THE HARVARD GRADUATES' MAGAZINE VOLUME XXVIII. 1919-1920 VE RI TAS PUBLISHED BY The Harvard Graduates' Magazine Association BOSTON, MASS. Copyright, 1919 and 1920, By THE HARVARD GRADUATES' MAGAZINE ASSOCIATION. The Riverside Press, Cam. For the term ending in 1920. Owen Wister, '82, of Philadelphia, Pa. James Duncan Phillips, '97, of Topsfield, Mass. Arthur Adams, '99, of Quincy, Mass. For the term ending in 1921. Chester Noyes Greenough, '98, of Cambridge, Mass. For the term ending in 1922. William Cowper Boyden, '86, of Chicago, IU. EDITORS OF THE MAGAZINE, Arthur Stanwood Pier, '95, Editor. William Bennett Munro, g '99, University Editor. AP #339 6733 v. 28 |