind and sympathizing service in the house of a neighbour, where probably sedulous attention in sickness had somewhat exhausted

†The Cholera.


a feeble frame, yet no perceptible inroads were made upon her own health, till Thursday the 30th ult. In the morning of that day she had called at my own house to attempt to pour in the balm of consolation to breasts saddened and torn by a severe domestic bereavement. Within an hour or two of reaching home, she was seized, and in less than ten hours, she was numbered with the dead. The cherished sayings of dying saints could not, within so short and

distressing an interval, fall from her lips. One sentence, however, she did utter-a sentence containing a volume of consolatory truth: "I am in the hands of the Lord," she said, no doubt adding in spirit, "let him do what seemeth to him good. Life or death-all is mine-for I am Christ's, and Christ is God's." May we all be partakers of her faith, and at last sharers in her triumph.


VOYAGES AND TRAVELS ROUND THE WORLD, by the REV. DANIEL TYREMAN and GEORGE BENNET, ESQ., deputed from the London Missionary Society to visit the various Stations in the South Sea Islands, Australia, China, India, Madagascar, and South Africa. Compiled from original documents, by JAMES MONTGOMERY. Snow : London. Cheap edition.

TRAVELLERS ought to be philanthropic and religious men. Some gentlemen seem to look on all but their own countrymen, with the malignity of the old Serpent. Everything foreign is wrong, or contemptible, whence they write of their brethren and sisters of other lands as if they were the most despicable of all creatures. We sometimes think, as we read the epithets with which they brand the French, Italians, Indians, Africans, and Chinese, that they have borrowed and exhausted the language of Billingsgate. The mischief done to the world, and the enmity and malice which have been awakened by this barbarous conduct, reflect but little credit on our civilization. "The French rascals," "the black scoundrels," &c., are quite classic terms compared with some that we have read. These facts attest that before our world can be right, we must baptize travellers, as well as parliament men, and others, with evangelical benevolence. In the work before us we have a beautiful specimen of what voyagers and travellers ought to be. Both of the pious individuals who constituted this deputation have now for some time “finished their course," and entered "into the joy of their Lord;" but the work before us is a monument more imperishable than marble or brass. It seemed quite in character that their friend, the poet, James Montgomery, should have been selected to arrange their manuscripts and send them to the press. One has said, "the world is full of poetry." So it is; the Muse, like the Deity, is omnipresent. Virgil, as well as the author of the " Inferno," has shown us that the most mournful scenes are not an exception. In the Travels before us, we have sympathy for man, the true " Lacrymæ rerum," and at the same time more poetry, although written in prose, than in some hundreds of volumes of rhyme and blank verse that might be named. The author of the "World before the Flood,” has here given us a touching scene of post diluvian manners, customs, and crimes. The pages are sometimes dark to a soul-thrilling extent; and one's heart would grow sick at the sight, were it not that, in the labours of our honoured brethren, the missionaries, we see the dawn of a yet bright and glorious day. We believe that this book will be read with greater interest a thousand years hence than now; that it has no lack of present attraction is best evinced by the fact, that we put it the other day into the hand of a lad, ten years old, who has ever since spent all his spare time in perusing its pages. The plates are a great addition. To quote from it is a difficult task, because all is inviting;

but as the question of the punishment of death is now stirring the public mind, we give the following as an example of the humane influence of the Gospel, as well as of the rationality and politeness which it calls forth.


These people, a few years ago, were most cruel barbarians. Look at them now. defy Europe, America, or the world, at present to produce such another Parliament. It would be an act of humanity to put the English and French senate under their tuition. "I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people, and by a foolish nation will I anger you,” are the words of holy writ.

Speeches of Hitoti, Utami, Upuparu, Tati, Pati, and of a Commoner :


"To show the spirit and candour, as well as good sense, with which the discussions were conducted, we shall furnish a sketch of some of the principal speeches delivered on the first and second day, in reference to death or banishment for murder. On the question being proposed, Hitoti, the principal chief of Pape ete, stood up, and bowing to the president and the persons around him, said: 'No doubt this is a good law,'-the proposed punishment was exile for life to a desolate island, but a thought has been growing in my heart for several days, and when you have heard my little speech you will understand what it is. The laws of England, from which country we have received so much good of every kind-must not they be good? and do not the laws of England punish murderers by death? Now, my thought is, that, as England does so, it would be well for us to do so. That is my thought.'

"Perfect silence followed; and it may be observed here that, during the whole eight days' meetings of this Parliament, in no instance were two speakers on their legs at the same time; there was not an angry word uttered by one against another; nor did any assume the possession of more knowledge than the rest. In fact, none controverted the opinion of a preceding speaker, or even remarked upon it, without some respectful commendations of what appeared praiseworthy in it, while, for reasons which he modestly but manfully assigned, he deemed another sentiment better.


"After looking round to see whether anybody were already up before him, Utami, the principal chief of Buanaania, rose, and thus addressed the president:-'The chief of Pape ete, has said well, that we have received a great many good things from the kind Christian people of England. Indeed, what have we not received from Beretane? they not send us the Gospel? But does not Hitoti's speech go too far? If we take the laws of England for our guide, then must not we punish with death those who break into a house? those who write a wrong name? those who steal a sheep? and will any man in Tahiti say that death should grow for these? No, no; this goes too far; so I think we should stop. The law, as it is written, I think is good; perhaps I am wrong; but that is my thought.'

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"After a moment or two of stillness, Upuparu, a noble, intelligent, and stately chief, stood forth. It was a pleasure to look upon his animated countenance and frank demeanour, without the smallest affectation either of superiority or condescension. He paid several graceful compliments to the former speakers, while, according to his thought, in some things each was right, and each was wrong. My brother Hitoti, who proposed that we should punish murder with death, because England does so, was wrong, as has been shown by Utami. For they are not the laws of England which are to guide us, though they are good; the Bible is our perfect guide. Now, Mitti Trutu (the missionary Crook) was preaching to us from the Scripture, 'He that sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed;' and he told us that this was the reason of the law of England My thought, therefore, is not with Utami, but with Hitoti (though not because the law

of England, but because the Bible orders it), that we ought to punish with death every one found guilty of murder.'

"There was a lively exchange of looks all through the assembly, as if each had been deeply struck with the sentiments of the speaker; especially when he placed the ground of the punishment of death, not upon English precedent, but Scripture authority. Another chief followed, and, 'rising, seemed a pillar of state,' one whose aspect, and presence, and costume of dress (richly native) made the spectators forget even him who had just set down. His name was Tati; and on him all eyes were immediately and intensely fixed, while, with not less simplicity and deference to others than those who had preceded him, he spoke thus: Perhaps some of you may be surprised, that I, who am the first chief here, and next to the royal family, should have held my peace so long. I wished to hear what my brethren would say, that I might gather what thoughts had grown in their breasts on this great question. I am glad that I waited, because some thoughts are now growing in my own breast, which I did not bring with me. The chiefs, who have spoken before me, have spoken well. But is not the speech of Upuparu like that of his brother Hitoti-in this way? If we cannot follow the laws of England in all things, as Hitoti's thoughts would perhaps lead us, because they go too far,-must we not stop short of Upuparu, because his thought goes too far likewise? The Bible, he says, is our perfect guide. It is. But what does that Scripture mean,' He that sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed?' Does not this go so far that we cannot follow it to the end, any more than we can follow the laws of England all the way? I am Tati; I am a judge; a man is convicted before me; he has shed blood; I order him to be put to death; I shed his blood; then who shall shed mine? Here, because I cannot go so far, I must stop. This cannot be the meaning of these words. But, perhaps, since many of the laws of the Old Testament were thrown down by the Lord Jesus Christ, and only some kept standing upright,—perhaps, I say, this is one of those which were thrown down. However, as I am ignorant, some one else will show me that, in the New Testament, our Saviour, or his apostles, have said the same thing concerning him that sheddeth man's blood, as is said in the Old Testament. Show me this in the New Testament, and then it must be our guide.'

"Much cordial approbation was evident at the conclusion of Tati's speech, and its evangelical appeal seemed to remove some difficulty and doubt respecting the true Scripture authority applicable to the case.

"Next rose Pati, a chief and a judge of Eimeo, formerly a high priest of Oro, and the first, who, at the hazard of his life, had abjured idolatry :-' My breast,' he exclaimed, 'is full of thought, surprise, and delight. When I look round at this House of Prayer, (for the house of God was their Parliament house) in which we are assembled, and consider who we are that take sweet counsel here together, it is to me all a thing of amazement, and a thing that makes glad my heart; Tati has settled the question; for is it not the Gospel that is our guide? and who can find directions for putting to death? I know many passages which forbid, but I know not one which commands, to kill. But then another thought is growing in my breast, and if you will hearken to my little speech, you shall know what it is. Laws to punish those who commit crime are good for us. But tell me, why do Christians punish? Is it because we are angry, and have pleasure in causing pain? Is it because we love revenge, as we did when we were heathens? None of these; Christians do not love revenge; Christians must not be angry; they cannot have pleasure in causing pain. Christians do not, therefore, punish for these. Is it not that, by the suffering which is inflicted, we may prevent the criminal from repeating his crime, and frighten others from doing as he has done to deserve the like? Well, then,

does not everybody know that it would be a greater punishment to b banished for ever from Tahiti, to a desolate island, than just, in a moment, be put to death? And could the banished man commit murder again there? And would not others be more frightened by such a sentence than by one to take away his life? So my thought is that Tati is right, and the law had best remain as it has been written.'

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"One of the Taata rii, or little men, a commoner, or representative of a district, now presented himself, and was listened to with as much attention as had been given to the lordly personages who preceded him. He said; As no one else stands up, I will make my little speech, because several thoughts have been growing in my breast, and I wish you to hear them. Perhaps every thing good and necessary has been said already by the chiefs; yet, as we are not met to adopt this law or that law, because one great man or another recommends it, but as we, the Taata rii, just the same as the chiefs, are to throw all our thoughts together, that out of the whole heap the meeting may make those to stand upright which are best, whencesoever they come; this is my thought. All that Pati said was good; but he did not mention that one reason for punishing (as a missionary told us when he was reading the law to us in private) is to make the offender good again, if possible. Now, if we kill a murderer, how can we make him better? But if he be sent to a desolate island, where he is all solitary, and compelled to think for himself, it may please God to make the bad things in his heart to die, and good things to grow there. But if we kill him, where will his soul go?'

"Others spoke to the same purport, and in the result, it was unanimously determined that banishment, not death, should be inflicted on murderers. It followed, of course, that the extreme exercise of magisterial power, to take away life, was excluded from every other case."

These are the people whom the French propose to protect and educate. Were a copy of the proceedings above put into the hands of our own legislators, the members of French and American assemblies, it would do much good. Why, even "France would learn politeness in Tahiti."

We have several other works for Review, but our space this month is occupied. We wish to assure the authors and others who have favoured us with their publications, that we hope to do them justice. We believe in "a good time coming," and we shall be happy to aid the circulation of any publication adapted to hasten on "the latter day glory."


We have long thought that something of this kind is wanted, and especially as many of our readers may not be able to wade through The Quarterly, The Edinburgh, The Westminster, The British, The North British, The Biblical, and The Eclectic Reviews. We hope to take up this subject next month, and give a brief account of the character of some of these publications, and the influence they are exercising on society.



It is intended, as soon as we can arrange, to give a monthly digest of Missionary Intelligence generally, including a brief account of the present state of all our Missionary Societies. We say our," for we look on all evangelical Missions as the most vital part of the true Church, to which we aspire to belong. Next to Christ, our affections are set on the one catholic family, of which he is the Head, and therefore we sympathize with all its movements as far as they accord with the Word of God. Their prosperity or adversity

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