It is a source of unfeigned joy that by the ministry of the word 114 persons have been induced to join themselves to the Lord by a perpetual covenant, many of whom were converted by its power in this sanctuary, and all of whom had not made any previous public profession of their faith: and proves that notwithstanding the unusual losses our church has sustained by deaths and removals, yet God has not left us without testimony to his word. Some of these new members are babes in Christian knowledge and experience, but as such they are affectionately commended to your sympathy and prayers; while others have entered upon various spheres of Christian usefulness, under the persuasion that no member can neglect the labour for which he is fitted in the Church, without incurring the displeasure of Him whose favour is life. Many deaths have been alarmingly sudden. The king of terrors came to some of our Brethren like a thief in the night, as little looked for, but not as unwelcome. Through prayer, and the supply of the spirit of Jesus Christ, their souls were cheered with the prospect of glory. Some appeared as if God "gilded their bed of death with beams from heaven:" one peacefully declared, "Behind a frowning providence, He hides a smiling face." And in six hours from the attack, her spirit took flight into the arms of her Saviour. All left some testimony to mourning relatives that "They sleep in Jesus, and are blessed." The same Comforter has soothed the widow's heart, and given the fatherless an assured hope, that He who was their father's God, will also be their God. Two of the deceased members have specially endeared themselves to us by their piety and devotedness. One was David Howard, who for many years was our organist, but who in addition to the duties of this station, was a superintendent of one of our Sunday-schools till within a few years of his death, and a devoted teacher from his early years. He acted also as one of the first Secretaries to the Bible Association formed in this congregation. He was famous among us for Christ-like affection—a spirit of prayer-a cheerful countenance—and active habits. There was a savour of godliness about his whole character, which left an example worthy of close imitation. The other is George Elisha Newth, a surgeon of extensive practice. He was taken from us by cholera, in the zenith of his activity and usefulness. As the punctual Secretary to the Centenary Fund —as an entertaining and instructive Lecturer to our young friends—and as a ready coadjutor in every good work, he proved that while his time was almost incessantly occupied in the duties of his profession, his heart was devoted to the interests of this church. His loss among us will be severely felt, especially among the poor, who formed a weeping congregation at his funeral, each testifying, "He was a succourer of many, and of myself also." All the members who have emigrated were actively engaged in our Sundayschools. Two of them were Superintendents of our Ragged-schools: and we trust they are gone to Australia as salt among the population, to help to preserve it for Emmanuel. The Young Ladies' Bible Class formed under the care of our devoted friend Mrs. Sherman, has been conducted by the Pastor with great indications of the divine blessing; the number in attendance has considerably augmented. The monthly social meetings of members with the Pastor and Elders have afforded pleasant opportunities of Christian converse and prayer, and yielded much edification and comfort. During the eight years in which the monthly communion cards have been used, their value has been increasingly felt in promoting the order and comfort of the Church. By this practice, the names and residences of the members become annually corrected in the register-all the members come into direct communion, at least, once in a year, with the Elders. Every time a member attends the ordinance of the Lord's Supper is known, and his absence detected; the number of members is reduced annually to those in actual attendance; and inquiry is instituted concerning those whose sickness or backsliding occasion their non-attendance at the Lord's Supper, who would otherwise be scarcely known. These benefits are recited to stimulate you to assist the officers by your own punctuality in applying for, and by your own regularity in using, these helps to order and discipline. Of our ministerial members, the Rev. J. Baxter has been set apart lately to the pastorship of a Christian Church at Weston-super-Mare, with a prospect of great usefulness. Mr. Gladstone is to be ordained during this month, over the Congregational Church at Horncastle. Mr. John Barfield having just finished his studies at Cheshunt College, with great credit and assiduity, and having taken his degree at the London University, is settled at Newport, in Monmouthshire, where his labours have been greatly appreciated by the people, and owned of God. Interesting accounts have been received of our aged brother, the Rev. J. Barff, a long-tried missionary in the South Seas, and of our younger brother, the Rev. John Gilfillan, a missionary in Hong Kong, to the Chinese: both of whom are pursuing an honourable and useful course. Mr. J. R. Robjohns, as a home missionary, is very acceptable at his station. Two young men are studying under one of our more learned members, to prepare them for entrance in Cheshunt College, and have made commendable progress. Then follows a detail of the present state of the various societies connected with the Chapel, and the report thus concludes: Thus we bring before you a statement "not clear nor dark"-not the bright sunshine of unclouded prosperity, nor the utter darkness of adversity and despair. Much may be done to improve every department of our operations for accelerating the cause of God. May He give us wisdom to use those means best adapted, and a steady perseverance that will "not grow weary in well doing." The piety of every member-its reality, increase and power-in the family, closet, and in all the ordinary walks of life, is the thing at which we must aim. is the dishonour of any people, and as holiness is the peculiar glory of our God, so let it be our ambition to be holy as he is holy. "Wherefore, beloved Brethren, be ye stedfast, immoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." Sin HAWKSTONE HALL. In the Waterloo Road, near Waterloo Bridge, London, and almost adjoining the entrance to the station of the South Western Railway, stood a building with no external architectural beauty, with this inscription over its central window, "True Temperance Hall;" but instead of true temperance, it had been converted into a low dancing-room, and was in danger of becoming a great nuisance to the neighbourhood. By the good providence of God, a mortgage upon it was called in, and the property was obliged to be sold. The congregation at Surrey Chapel bought it for the sum of £1000, and have expended £900 more in enlargements, alterations, and embellishments. In the basement are four large rooms, for the residence of a Hall Keeper; for Committee meetings, and for apparatus for refreshment at tea, and other meetings. On the ground floor, there are two large rooms, right and left of a noble entrance, one of which is occupied by a Savings' Bank, the other as a Committee room when large meetings are held. At the end of the passage is a much larger room, capable of accommodating 200 persons. The large upper room, which will seat almost 450 persons, is 26 feet high, and beautifully fitted up. It was purchased and fitted up as a memorial of the centenary of the birth of the Rev. Rowland Hill, where education might be carried on, and other useful institutions for the working classes promoted. Already there is a Sunday-school of nearly 200 children, a Temperance Society of considerable influence, a Savings' Bank for the district, a Class for Singing, all in prosperous operation. Lectures also have been given by the Christian Instruction Society to Mechanics, by eminent ministers, on Monday evenings, which have been attended by such crowds that numbers have retired who could not gain admittance. The Committee have therefore determined to continue the course as soon as the new year commences, with hope of saving benefit to many. Other plans are before the Committee, which if the public support by their liberality, will no doubt make Hawkstone Hall a blessing to that populous district. OBITUARY. SKETCH OF THE LATE MRS. MARY ANN WOOD, WIFE OF THE REV. JOHN WOOD, OF WALWORTH, From a Sermon occasioned by her decease, preached at West Street Chapel, Walworth, BY THE REV. SAMUEL GREEN. OUR beloved friend, whose sudden removal occasions this mournful service, had received in early life the truths, and delighted in the hopes, of which I have been speaking. Of that early life I am not able, from my own knowledge, to give you any account, and perhaps if I were able, I should regard as imperative on me a prohibition under which I believe she very solemnly laid my esteemed brother and her family, to say nothing, or next to nothing of her after her decease. It will be quite enough to intimate that she was in her youth a member of the Church of England; that her history up to the time of her conversion to God, was similar to that of multitudes of other intelligent, amiable, and sprightly young ladies moving in a similar sphere, and that no pains or expense was spared upon her education. It was about twenty-nine years ago that, at the solicitation of some excellent friends, she went to listen to a sermon by a young and talented minister in the Connexion to which her weeping husband pertains, which sermon under God was the means of deepening impressions she had often felt, and giving a new direction to her thoughts and feelings. She was aware previously that she was a sinner in the sight of God, and she had sometimes been deeply concerned at the knowledge. The fear of judgment had terrified her, but now, though she was brought to see more than ever her sin and helplessness, the Saviour was revealed as "mighty to save," and as no less willing; and she betook herself to him at once. Whether her convictions were what is called very deep and painful ere she found relief, whether she passed through a long and distressing period of mental anxiety ere the hope of the Gospel shed its influence over her heart, I am not able to state, nor indeed should I be much concerned to state it, if I were able. Such seasons of darkness and fear, though unquestionably useful in after life in many points of view, are not at all essential in Christian experience, and they are very often occasioned by ignorance and unbelief. Did we at once receive Christ Jesus as our Saviour, as our reconciler to God, and our only Lord and King, our peace would be instantaneous, and our hope joyful. him we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of our sins." "In This blessed truth our late friend was brought to understand and to rely upon; and as the result, from that time her life was cheerfully devoted to the service of him on whose mercy she was thus brought to depend. It will not be needful here to say much of the seven years that intervened between this spiritual change in the history of our friend, and her becoming the wife of your esteemed pastor, who was then but just entering upon the duties and responsibilities involved in the ministration of the gospel of Christ. Enough, that with endeared youthful associates she was ready to every good word and work. Some still thankfully remember, we hope many will imitate and even excel, the zeal, and activity and kindliness of our deceased friend's engagements during this season of youthful buoyancy and ardour. My brother cherishes, as well he may, an affectionate and grateful remembrance of the very efficient sympathy and aid she has never failed to afford him during the twenty-two years of their connexion. The Up to about seven years since the sphere of labour occupied by my brother was comparatively limited. It was in the delightful vicinity of Great Malvern in Worcestershire, where, though the cares of a family began to multiply upon Mrs. W., she found time and heart for services to the cause of Christ, which in her esteem were more honourable and happy than the most dignified worldly station could have laid upon her. young especially occupied her thoughts, and among letters of hers, which a kind friend of my own, who somewhat intimately knew Mrs. W. for twenty years past has put into my hands, there are several expressions of this deep solicitude. From one letter written, not indeed to a young person, but to an old servant in her parent's family, a sentence or two shall be quoted, as illustrative of this affectionate solicitude. had learned that this servant was ill, and she writes to her; "I wept very much, and thought I did not know how to part with you. If I were convinced that you had become a child of God, renouncing your She own righteousness, and seeking that which is to be found in Christ alone, I could say respecting you,' Not my will but God's!'" The letter goes on in a strain of evangelical simplicity and earnestness, to set forth the condition of the esteemed servant to whom it was addressed, as a sinner, and to entreat her at once to betake herself to the Saviour. "Do you ask, How shall I come? I answer just as you are, with all your plague, sores, wants, miseries, that Christ may cleanse, heal, and save you, for it is his blood that cleanseth from all sin. Do not think to do any thing yourself first, and then go to him. No, you can do nothing but sin."-" Perhaps you would tell me, you would like to be saved by Christ, yet know not how to come to him. You feel emotions and desires after him, but cannot tell how to express them, that when you would pray you do not know how to utter your desires. Be of good cheer, my dear friend, Jesus the merciful Saviour, esteems it his glory to have compassion on the ignorant; only give yourself up to him for teaching, pardon, salvation, and everlasting life, and you shall have it. When you read, and when you work, if words appropriate, as you think, to prayer, fail you, sigh after him; he will not reject the sighing of the contrite. I am often reduced to this necessity; I need that others pray for me; I will not cease in my prayers on your behalf, nor will my husband." In some such manner as this did our late dear friend endeavour to bring sinners to the Saviour whom she loved, giving ample evidence that she was eminently fitted to be a pastor's wife, and thus enhancing, I may be permitted to say, your loss, as well as that of her beloved husband and family, in her sudden removal. Besides efforts in this way, and in others equally beneficial, though unconspicuous, the usefulness and appropriate sphere of a pastor's wife is at home, and in her own family. Mrs. Wood's prudence and good sense were as worthy of observation as her piety and benevolence. She uniformly acted under the feeling that a minister's wife, while she should be an example to the flock among which her lot is cast, should be especially valued at home. My dear friend, to whom I have already made reference, as having placed sundry letters of Mrs. W.'s in my hands, adds, in sending them, a characteristic notice or two of the departed, which I will indulge myself in quoting. She says, "I well remember the impression which intercourse with dear Mrs. W. left, and never more strongly than on my very pleasant visit to her in February last. [My friend was dividing a short visit to London between my own house and my brother Wood's.] It seemed as if another life ran parallel to the present, and that she was always conscious that at any moment the summons to cross from the one to the other might be heard. During my last visit I was struck, almost startled, on perceiving how loose, with all her warm affections, was her grasp on this world. She seemed ready to join her beloved parent [her mother] so lately removed. I should be inclined to say few were so ready for a call hence. "And yet very few have entered into home-life with warmer feelings, if with feelings so warm. As a wife and mother, and daughter, I have seen her in happiness and under trial. One of the sweetest pictures of domestic life might often be beheld at her fireside. The venerable grandmamma, the wife, the husband, the daughters, all with hearts overflowing with love to each other, and vieing in the successful attempt to make one another happy, and to convey a portion of that happiness into the bosom of the guest who might happen to be of the party. Few firesides were more lovely. My late friend, too, as a friend, was uniformly warm, untiring, and prompt, in every expression of kindness-expressions moreover, beyond the common run of kindnesses. The old |