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Agricultural systems of political economy, Smith's views

of, 202 ff.

Analysis vs. synthesis, v

Anderson, J. P., bibliography of A. Smith, 34, 65
Approbation, place of, in Smith's theory, 46, 50, 82

Argument of this book, 21, 24, 66, 77, 155 ff., 196 ff., 238
Arts and Science, Congress of, v, 64

Bacon, Lord, 28


Bagehot, W., on The Wealth of Nations, 61, 67, 68, 70 ff.,

77, 101, 103, 104, 183

Bax, E. B., edition of The Wealth of Nations, 65

Bellamy, E., 86

Bentham, J., 204, 237

Böhm-Bawerk, E. von, 141, 159

Boisguillebert, P. L. P. de, 195

Bonar, J., 29

Burke, E., 26

Butler, W. A., 27


Cannan, E., edition of Smith's lectures, 26, 59, 204

[blocks in formation]

Capital, economics and sociology of, 155-80

Capital, ways of employing; Smith's classification, 176 ff.

Capitalism, genius of, 2

Capitalists, Smith's suspicions of, 153, 154

Capitalists, social justification of, 129

Capitalization or consumption, Smith's doctrine of, 168 ff.
Capital vs. labor, economic not social antithesis at Smith's
time, 100, 128

Classical economics, 4, 10, 16, 23, 24, 67 ff., 147; assumption
of paramount worth of wealth, 148, 199; defection of,
from Smith's moral standards, 139, 148; statical
presumptions of, 138, 200 ff.; vs. democracy, 145 ff.,
215; vs. socialism, 131, 143 ff.; vs. social philosophy,

Communist manifesto, 110

Congress of arts and science, v

Consumption vs. capitalization, Smith's doctrine of, 168 ff.
Consumption vs. production, 3, 79

Cossa, L., 28, 64

Customary price vs. "natural" price, 122 ff.

Customary vs. natural rights, 123 ff.


Darwin, C., 57, 237

Debts, public, Smith's views on, 233

Democracy vs. classical economics, 145 ff.; vs. privilege,
principle at issue between, 123 ff.; vs. property, 153

Descartes, 28, 40, 236

Distribution, social problem of, 166

Dividends, Smith's denial that they are reward of labor,

118, 150

Division of labor, effects of, 85 ff.

Dyer, L., 64


Economic history, methodological relations of, 17-19
Economics, literature of, 64

Economics and sociology, vi, vii, 3, 8, 10, 14, 23, 64, 65, 77,
144 f., 146, 156, 196 ff., 209 ff., 218 ff., 223, 232, 235 ff.
Economic theory, necessary reconstruction of, 179, 180
Economic vs. sociological interpretation of history, 181-87
Economists, early; humane purpose of, vi

Economists, have they regarded themselves as compe-
tent guides of conduct, 72

Entail, historic reasons for, 185

Epictetus, 39

Equality of endowments, Smith's theory of, 93


Finance, national, methodological relations of, 20

Finance, Smith's doctrines of, 28

Fisher, I., 160


George, H., 143

German vs. English economics, 10

Germany, policy of, with respect to “unearned increment,”


Gournay, J. C. V. de, 195

Grotius, H., 28

Haldane, R. B., 34, 53, 65


Hamilton's edition of D. Stewart's works, 25

Hartley, D., 27

Hasbach, W., 5, 27, 28, 29

Hegel, G. W. F., 113, 237

Hirst, F. W., Life of A. Smith, 26, 35, 39, 61, 62

Hobbs, T., 28, 104

Hume, D., 27, 28, 34, 37, 236

Hutcheson, F., 27, 28


Impartial observer, Smith's theory of, 39, 63

Inequality, Smith's theory of social responsibility for, 93

[blocks in formation]

Justice, means of defraying costs, 212 ff.

Justice, Smith's theory of, 54, 55, 59

Kant, I., 29, 211, 236


Kidd, B., 86


Labor as norm of value, Smith's views of, 104 ff., 127, 140,

149 ff., 203

Labor as title to income, Smith's views, 174 ff.

Labor, economics and sociology of, 79-154, 203

Labor vs. capital, economic not social antithesis at Smith's
time, 100, 128

Laborers, Smith's views about their defective attention to
their own interests, 150, 153, 154

Laissez-faire doctrine, fallacy of, 186 ff.; meaning of,
154, 186, 187, 191 ff.; Smith's relation to, 215

Landlords, social justification of, 129, 150

[blocks in formation]

Manchester School, 32

Marginal theory, 102

Market vs. natural price, Smith's theory of, 121 ff.

Marx, K., 98, 99, 100, 107, 110–13, 116, 126, 128, 130, 131,
132, 137, 146, 235

McCullock, J. R., 198

Mercantilists, Smith's views of, 189 ff., 201 ff.

Mill, J. S., vii, 11, 12, 21, 55, 56, 69, 72, 98, 139, 171, 182
Millar, J., 32

Miller, A. C., 64

Money, Smith's theory of, 95 ff., 193 ff.

Montesquieu, C., 28, 33, 230

Moral judgments, Smith's theory of sources, 46

Moral philosophy, non-social in eighteenth century, 48
Moral philosophy, relation to the social sciences, viii, 3,
4, 8, 11, 15, 20, 22

Morals, problem of, 56
Mun, T., 192


Natural vs. customary rights, 123 ff.

Natural vs. market price, Smith's theory of, 121 ff.
Neurath, W., 62

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Parsimony, Smith's theory of, 172 ff.

Persons, the central concept in social science, 4
Physiocrats, Smith's relation to, 14, 28, 195
Plato, 206

Political economy, Smith's dictum of object, 227
Price, Smith's theory of, 97 ff., 116 ff.

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